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QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

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FMR said:
"Vive le Québec...Vive le Québec Libre" - Général de Gaulle,  July 24  1967.

The Milice are equipped and trained by former Canadian forces :
- Rucksack
- Smallpack
- Combat Radio
- Body Armour
- tactical vest
- Ballistic eyewear
- Boots
- Parka
- Helmet
- Combat hat
- Flashlight
- Knife (bayonet)
- Ration Pack
- Map
- Compass
- Ect...

Most of it provided by... the Canadian government.

FMR said:
The only difference between Canadian Forces and the Milice they don't have vehicle or real weapon.

No real weapons eh... I guess you don't really need those to be an effective fighting force.  ::)
Go back to your training area camping ground.

If you are part of that organisation, how about you quit the Reserves... you are a disgrace to the CF.
FMR said:
The Milice are equipped and trained by former Canadian forces :

Training an illegal group of men, who are armed, if people think this is some ghey group of airsofters, you're wrong.

Training a private militia for any type of tactical reason, using firearms, etc should be against the law, especially these days.

How any fomer CF member, who is a true Canadian patriot can do this is beyond me.

Overwatch Downunder said:
How any fomer CF member, who is a true Canadian patriot can do this is beyond me.

OWDU......not all former CF members have left the military by their own free will, if you know what i mean.
I know, but still.  >:(

Although I no longer live in Canada, I am still proud to be Canadian. When I lived there for the first 35 years of my life, I was a Canadian before I was a Saskatchewaner.

In this case with this illeagal paramilitary force, it looks like this group has its allegiance to a region of a country, not the country.

Either way, thats sad.


FMR said:
"Vive le Québec...Vive le Québec Libre" - Général de Gaulle,  July 24  1967.

The Milice are equipped and trained by former Canadian forces :
- Rucksack
- Smallpack
- Combat Radio
- Body Armour
- tactical vest
- Ballistic eyewear
- Boots
- Parka
- Helmet
- Combat hat
- Flashlight
- Knife (bayonet)
- Ration Pack
- Map
- Compass
- Ect...

The only difference between Canadian Forces and the Milice they don't have vehicle or real weapon.

Anyone want to play pick out the controlled items? If they are using issued Canadian Rats, well, that's item manager controlled. NVG's, I'm sure that's another. Of course there is the CADPAT issue that always rears it's ugly head here. There are some things that can be acquired from surplus stores, other items are stolen. If this, Militia is using stolen kit I'd love to see them in the clink. That'd be swell I think.
You can go to the group's home page and find a lot of stuff for sale in their Boutique. They even have a section where you can donate to the cause, anywhere from $50 to $1000. The prices they charge for the stuff are pretty steep, I guess it goes right into the "General Fund", or maybe not.

Edited to add.
I just found a good one, a laundry bag for 11 bucks.
Overwatch Downunder said:
How any fomer CF member, who is a true Canadian patriot can do this is beyond me. 

Unfortunately, the two terms 'CF member' and 'Canadian patriot' are not always directly related...

With respect to the kit.... the stuff is available amongst other places at CP gear.
I do not believe they have access to a back door @ the Base QM.

As far as being trained by former CF members.... we have tons of people who, after taking their DP1 trade training - bail out of the CF - both Reserve & Regs.  I would venture that these are the "instructors" who are doing such proud service.

I must say.. I love their use of the term "boonie hat" for their soft cap.  It's soooo french :P

Their "major" is a loose canon - he's been arrested and has a criminal record for doing such "winner" things as being caught carrying explosives to a demonstration - on a subject I can't remember...  but for which explosives were totaly "out to lunch".

I should also point out that the article in the press about this militia.... was written by the major himself.....
They must be planning some forays into warm countries as well, they have Bermuda combat shorts for sale, I find that bizarre. But the best bit of kit is the camo wife beater shirt.
kkwd said:
They must be planning some forays into warm countries as well, they have Bermuda combat shorts for sale, I find that bizarre. But the best bit of kit is the camo wife beater shirt.

Hmmm, Quebec Colonialism anyone? Or maybe there just planning on offering assistance to some of those Latin American countries?
Going witht he United Cutlery Rambo knife was okay I guess;



As you can see the prototype had 14 teeth, while the issued one was decided on 12.


Yours appears to have 14, so I would surmise is a cheap knock off.


But I would have gone with something a little more flamboyant; like this


Kilgorin™ Sword of Darkness

Adds more pizzaz to your parades....



FMR said:
the symbolic combat knife, each member have this knife (only symbolic).

Nothing says credibility like a "symbolic" Rambo knife.    ::)
the 48th regulator said:
But I would have gone with something a little more flamboyant; like this


Kilgorin™ Sword of Darkness

Adds more pizzaz to your parades....




Tess, I wonder if, when I finally do CFR the CO would ever entertain me having one of those on a parade... Oh, nope... Flight of fantasy now gone. I even ask that question, and the duty list would get really really short for a while.
Don't forget the CBLA.


I would like to invite all clan members and friends to come and frag with us. :)


The Cape Breton Liberation Army (CBLA) has fought, and will continue to fight, for the right of "Capers" and other repressed people, to attain social and political justice


CBLA seeks an end to political association with the Dominion of Canada and it's Province of Nova Scotia, long the cause of conflict, injustice and division in Cape Breton.

And they're taking applications too:

------------------------ cut here -----------------------

                        CAPE BRETON LIBERATION ARMY


Email Address:___________________________________________

Qualification for membership and rank are dependent upon your fire power, monitary donation OR HOW WELL GENERAL CABOT LIKES YOU.

Check One Box:

[  ] General - Tank or $500,000

[  ] Colonel - Helicopter or $250,000

[  ] Major   - Truck or $125,000

[  ] Captain - Automatic Assault Weapon - $10,000

[  ] I believe General Cabot to be a  great man (Major's Rank)

[  ] I believe General Cabot to be a good man (Captain's Rank)

Note: There are no ranks below "Captain" in the CBLA

------------------------ cut here -----------------------
Ex-Dragoon said:

down with da causeway b'ye!

Ah, Capers, now there's a militaristic band ready to defend their land, and not just with symbolic knives either (though I suppose the odd skean dhu on the Island counts for having that too):

Royal Cape Breton Air Force: Nothing written on CFS Sydney could be considered complete without reference to the RCBAF. This august organization was officially founded on 25 April 1956 on the occasion of an Officers Mess Dinner honoring the departure of a native Cape Bretoner, F/O SB Roach. Prior to that time the RCBAF had existed only as an intangible morale factor in the life of Station Sydney.

One must remember that Cape Breton has a special place in the annals of aviation history. After all, the first powered flight in Canada and the British Empire took place on 23 February 1909 at Baddeck Bay. On that occasion, JAD McCurdy flew the Silver Dart a distance of a half mile at a height of about thirty feet. In addition, in the early days, CFS Sydney, located as it is somewhat off the beaten track, received relatively few visitors from Headquarters Staff Officers. Consequently, an in-house jocular clich‚ developed that CFS Sydney was running its own Air Force and only paying lip service to the official RCAF hierarchy. Out of this grew the shape of the RCBAF as the personification of Air Force operations in the Cape Breton area, as practiced by Station Sydney. Doing things RCBAF style came to be synonymous with doing things differently and at least one cut better than any run-of-the-mill RCAF organization. This special RCBAF flair, a result of the Cape Bretoners natural independence and pride combined with our insular location, is soon imparted to the new arrival. In this context, the FCBAF organization has become more and more a real entity and the focal point for morale on the Station.

On the 25 April 1956, at the aforementioned farewell do, it was decided to give the RCBAF some tangible form and F/O Roach was therefore presented with the first membership scroll. This unique item was individually prepared, and from it, the final and current membership scroll was developed in printed form. However, the rather irreverent wording of the present scroll preserves the sentiment and sense of the original.

Originally, membership was to be restricted to RCAF members of the Officers Mess, Station Sydney, who had served at least six months at the Station. Since then provisions have been made to include Associate Members, and visiting Officers. On the 31 May 1956 on the occasion of A/V/M Wrays visit, the first Air Officer Commanding (AOC) to inspect CFS Sydney, honorary membership was devised to pay special recognition to distinguished visitors.

Evolution being what it is, the organization could not remain static and certain customs and traditions were incorporated. To cite several examples: the establishment of an RCNAF Mess Kit Mess Dress with the Cape Breton tartan bow tie instead of a mundane black one; special rum toast to the RCBAF in the true highland fashion all present, climbing onto their chairs with the right foot upon the table, reverently saying Chimo The RCBAF; the embodiment of the motto Nil Illegitimus Carboron Dum, translated Dont let the bastards grind you down; the replacement of the usual farewell mugs, with a sword which the faithful use to protect the homeland in times of great crises: the retention of former RCAF ranks on the scroll is another innovation; and finally the establishment of the office of Honorary Marshall of the RCBAF. To qualify for this exalted position one must be male, a Cape Bretoner and a member of the Officers Mess with a minimum of fifteen years continuous employment at CFS Sydney. Such customs and traditions only gave voice to the undefinable spirit which is the RCBAF something more than a mere esprit de corps. The good humored spirit, although somewhat impertinent, provides the focus for the RCBAF Station Sydney, as it is, THE BEST!

By the time this Issue appears in print, the RCBAF will have celebrated its 20th anniversary with a reunion and Mess Dinner scheduled for 24 April 1976.

--This article was written by Lt. JE Fitzgerald and was published in C&E Newsletter 1976/2.

As an esteemed member of the RCBAF, I can attest to the effectiveness of Capers to accept visitors and win them over (with large quantities of alcohol, no less).  Maybe this "nouveau FLQ" needs to use tourism and Carnival as their path to victory, rather than allusion (illusion)of bombings and territorial defence against imaginary threats.
Michael O`Leary said:
Maybe this "nouveau FLQ" needs to use tourism and Carnival as their path to victory, rather than allusion (illusion)of bombings and territorial defence against imaginary threats.

Well, they do have the highest per capita number of strip bars in all the land, if not the continent, and that no doubt is an invaluable asset with which to disarm foes from beyond the province's borders; not to mention a reliable source of hard foreign currency.
FMR said:
Seriously do you kinding me.."Canada is not against the French"...learn the History of Quebec from the Quebec version not Ottawa version.

Here what the reaction of Ottawa against Quebec FLQ and separatist.  Over 14.000 soldiers in Montreal/Quebec and different strategic point around quebec in an area of 550 square km. The Quebec Militia don't want another kind of problem like that in Quebec soil..i understand the point of a militia but in same time isn't a good image for Quebec.

You are entitled to your opinions, but frankly... what your writing on this board reminds me why I am ashamed to live in Quebec.

Some people, maybe like you, are acting as whiners and it's very sad.
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