Ok, Question... I have 25 months 1 day and 5 hours until I apply (socking cash away and getting fit if you need to know) and have been reading this thread and have a question...
I currently have a rowing machine, eliptical, trx, pull up bar, 20lb kettlebell (will be getting a stackable one too), foam roller and some light rubber bands. My work out is split;
Day 1: upper body
Day 2: lower body/core
Day 3: cardio
Day 4:rest/intermittent fast
Now on my upper body and lower body days I train to failure, on my cardio my IB band holds me back. Now I do stretches for my IB band 7 days a week in some way, shape or form.. but right now I'm more concerned with pushups... I can't do any and am reading about greasing the groove... but my understanding is I should only do pushups on the upper body day in order not to over train them and not progress... or is it because I wont go to failure on the other days it is ok? After my upper body days I'm good and sore for 2 or 3 days afterwards, so makes me think I should avoid pushups am I correct or wrong? I am also 6 foot 4 inch, 256 lbs now, down from 270... should I keep my program and focus on cutting fat and the pushups will come? I want to sit around 190lbs before basic... I only use creatine and protein for supplements if you dont count all the coffee I drink
Am I missing anything or should I just be patient and it will come?
Thanks guys