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PTE Gruending

Wow, did I get my temper ignited last nite... Our PL was out for a nice little ruck march on our parade night last night through the city of Saskatoon. Perfect weather for this, nice little workout. There were quite a few people who honked their horns when they drove by us (I am guessing in support), which was pretty nice.

However, on our way back to the armouries, we were walking along the sidewalk in two ranks (probably 25-30 troops in total) and we noticed some younger kids (I would say 13-18) on the corner adjacent to us. One of the little *******s began throwing snowballs at us, and we continued along our journey. I could‘nt believe that this little ******* had the gaul to do something like that. Of course we weren‘t allowed to say or do anything, so it was frustrating. Would have been nice to have a couple troops dump their rucks and give a little chase, but I am dreaming....
*snicker* not advocating anything but if you look for them after work and in civillian dress.....
Good on ya‘

I‘m glad you guys kept your cool. Like you said, punks. Stuff like that happens very seldom and it‘s always hard to swallow.
Too bad you didn‘t have a carl gustav handy:D

Just joking of course, nobody take that seriously. Good for you for not saying anything. :salute:
Too bad the NCO in charge didn‘t have a few words with them.
Soon after I arrived in Nfld in 1981 I was part of the honour guard for the opening of the Provincial Parliament in St John's. We're sitting on the bus in greens with our rifles etc. waiting because the local provincial civil servants were on strike (again) and holding a little protest rally where the guard is supposed to form up.

Eventually somebody worked out that they'd move enough to allow us the RNC, the other Division of the guard, and the band to parade.

Just before we get off the bus, this crusty old Korea Vet RCR WO gets on, and gives us the lecture about ignoring all the screams, shouts, insults and spits form the protesters/strikers that may be coming our way. â Å“Say nothing, do nothing, just stand there and take itâ ? was basically what he said. Then he looked around made sure there was no one else about, smile and added. â Å“Just mark their faces so you'll remember them when we're downtown tonight in civies.â ? :D
PTE Gruending,

To bad the order to "form up for section attack" :evil: wasn‘t given.

I‘m sure that alone would have put the little punks on the run. :D

All in the name of training of course ;)
LOL...I would‘ve been a bit ticked to, but like what was said you could always find in your civilian attire later....Good job for not losing it.
With the skatepark being right beside the armouries in Calgary, we get the skaters and other people always talking **** to us when we do drill in the parking lot. We also get the people that appreciate what we are doing, which is nice.
Nothing thrown at us so far. Good job on keeping cool lol.
Cant say I‘ve had ppl talk **** or stuff thrown at me yet, I have already been made fun of for joining the CAF, but i‘m still a civilian (for 7 more days) so needless to say i‘ve delt with that matter..
:flame: :evil:
someone should sive them a lesson... or just scare them.
come out with your C7 with blanks rounds and start shooting in their direction :fifty: :D
not even close to funny can a mod or yourself please edit the stupid comment above
Heh. I just read the first post, and can recall some kids throwing snowballs at my unit while shouting imitation Arabic war cries when we were holding an outdoor lecture last year...

Our master corporal told us just to ignore them, so like the previous incident described so we did, but with great restraint.

If its not protesters, its punks. At least I know quite a few people who still respect what the military is for, and what it has done. :cdn:
On my training on the weekend that just passed, we were all out for a run, just shorts and T-shirts and runners, no evidence of being in the military, and we were stretching out on a baseball diamond, and a couple of these punk "thugs" walk down the path, about 50 meters away, yelling obscenities in our direction. I don‘t even know what they were saying, but the people who were closer could, and were getting quite angry. We all managed to ignore them though, however, a little later we ran up to an intersection, and got stopped by the lights. And guess who got stuck between 26 fit soldiers, and a steady stream of fast moving cars? These two "thugs!" We were all biting our lips trying not to laugh or say something to them, ‘cause they just looked so goofy! Running shoes with no laces, pants that were at least 5 sizes too big, hanging around mid-thigh, and the bottom hem of the pants were tucked into their socks, plus they had these HUGE poofy coats on, despite the 10+ degree weather. a few people made some little comments, but I seriously doubt the guys heard it. The "thugs" looked so scared though! They looked like they were gonna pee their pants, or maybe worse. When we got back to the armouries, the Lt. running with us said something that makes alot of sense: No matter how goofy, or stupid, or disrespectful to us these people are, its still our job to protect them, like it or not.
HAHAHA...I think seeing thier faces when they were right by you guys would have been revenge enough...lol I wish I was there :D
I feel like an old fart saying this (Consider the fact that I‘m just BARELY out of my teen years) but kids today have no respect... it‘s not just the military they have no respect for... the vast majority of youths (Not all, but most that I‘ve met) have no respect for anything.
**** the kids and the "rap" music and the mari-ju-wanna! I have also noticed the increased effect of gravity on the pants of teens these days...
Yes... It angers me, such disrespect.

I just think to myself, they have yet to realize how fortunate they really are.