Jeez recceguy! I WAS planning on participating. Didn't want to do it at work and then had to go for a run!
You're asking at a good time, since the trade lost more people this year then they forecast so I would recommend that you go into a recruiting centre tout-de-suite to get the whole story and see what your chances are once you're a full-fledged Canuck.
Let me answer the easy one first. Should you get accepted, you won't necessarily get to go into the Air Force. PA is what we call a purple trade, in that everyone, no matter what their uniform colour, goes through the same training. So that means that you would get whatever element they need to fill. You can, of course, put down a preference, but that doesn't guarantee you'll get it.
Your background sounds like exactly what the CF is looking for in a Direct Entry Officer. You've got the right degree and the right work experience. (Of course, I haven't seen your CV.
As for what we do, you name it and it's being done. There is such a variety of positions available within the trade, from policy to media liaison to marketing, but the most likely one you'll see, and what people are most familiar with, is the PAO acting as an adviser to a commander. That job can involve prepping a spokesperson, organizing news conferences, media monitoring, community outreach, etc, etc.
There is a big push right now to get PAOs up to speed with comparable abilities to image techs, not to do their jobs for them but so that they know how to direct them to get the product that's needed. There's also a huge push to get the trade up to speed wrt social networking - Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, etc.
I hope this helps you out a bit. PM me if you want any more info and I'll see what I can do.
Mods - Any chance we can move this to the Recruiting thread since it really is a tri-service topic?