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Provincial NDP Leadership Rules


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New leader of B.C. NDP has to be a woman, according to obscure rule

According to this BC newspaper link, "The next leader of the British Columbia New Democratic Party will have to be a woman, unless the party's male president or treasurer resigns, according to gender rules in the NDP constitution."

Apparently, the NDP constitution states that both genders must be represented in the jobs of party leader, president and treasurer. With Moe Sihota (a guy) being the current president, and Bob Smits (another guy) being the treasurer, Carole James (girl; current party leader -- quitting)....and those who have stated they'll compete for the job being male.... it's going to get ugly in lotus land.
Complete story at link, above.

Shame "leadership" isn't predicated on "ability" :brickwall:
-- oh, but it's not my party  ;) 
Ah, yes.  Canada.  The land where discrimination based on gender only applies to us common folk, and not the "gender benders*" in the NDP.  Filling quotas based on arbitrary and irrelevant factors (gender, race, etc) is not only wrong, it is downright disgusting.

*This is not a reference to Futurama, but rather a play on words to illustrate the fact that that NDP, the self-titled Social Warriors of Canada, are in fact hypocrites. 
Technoviking said:
Filling quotas based on arbitrary and irrelevant factors (gender, race, etc) is not only wrong, it is downright disgusting.

I do not disagree. After a quarter century of ( affirmative action ) employment equity, I believe there should be a review. But, I doubt it will happen any time soon, if ever.
There was a case posted here about six months ago of a Caucasian woman who was "denied ( a ) government job because of race". 
There was talk of a review, but I do not think anything ever came of it.
Affermitive action is no different that any other case of discrimination and should be ended just the same.

This pisses me off to no end, not because of the disgust, but because this disgust will pracrticly hand the election to the BC Liberals. And to say the least, I think we need differennt people in.

Whole thing makes me want to jump up and run in the election.
By different I hope you mean competent. Just that single example is enough to exclude the NDP from any serious consideration.

Isn't there any small "c" conservative party movement in BC similar to the Wildrose Alliance or the Saskatchewan Party?
Thucydides said:
By different I hope you mean competent.

Thar and integerty

Just that single example is enough to exclude the NDP from any serious consideration.

No, but enough to prevent  them holding a signifigant number of seats.  Not only does this flaw show people that this party has no place leading the governmment, it reminds people of the incompetence they showed back when they were in  power.

Isn't there any small "c" bc conservative party movement in BC similar to the Wildrose Alliance or the Saskatchewan Party?

There is, the BC conservative party.
Avor said:
Affirmative action is no different that any other case of discrimination and should be ended just the same.

I have to agree with Avor and mariomike there. I consider Affirmative action-style quotas a leftover legacy of the civil rights movements from the '60s ~ '70s. I'm sure that at the time it made sense since there was obvious discrimination against non-White males in apply for jobs, but nowadays it does seem to me like reverse discrimination against that particular group of people. Even though I may personally benefit from such programs as I'm part of what you would call "visible minority" in PC terms, I still think its wrong and like mariomike said, time for a review of the concept. Personally, I don't feel like I need a leg-up over some other white male with the exact same level of competence as me just because we don't fit into the same social classification; it's like saying I need training wheels cause otherwise I won't be as good as that guy. ::)

People should get jobs/positions on performance and merit, gender and race should not be a factor. At least it shouldn't in an ideal society.
Getting back to the topic of NDP leadership, I hope this doesn't give Moe Sihota and excuse to resign as party president and run for leader.  BC NDP is in enough dire straits as it is, last thing they need is old Moe at the helm. If he becomes leader it might even make the NDP drop below zero credibility and end up in the negative zone, if that is even possible. :blotto:

Anyone who remembers his tenure as a BC provincial gov't minister during the '90s would know what I'm talking about.
IBM said:
... If he becomes leader it might even make the NDP drop below zero credibility and end up in the negative zone, if that is even possible. :blotto:

I believe they'd be entering the realm of the Rhino Party.
Again, NDP is not helping the left wing quest. They should check out the following equation that is going to describe a reality pretty soon, in term of numbers:
X + Y Generation > Baby Boomer generation. Knowing that the formers have been raised in
The land where discrimination based on gender only applies to us common folk, and not the "gender benders*" in the NDP.
Thus, many belonging to the X and Y Generations (including myself) are now thinking that
Filling quotas based on arbitrary and irrelevant factors (gender, race, etc) is not only wrong, it is downright disgusting.
and then NDP might witness less and less fans.

I didn't find yet a political party that can mix the best of the right and left wings' ideas with a lot of common sense as added value but without demagogy. I am a dreamer, I know.
Everyone's mad at the Liberals, so the NDP should get a boost. Except, the NDP can't even seem to run their own party properly, and the only other party who actually fields a full number of candidates is the Greens.

Personally, I favor a write-in vote for TSN's "Maggie the Monkey" to make all important decisions.
It is a very bad situation. I moved to BC three years ago.

I don't know why the BC Conservative Party can't get a grip, even after recent events. I hope people don't hold their nose and vote NDP.

I do find lots and lots of Canadians very, very uniformed and brainwashed by the media. Lots still hate George Bush. Ask them why, they don't have a clue. Had a great discussion with a married couple, both retired High School teaches from Saskatchewan re President Bush. Not a clue.
Baseless hate. (Very interesting that President Bush's book is a best seller in Canada, let alone everywhere else).

Same for FOX news. Lots of criticism. Hey, it is a premium channel. You have to pay extra for it. Not one person that I have spoken to have FOX news, yet they open their cake hole.

Good post Antoine!!
