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Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

Everybody has the right to prove what an arsehole they are.  We see it all around us.  In all likelyhood a police officer is not going to arrest some hippie twad for wearing a flag, no matter how much it would be nice to introduce her to the pavement.  However, when a random, enraged citizen happens to choke her with her own flag or sets it on fire while she is wearing it, you may find that those same officers will be somewhat lack lustre in their efforts to pursue the investigation.  If a suspect has a personal connection to their attacker, it is easy to figure out.  If you are doing something that would likely enrage most people, when you get thumped the first thing you will likely hear is "perhaps you shouldn't have done x,y and z?" 
It goes back to the ageless bit of advice; Don't let your mouth write a cheque your body can't cash.
I'm not sure of this but still I don't think that even though Hezbollah is considered a terrorist group, I don't think that the Hezbollah flag is illegal. It does strike me as complettely assinine to display one as a cape on yourself if you are leading a peace rally????!!!  Terrorists rarely symbolize peace.

Once again some asshole steps up with proof of the golden rule:

9 out of 10 people are stupid
Anyone flying a terrorist flag in Canada should be considered a terrorist. These people are Hezbollah and responsible for the death of hundreds of Innocent civilians and service men/women. Do they have to come out of a wooden horse for us to realize the enemy is in our camp.
reilly said:
Anyone flying a terrorist flag in Canada should be considered a terrorist.
my dog has a Confederate flag bandanna she wears around. Does that make her an American from below the Mason-Dixon line? 'Cause her papers say she's from eastern Alberta, and she doesn't bark with a drawl.
reilly said:
Anyone flying a terrorist flag in Canada should be considered a terrorist. These people are Hezbollah and responsible for the death of hundreds of Innocent civilians and service men/women. Do they have to come out of a wooden horse for us to realize the enemy is in our camp.

Sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs my friend.  Common sense is a scarce commodity these days.
paracowboy said:
my dog has a Confederate flag bandanna she wears around. Does that make her an American from below the Mason-Dixon line? 'Cause her papers say she's from eastern Alberta, and she doesn't bark with a drawl.
oh, and before somebody says it, she's not a white supremacist, either, 'cause she's mostly black.
paracowboy said:
oh, and before somebody says it, she's not a white supremacist, either, 'cause she's mostly black.

You didn't name the dog Clayton Bigsby did you?  ;D
paracowboy said:
my dog has a Confederate flag bandanna she wears around. Does that make her an American from below the Mason-Dixon line? 'Cause her papers say she's from eastern Alberta, and she doesn't bark with a drawl.

Do you ever wonder why the Confederate flag is offensive to most African-Americans? Might it represent something. I guess not. Does the Canadian flag have any meaning to you?

The strength of any international terrorist group depends on its funding and political fronts. Virtually all modern terrorists have become international in scope. They push roots deep into the community of their cultural co-patriots. There is no easy way to deal with them. But at a minimum, people holding a flag from a banned terrorist group should be considered terrorists. If they were in military uniform and holding a terrorist flag would they be considered terrorists?

When last I checked the UN and Canada did not list the American South as a terrorist group. Do you also have flags from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda or Al-Barakaat for your dog to wear on other occasions. If it were possible to go back to the early 1860s, would you have had the Confederate flag on your dog in Pennsylvania (prior or after the southern occupation) or another northern state during the Civil War. Or perhaps you would be on the side of the south.

Are you aware of the fact that Canada is at war. Oh! I forgot to pretend we weren't.

reilly said:
Do you ever wonder why the Confederate flag is offensive to most African-Americans? Might it represent something. I guess not. Does the Canadian flag have any meaning to you?


When last I checked the UN and Canada did not list the American South as a terrorist group. Do you also have flags from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda or Al-Barakaat for your dog to wear on other occasions. If it were possible to go back to the early 1860s, would you have had the Confederate flag on your dog in Pennsylvania (prior or after the southern occupation) or another northern state during the Civil War. Or perhaps you would be on the side of the south.

The American South is a geographical area so it can't be listed as a terrorist group... but I betcha the KKK is.  Whether you wish to recognize it or not, the Confederate flag is offensive to many AMERICANS, whether of african origin or not.  Hell, I am from Moosejaw and I find it offensive.
scoutfinch said:
The American South is a geographical area so it can't be listed as a terrorist group... but I betcha the KKK is.  Whether you wish to recognize it or not, the Confederate flag is offensive to many AMERICANS, whether of African origin or not.  Hell, I am from Moosejaw and I find it offensive.

It wouldn't be list anyway. It's hypothetical.  I also find it offensive and I'm glad to read you concur.
I want to make sure I understand your last post:  are you suggesting that the KKK is NOT a terrorist organization?
reilly said:
Do you ever wonder why the Confederate flag is offensive to most African-Americans? 
you don't catch on too quick, do ya? Think about the point I was making Skippy. As for the controversy over the flag, I wonder if you know what the American Civil War was fought over?

Does the Canadian flag have any meaning to you?
enough that I wear it on my shoulder every day, have fought under it, bled for it, watched my friend's coffins be draped in it, and have it permanently etched in my skin. What have you done for it?

The strength..blah blah blah...of the south.
thanks for the lesson in socio-political babble. Now, sit down, take a breath and think about the point I raised. Anybody in Canada can express their opinions, and fly whatever damn flag they want. That's why guys like me do what we do. To ensure that.

Are you aware of the fact that Canada is at war.
punk, one more smartass remark like that to a serving member on here, and you go up the ladder.
I agree BBJ. 

para:  you know what they say about mud wrestling with pigs.... you just get dirty and the pigs like it.
reilly - I see you still have nothing in your profile  ???

Let's see some credibility
reilly said:
Does the Canadian flag have any meaning to you?
Dear God man, are you even Canadian? There is a reason why I am joining the Armed Forces of this great nation, to serve it. This country has done so much for me, and I want to give back to it. I will even die for the greater good of Canada if I need too. I am proud to raise the colours of our nation, and watch our flag fly in our free country. So yes, The Canadian flag has lots of meaning to me.  :cdn:  :salute: :cdn:  :salute: :cdn:
Mike_Baker said:
Dear God man, are you even Canadian? There is a reason why I am joining the Armed Forces of this great nation, to serve it. This country has done so much for me, and I want to give back to it. I will even die for the greater good of Canada if I need too. I am proud to raise the colours of our nation, and watch our flag fly in our free country. So yes, The Canadian flag has lots of meaning to me.  
he was trying to illustrate a point: that the Hezbollah flag has significant meaning to it's members, just as the Canadian flag does to you and I. (The point about thinking things through a bit, can also apply to you, my young friend.  ;) )

Of course, by phrasing it the way he did, he managed to insult every member of this board who has ever worn Canada's uniform.
paracowboy said:
he was trying to illustrate a point: that the Hezbollah flag has significant meaning to it's members, just as the Canadian flag does to you and I. (The point about thinking things through a bit, can also apply to you, my young friend.  ;) )
Yes, I realize that para, but the way it was said in the post made me somewhat mad, as you can tell.