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Protesters Banner Kitchener Colt Plant

The Bread Guy

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Anti-war demonstrators target local weapons plant
40 protesters call on federal government to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

ROSE SIMONE, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 6 Oct 07
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Jonathan Parrott, 23, decided yesterday to raise his voice against something happening just behind his backyard.

Parrott, a Conestoga College student, lives in the subdivision behind Wilson Avenue in Kitchener, where Colt Canada Corp. is making weapons used by the military.

So he decided to join the 40 antiwar activists who showed up at the plant for an early-morning protest organized by AntiWar@Laurier or AW@L, a Rainforest Action Network group based at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo.

"It is disturbing when they are making guns in your own backyard," Parrott said.

The protest was staged to make Kitchener residents aware that Colt Canada, a subsidiary of the large U.S.-based gunmaker, Colt Defence, is making weapons in the community, said Kendra Foord, a 19-year-old Laurier student who helped organize the protest.

Foord said this was her first antiwar protest.

The protesters said Colt Defence supplies guns for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is part of a military-industrial complex that is feeding the West's addiction to oil, as well as causing further damage to the environment.

They chanted in favour of immediate withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan.

Security at the plant was not tight. Two protesters managed to get on the roof of the factory, with a giant banner that said "Stop the War Machine."

Others blocked the parking lot at the plant.

But workers parked along the street and walked into the plant. There was no disruption of the work inside.

Frances Vegh, human resources manager for Colt Canada Corp., said no one was harassed, and not being able to get into the parking lot was mainly "an annoyance" for the plant's 98 workers.

"But these are just 98 people in our community who want a job," Vegh said.

"Somebody is going to supply the government, and so if these people (the protesters) want to make a statement, they should lobby the government."

The protesters have a right to give out their information and express their opinions, she said.

"But the thing we disagree with is that they are blocking our driveway, and when they are crawling up on our roof, that is trespassing."

Several Waterloo regional police officers were at the scene, speaking with the activists to get them to move off the company property peacefully.

Although most of the protesters were in their 20s, a few older activists got involved too.

"This is unusual for Laurier, so we want to encourage it," said Laurier Professor Peter Eglin, who was there to lend the students his support.

Terrence Gibson, 50, who is back in school as a religion student, "doing what I have always wanted to do" at the University of Waterloo, said he decided to join the protesters because it is important for his generation to show solidarity with the young antiwar activists.

"I have been encouraging friends of my age by saying that instead of complaining, we should be getting involved," he said.

Well, if you are going to build guns, you need a place to test fire them....... :)
The Dietrich Machine Company (DIEMACO) was refurbishing small arms for the CF probably since Canadian Arsenals Limited closed it's doors in Long Branch in 1968 or so.  Then, in the early 1980s, DIEMACO won the contracts to build and further develop the SARP family (C7/C8/C9, etc) for the CF under license from Colt (based in Hartford Conn.).  You will no doubt recall that Colt was the US sole source AR-15/M-16 family suppliers for many years, since they aquired the technical data package and rights from Armalite (Costa Mesa, Calif.) around 1957 or so.

I think Colt disliked DIEMACO because DIEMACO (eventually  ;D ) built a better rifle than Colt did, but that's for another thread.

So, in the last few years Colt buys out DIEMACO and now people in the greater K-W area FINALLY realize that they have an EVIL gun maker in their town?


We need a wounded and retired vet on TV saying that he used  Kitchener-made C7 to SAVE the lives of CHILDREN in Afghanistan/Rwanda/Bosnia, whatever.

I predict that future ***-clowns will DEMAND we use cutting torches to cut the rifles out of the hands of the Canadian soldier statues at the cenotaph in Ottawa.

Is not the peacekeeper statue in Ottawa shouldering a C7?

Perhaps they will accuse Colt for selling C7s to Dutch war criminals.  Can't wait for that one...
Hey, it's their right to mouth off....
It's our obligation to defend these idiots!...

Go figure.
They have as much right to protest against the war as those of us that support the mission do.  Well, with the exception of the trespassing and so on.  I have no problem with the anti-war crowd if they want to march and yell and scream.  That is their right as long as they keep it nice and legal.
"This is unusual for Laurier, so we want to encourage it," said Laurier Professor Peter Eglin, who was there to lend the students his support.

These are the people that are "teaching" our future leaders....the meek shall inherit the earth after all.
Devlin said:
....the meek shall inherit the earth after all.

- Nothing meek about them.  AgitProp experts, all, and we are funding our own destruction through their paychecks.
Hey, it's their right to mouth off....
It's our obligation to defend these idiots!...

Yes Geo, but you do not have to defend what they say.

We need a wounded and retired vet on TV saying that he used  Kitchener-made C7 to SAVE the lives of CHILDREN in Afghanistan/Rwanda/Bosnia, whatever.

I'm afraid it's come to that - In today's media the soundbite rules.

To the thinking media watcher, Mahmoud Ahmedinajad and Osama Bin Laden
seem like enough of a threat that "someone should do something!".
Many people can't summon the energy to connect the dots.
When it comes to action we would rather look away.

The message has to be blunt and very - very simple.
maybe something like......... " AK47s take lives and C7s protect them -
because of who carries them."

Yes, to the military crowd ascribing moral virtue to a tool is stupid.
But to the general public to whom appearances are everything......

Am I dangling from a limb here or does this make some sense?

It seems like a recurring pattern to me.( and frustration )

Peace groups protest and get their massage out.
The message is a one liner with with a short background comment.
Like the one above. Yes, the message is silly but some people absorb it.
The logical answer from the government or an author or even
a journalist is at least a page of dense text long or perhaps a book.
You can't put a book on the evening news.

Oh, by the way thanks TCBF - a little history was a cool add on.

On a side note,

I was fortunate enough to get a tour inside many years ago.
My girlfriend's mother arranged the visit, and
I was almost confused as to which to "jump" on in appreciation. ;D

Love to elaborate on the visit and what's inside, but still following the keep my cakehole shut directive.

What I can say, the staff there are very aware of their responsibilities to the Canadian Soldier and there "think tank" is overwhelmingly COOL!!!!

I went through the factory a few months ago.  I wish these idiots were there when our bus pulled up. >:D
Diemaco used owned by Heroux Devtek an aerospace company.  Everythign made there required approval from Colt anyway as it was a licensed plant.  Colt was had Diemaco selling its European FMS.  As Diemaco was not profitable in its state HD was trying to spin it off for a while.  Colt picked it up, as it was already sub contracting a lot of stuff to Diemaco from Colt Defence in Ct. 

Guns are inaminate objects - its PEOPLE who use them for good or for bad. 

and Hippies just plain suck.
I remember a SARP (Small Arms Replacement Project) Wpns Tech Land  MWO telling me his tour of the Colt plant in Hartford was an eye opener - machines that Samuel Colt hisself may have installed  being driven by leather belts from the ceiling.  Essentially a working 19th century gun factory museum.  We then had our tax dollars buy (and loan to DEIMACO) a GFM hammer drop forge machine for our C7 barrels.  Rumour was the USMC wanted to put our barrels on their M16A1E1 mods.

The gist was we built our own C7s for QUALITY and a guaranteed domestic supply in times of crisis - not to save money.  You can't save money by building a small quantity of rifles in a new hi-tech shop AND pay Colt a fee of $500 USD a rifle for the privilege of building your own M-16 variant.
TCBF said:
We then had our tax dollars buy (and loan to DEIMACO) a GFM hammer drop forge machine for our C7 barrels.
Kinda like this one?

If the Hippies have their way, you will see that at a yard sale.

This protest draws light to a VERY important issue.

Canada needs to drop the browning 9mm pistol and begin issuing  Colt .45cal pistols
Flawed Design said:
This protest draws light to a VERY important issue.

Canada needs to drop the browning 9mm pistol and begin issuing  Colt .45cal pistols

- We drop the last Pistol designed by John Moses Browning (GP-35) which we adopted in 1944 and adopt his earlier pistol which the US adopted in 1911?

- Full disclosure: I owned a Series 80 1911A1 DE in 10mm.
Hey if you'd rather use a 9mm Browning than a 45 colt I'd happily take your 1911.
Flawed Design said:
Hey if you'd rather use a 9mm Browning than a 45 colt I'd happily take your 1911.

We've covered this before. Just do a 'search'. Both are fine pistols, when properly tuned, and using good mags. I'd use either. Gun control is being able to put the bullet where you want it to go. A new .500 S&W won't do you any good if you don't know how to use it for anything more than a noise maker or a club.
A 45cal will have more stopping power than a 9mm though, no? I thought the consensus was that the 45 was a better caliber.