DualCore said:
My goal is an informed Canadian Public. We spend a billion on CBC, plus strong-arm authority at CRTC, plus NFB, plus Government-Cable Subsidy Fund, plus .... with the intention of an informed Canadian Public, and the Canadian Public is still shamefully uninformed.
Have to agree with Reccesoldier and the others - there's no shortage of info out there, and if someone is not accessing it, it's not because it's not available.
Part of the problem of "educating" is related to what a teacher once told me (sort of like advertising): Bear in mind that only, maybe, 25% of what you throw at people will stick, but the problem is that you never know which 25% is going to stick, which is why you have to press as hard as you can with the message, no matter what.
I have a different question to Army-News-Guy: How widely does Army News distribute its video? Yes, I know it's available on the internet, but does the video get sent out, say, to cable TV stations who have an awfully big goat to feed for programming? I know it's not the same as getting the uncut stuff on CBC (which I doubt will ever happen in any major way, lest the spectre of
"bought news" come up), but it's another way to get the message out. Or has this kind of option been considered and rejected because of lack of efficiency?
Also, do you folks generate enough content to fill up a satellite channel, the same way as
the Pentagon Channel is pumped up to the bird?