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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Can someone give me an average time of how long it takes to become each rank?
By average I mean the best answer you can give.. Like if I wasn't extremely bad or extremely good I guess.

Starting at


After becoming an Officer Cadet,
Capt: Maj:
Gen (CoD):

Also If I start at Private and go to MCpl or Sgt I was told if I were then to go to school and become an Officer, I can get an advanced promotion (Captain I think..)

How long would it take to go from Private to Sgt, go to school, to OCadet to Captain?

It's kinda hard to answer I know, but please help the best you can, cause it is rather important to me.. :) Thanks
You have asked a question which can't be answered in a general sense.  Each and every occupation is dramatically different and is influenced by several factors on a regular basis.  We could give you the "minimum time in rank" requirements for advancement but that is all it is, a "minimum time requirement".  Doesn't mean you will be promoted when that time comes.
If you are looking for an advanced way to get to Captain, I dont think a CFR is a way to do it.
I doubt if anyone can give you the "average" time without doing a major statistical analysis. There are CFAOs that provide for minimum times in rank and I've given you a quick summary below.

Please note these are for general service regular force and there are great variations for reservists and specialist branches and trades.

Please note as well that these are excerpts from an old website as the current CFAOs are no longer available on the internet although they are still available on the DIN. If you know a current serving member they may be able to get you the appropriate CFAOs concerned.

I know that there is some info missing from what you seek but this is the best I can coble together without devoting an evenings research to.


CFAO 11-6

20.    Except as provided in paragraph 21, promotion to the ranks of
captain, major, lieutenant-colonel and colonel is competitive and is based
on merit and service requirements within each MOC.  Officers will be
selected for such promotions from among those:

    a.  who have entered the promotion zone for promotion to the next
          rank on attaining the required number of years of seniority in
          their current rank as follows -

          (1)  as a lieutenant - two years, except that for those
              commissioned as a lieutenant under the UTPM or CFRP the
              period is three years,

          (2)  as a captain - four years,

          (3)  as a major - four years, or

          (4)  as a lieutenant-colonel - three years;


Pte to Cpl - 4 yrs qualifying service

Cpl to MCpl - 2 yrs

MCpl to Sgt - 2 yrs

Sgt to WO - 3 yrs

WO to MWO - 3 yrs

MWO to CWO - 2 yrs
There's nothing set in stone. 

I was on ILQ with a 29 year old Patricia Warrant Officer.  Basically his career went Battleshool - Tour - Promotion - Course - Tour / Promotion - Course - Promotion - Tour - Course.  In a war-time army, this isn't too crazy if you're good at what you do.  However, is unheard of in a tech trade - Say, AVN (A plane fixer).  You're spending at least six years on the shop floor before you're a MCpl.  (If I'm wrong here guys, correct me, I only have a few AVN buddies).  Most of the people on that course (for Sgt's WOs) were within 7 years of retirement.  I've also seen Majors under 30.  Again, probably combat arms, probably very good at what they do.  If you're a Health Care Administration Officer, or an Air Force Construction Engineering Officer, you're in a smaller trade, therefore slower promotions as a general rule.
The biggest unknown factor in this equation you're asking us for input/thoughts on is YOU.

- how will you perform, what kind of assessments on courses, deployment and annually (called PERs) will you get?

- how will you rate amongst your peers for merit purposes for promotion?

- what is the attrition rate of your trade?  If it is high, there may be a fast timeline for promotion.  If it is low, not so much (maybe).

That is just 3 of many possible factors.

The factors that affect each trade are known, atleast to some extent, but it is how YOU will merit amongst your peers that will have the biggest effect on your career. 

Don't join the CF in 'trade X' under the belief you will get to do a change in trades, or go from NCM to Officer.  Join one you think you can see yourself doing for your career, because there is no quarunteee you will get either an Occupational Transfer or be able to Commission into the Officer Corps.

Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I tried looking up on the DAOD CFAO's but I couldnt find an answer. So here is my situation.
I was on OJT within my rank for about a two years, throughout this whole time I had successfully completed all PT tests on time. Then this past summer I was finally enrolled on my DP1 course where although I successfully completed the course I failed a PT test in the middle of it for various reasons. As such I was not promoted on course completion and had to wait the 3 months to retry the PT test which I successfully passed without problems. Now they are promoting be but my message states that I have lost all of my effective time that I spend on OJT as a 2Lt (about a year of extra time) and am promoted without that time towards Capt and its yearly payraise.
To me this came out of nowhere and seams a bit harsh losing 1 year of service for 3 month period without a valid express.
So again if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be more then helpful.
Thank you. 
If you had a PER or PDR administered during that time that indicated you failed a PT test, it will reflect on your seniority. There is no reason to fail a PT test, particularly while you are in the training system.
It does seem a little unjust to me however as currently our forces are 53% overweight they might just be trying to make an example. And having said that there is no reason to fail a pt test other than injury or being sick as the standards are fairly low at least for your current trade. When you do become a pl comd you should be much fitter than your men for the most part as there are some freaks of nature out there. So the only advice I can give you is learn from your mistake and show em up.

As for failing it's partly the systems fualt but take responsiblity for it. Good luck
I'm not exactly sure what it is you are looking for?  Regs on promotion?  Remedial measures?  DAOD on physical fitness?

Seems like a career policy question to me;  determination of seniority.  I'm not quite sure why failing an EXPRES test would affect things.  It may put things on hold,  but I don't see it actually changing dates.  That said,  I'm not that familiar with officer career policy...so I'll defer to someone who is up to speed on that.
Hello all;
  I am hoping to get a response from an Aerospace Control Officer or someone who really knows the ranking/promotion system.
  I'm wondering what the promotion rate of an Aerospace Control Officer (AEC) is. Do AECs make it to the General Staff often, or is it more of a rarity?
  I understand that your education, PERs, experience, and other factors contribute to whether you're promoted or not, but, as I'm sure you all know, some trades are more likely to go up through the ranks faster than others. I was just wondering where the AEC trade fits into the "promotion rate" list.

Thank you in advance.
I won't comment on promotion rates of one trade versus another, but as to AEC in the General Staff, I know of one off the top of my head: BGen Galvin commands 2 Cdn Air Div, responsible for Air Force Training.

I am not an AEC but an AC Op who works closely with AEC's  and in my 10 years in the trade I have seen 3 AEC's become General Officers.
I am looking to see if there might be a CANFORGEN for being promoted while on a tcat. 
chadk said:
I am looking to see if there might be a CANFORGEN for being promoted while on a tcat. 

Depends, as you generally have to be physically and medically fit for promotions.....
Since I'm on my DNET acct at the moment, CFSO 49-4 says:

'19. When a member of the rank of Cpl or above who is eligible for promotion is assigned a temporary medical category that is lower than the minimum required for the member's MOC, promotion shall be deferred. Reinstatement of the member by NDHQ/DPCAOR (Director Personnel Career Administration Other Ranks) shall occur only when a permanent category at or above the minimum MOC requirement is approved by NDHQ/DMTS, (Director Medical Treatment Services) or on declaration of a Career Medical Review Board (CMRB) finding of retention without restriction. In either case, the member must meet all other promotion prerequisites and the promotion shall not be antedated more than 12 months. The member shall be advised of the CO's action and the NDHQ decision."

Per Annex C para 6, acting/lacking rank may not be granted for medical; it can only be for lack of qualifications.

As far as CANFORGENs go, the only one I could find on the CANFORGEN site that seemed relevant was 184/11, which has to do with promotion of personnel wounded in action.
Other than the CFAO on career policy, there are other policies from the career shops.

See the first couple of links at http://cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca/dgmc/engraph/admRev_MedicalEmploymentLimitations_e.asp?Opensub=40 (DWAN only).