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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

I've done searches on this topic and have found conflicting information. 

For Reg Force,

Is there a minimum time in for each rank before one can be promoted? 

I've read that a private can get accelerated promotion after 3 years to corporal.  But I've also read someone say he got promoted from private to corporal after 2 years.  After corporal, does one need to be in that rank for at least 2 years to be considered for promotion.  I've also heard that one can only get accelerated promotion once in their career, is that true?  After attaining the rank of corporal, is accelerated promotion still possible?

I'd also like to know if it's possible for a private to get commissioned (if one has all the prerequisites other than not having been in the military for that long). 
on the topic of promotion.

I am interested in knowing what some of the traditions are in regards to recieving your commission, specifically Airforce but other info is welcome. 
I have heard of the usual buying rounds and such but am just curious if anything else exists?


CFAO 49-4 is still in effect as far as I can tell.


For the quick low down, have a look at Annex A, Table 1 and Table 2.

Yes, it is possible for a Private to get commissioned. However, your service as a Private would now be taken into consideration as well.
I witnessed a Pte Med Tech apply last year and he was accepted as a MARS Offr. MARS is actively seeking applicants every year (the occupation for sure, maybe the planet as well.)  He did have a degree in Psychology which did not hurt his application.
Yes there are minimum time in ranks. Pte is a bit of a different bag but you shouldn't see anyone promoted faster than 3 yeras unless under a different enrollment plan. FOr a MCpl it is 2 yrs in rank, Sgt 3, WO 2 yrs and such.
As an added sidenote to this but still on the same topic, I've heard from a WO in my unit say that in the 1980's, he had seen A Tpr. (Pte.) get promoted to MCpl.  This kinda stunned me, don't know if he was pulling my leg or this actually happened.  Can any old Armoured guys substantiate this??? CALLING YOU GEORGE WALLACE!!!!!  ;D
In the combat arms during the 80's it was quite common for a soldier to be prmoted from Pte to MCpl under the Delegated Authority Promotion System (DAPS) - required 40 months in trade and be 5B qualified.

From the Somalia report - the nails in the coffin of the program: "The Delegated Authority Promotion System (DAPS) promoted less experienced soldiers to master corporal - an important position, representing the first level of leadership in the Canadian Forces. The CAR abused the DAPS by using it to avoid posting in master corporals from parent regiments, in order to promote internally. Due to the lack of mobility of personnel among the CAR's three commandos, this practice meant that DAPS appointments in the CAR were much less competitive than those in parent regiments. Cpl Matchee, for example, was appointed to master corporal through the DAPS, even though he had not been successful in competition with his peers; he had recently participated in the Algonquin Park incident of October 3rd; and his platoon second in command and his platoon commander had raised concerns about the appointment and actually questioned his suitability for deployment to Somalia."
Ah! So, it wasn't just a case of an old WO telling a tale to a youngster.............. Thats interesting.  Thanks alot for the info.
reccecrewman said:
As an added sidenote to this but still on the same topic, I've heard from a WO in my unit say that in the 1980's, he had seen A Tpr. (Pte.) get promoted to MCpl.     This kinda stunned me, don't know if he was pulling my leg or this actually happened.   Can any old Armoured guys substantiate this??? CALLING YOU GEORGE WALLACE!!!!!   ;D

Yes it did happen.   In many cases people on some of the SYEP employment programs were being brought in to the Regs and many of them went through the DAPs program (What I witnessed 2 RCR do in 83-84).   In some cases it worked, in others it seemed unfair, as many older, more experienced people were passed over.   You still see the older more experienced people being passed over today, so it really shows how little we have changed.   You can look within your (our) Regt and see guys taken off Med Cat to get promoted Sgt, or the Cpl promoted MCpl and put immediately on a year long French Language Crse, no leadership time in the troops and then on return to the Regt put on a 6A and promoted on graduation.   Some times there is no God.   We are going through one of those cycles now.   If that is what the Regt wants for leaders, that is what they will get.   I am always reminded of an old VO 5 commercial when I think of our promotion of incompetant people:   " ...and I told two friends, and they told two friends, and they told two friends........" and soon the screen is full of numpties.  
I am interested in knowing what some of the traditions are in regards to recieving your commission, specifically Airforce but other info is welcome.
I have heard of the usual buying rounds and such but am just curious if anything else exists?

It's usually tradition to buy a round for the mess upon promotion.

I also obtained a silver dollar shortly before commissioning, and gave it to the first corporal/private/trooper who saluted me once comissioned.

I remember guys I joined with in the late 80's that went to the PPCLI - a couple went straight from Battle school to their ISCC.   These were older guys that showed alot of obvious leadership potential so they decided to use it.

Working at RMC, you could get rich at grad time - just hang out and wait for the young wiggly woggllies after their commissioning, because, as mentioned, it is tradition for the first person to salute them as officers to receive a silver dollar.

Working at RMC, you could get rich at grad time - just hang out and wait for the young wiggly woggllies after their commissioning, because, as mentioned, it is tradition for the first person to salute them as officers to receive a silver dollar.

Really??? Interesting................... Lets see now, gas is $1.20 per/L,say 300 or so km's to Kingston from Pet............. F*** it, it aint worth it  ;D
Ptes have been promoted to MCpl in more recently than the nineties, in most cases with individuals who had completed leadership trg in the militia, and then component transferred.

These "quick picks" seem to fare disastrously poorly, as the troops in the units who are passed over are sweeping the floor with the guy one day, and sweeping for him the next. They usually have to be sent to another Bn, or a school, in order for the people they work with to respect the rank, and not the man.

There are exceptions though, some quick picks have gone Pte - Sgt in 5 years, and done very well, while others have been posted almost immediately after promotion, once their leadership ability vice their leadership potential had been properly assessed.

Pte. have also completed all of the Mod trg, and become eligible to be promoted as recently as last year. This has not happened yet, probably due to a glut of leadership qualified Cpls in line ahead of them.

It's usually tradition to buy a round for the mess upon promotion.

I also obtained a silver dollar shortly before commissioning, and gave it to the first corporal/private/trooper who saluted me once comissioned.


Great, i had heard of the silver dollar, would be done as a presentation in front of the unit or...kinda just pull somone aside?

thanks for the info


It was done on the spot, and I had a little fun with it.

"YOU!!!" (soldier freezes) "Do you know what you just did!?" (no Sir!) "You're the first soldier to salute me since my comission. This is for you."

That worked in my case because (as ir happened) my first salute came from a fresh Pte right off of Basic - we both got a laugh out of it. You might want to try a different approach if your first salute comes from a crusty old Cpl with more tours than you have pairs of underwear. ;)

But however you handle it, you do it on the spot. That means obtaining the dollar and carrying it on you in advance of your comission so you don't get caught without it. "I owe you a silver dollar" is VERY bad form.

DG-41 said:
It was done on the spot, and I had a little fun with it.

"YOU!!!" (soldier freezes) "Do you know what you just did!?" (no Sir!) "You're the first soldier to salute me since my comission. This is for you."

That worked in my case because (as ir happened) my first salute came from a fresh Pte right off of Basic - we both got a laugh out of it. You might want to try a different approach if your first salute comes from a crusty old Cpl with more tours than you have pairs of underwear. ;)

But however you handle it, you do it on the spot. That means obtaining the dollar and carrying it on you in advance of your comission so you don't get caught without it. "I owe you a silver dollar" is VERY bad form.


I still remember giving the silver dollar to the first soldier who saluted me at Gagetown after my Grad from Infantry School: I think it was an RCR soldier (The troops in 2 RCR were savvy to this practice: I think they staked out the area at Grad time...) A fine old practice, whose origin I have no idea of.

Dagnabbit! I spent 17 years posted to Chilliwack and never realized that! I could'a been rich!

Ooooo, them dirty rotten CFOCs critters!

After breezing through the link posted above, I got curious of what the different requirements were to be promoted through the different ranks of officer. Well, when I started digging I found this: http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/vol1/Ch012_e.asp#12.01

Officers shall be promoted in rank in accordance with orders and instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.

??? ??? ???

What does that mean? Are there no time limits or leadership courses that are mandatory?