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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Originally posted by Dano:
I go and have gone above and beyond the call of Duty. [/qb]
What, exactly, do you mean by that? How can you go "above and beyond" in cadets? Did you protect your CO from a green star with a runny nose? I mean honestly, if they saw fit that you be promoted, then congrats...but don‘t take up bandwidth by bragging.
Well I‘m a CPL and I‘m a Section 2IC, but I‘ve been todl to expect MCPL because of how much I know and have learned in my short time in cadets (a year and 2 months). I show everyone respect, even if I don‘t liek them and I make sure the ranks that don‘t know waht to do when an officer or a WO and up walks by i tell them.
so anyway, I‘m moving up the ranks pretty wuickly too
Originally posted by pyro_208:
[qb] Congratulations on your permotion, Being a sergeant is one of the best positions to have in my opinion, its the one time you get to lead a section and help out your cadets first hand. I Think you‘ll enjoy it more than pusing papers and dealing with bad seniors as a WO or MWO. The most important thing to remember is that your section will look up to you; what you do will effect them when they get to your spot. I‘ve seen what bad examples do to cadets, its not worth the time to fix it later. [/qb]
I totally agree with Pyro...Sgt is probably the best rank...mind you right now i‘m praying to get MCPL this Friday at our CO‘s parade...that‘s all i can really do, hope that i get it. Pyro is also right about being a bad example nad hten going and havign to fix it later. Whata waste of time, do yourself a favour nad jsut do it right hte first time.
I was wondering, when do most corps promote? My corp only seems to promote at Christmas and Annual inspection. (Daniel sorry for hijacking your thread)
well our corps promotes every other month i htink...i don‘t usually rememeber lol...but i‘m pretty sure it‘s every other month. thats our corps.
For us, promotions don‘t actually occur each month. On average I‘d say... 2 or 3 times a year.
You guys gotta be specific.
In giving out promotions, do you mean promotions how often for all the people that are getting them? or how often an individual gets them?

For my corp, once a month for the former, about once or (if ur lucky, or an excellent cadet like me ;) ) twice a year.
okay sorry, what i meant was we do a CO‘s parade ever other month adn with that comes some promotions
I got a Co‘s Parade tomorow night.
Hope i get my Sgt then. Wish me luck guys!!! :D
we have a CO‘s parade tomorrow night as well...hopin to get Master Corporal :D
Good luck Li
:gunner: dont u just hate it when sum1 else gets a promotion then u
Yes, of course I do...lol it‘s annoying, but it happens...I mean usually the people who get promoted deserve it...like Sparks and Sherman deserved M/Cpl, Lee didn‘t but hey what can ya do..
I‘d avoid posting corps laundry on here ;)

In the end, your CO made the decision to promote the cadet...maybe they saw something that you don‘t see in the cadet...but for whatever reason, the CO made the decision. And it should be respected.

:blotto:  Congrats, good work!  Good luck as a sgt. I've been promoted at anual and I'm a younge sgt two year in cadets. I just how I do screw up because I was a cpl for 6 months and i didn't learn a lot as a cpl. :evil: :dontpanic:
Hey congradulations on your permotion sergent, I'm still a Mcpl but supposidly that is going to change after cadet camp, you said you were going Cadet Leader same here see you there.( I highly dout it but whatever)
I was curious about how long it takes to progress in rank, as well as the pay scale. The scale has three different levels for Private. Why? Does it have to do with courses? I realize that attitude, leadership, and competance will play a part in advancing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

The answer will most likely be found here....