Chappie said:
First of all kudos for a great game. :nod:
Is it possible I got "adjusted" when you were fixing the exploit above?
I was sure I had 909 MP last night when I logged off but when I signed back on today I was down to 409. I've only linked my own personal FB account.
Hi Chappie,
Thanks for the positive feedback.

The adjustment was that in some cases, people were able to get the link bonus more than once. I'm sure it was accidental more often than not. If you look at your history:
You can see the 2 x 500 MilPoints near the bottom, and you can also see the adjustment for -500 near the top.
Captsapper said:
I have just noticed something wrong with the milpoints as well. I had the -500 as well, I asked mike to fix my account earlier today, had issues linking. Afterwards, because I was in the negative coupled with the addictive nature of this game, I purchased $5 worth and my account went from being in the negative to 1050. Just then when I logged in the whole site seemed to hang so I tried a couple of times and my midpoints were adjusted again. It seems like I got the daily 50 three times. Mike if you could subtract 361 for when my account reset to 1050 after the purchase and remove the extra 100 for the daily accounting error, for a total of 461 it would be appreciated. It's the honest thing to do.
I appreciate the honesty! Looking through your log, I could only see 2 x50 MilPoints that were incorrect. It's a bit of an odd thing, but points you buy are protected, and even if you have a negative balance when you buy them, your protected points will not be affected.
E.G. if you had -300 and purchasee 1050 points, your balance would immediately show as 1050. One those 1050 protected points were drained, your old -300 balance would show again. If, in the mean time, you'd earned 300 or more points, they would bring your 'unprotected' balance back up above zero. Confusing, I know.
At this point, you have 1,567 MilPoints, 827 are protected (left over from your purchase) and 740 are 'regular'.