PuckChaser said:
Still shows the time vice 63 initiative on my PER....
Hi PC, sorry I missed this, the incentive has timed out... can you explain what you were seeing? It should have showed all the incentives stacked up, with a single timer (E.G. 63 09:23 or something similar). Is that what you saw?
bdave said:
I'm at FOB Sperwan Ghar.
I unlocked the mission "Repel a concerted attack on the FOB".
It requires the C6 GPMG, 100*7.62 ball (linked) and M67 frag 'nade.
My proficiency level on the C6 = level 5
7.62 ball = level 4
M67 = level .
The prob. of success is 49%.
Why is that? Most of my missions are in the 95% success and some of them with equipment that I have at level 1.
Yet here I have level 5 almost across the board and yet my prob of success is low.
BDace, each mission has a set difficulty that affects the overall success rating. As this is a [/i]concerted[/i] attack, it's hard.

The good news is that the CE return is also higher for harder missions, so if you can raise the chances of success by other means, it will pay off well. Some of the missions later on get really hard, which is where spending points on SA may come in handy.
crooks.a said:
What is the formula for deciding how much to subtract from the AoR bars? I did the first location lockdown and I was getting improvements of one or two almost the whole time.
It's a random selection from 1-4% each time. Sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not. I've had 1 in a row several times and it sucks.
PuckChaser said:
Did the requirements for Equipment Proficiency medal change? I just spent 3 days trying to get to Level 5 on 50 items to get the +8% experience, but once I got there it says I've already gotten that incentive.
Yep, that's what happened here alright... It used to be level 5 on 20 pieces, but adjusted it to 50. I dug through your log messages and it says you picked up that incentive on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 22:35:25 GMT, before the change. So it's good news, bad news. Bad news: you didn't get the +8%. Good news: you already did.
I promise the adjustments will end.
Exarch said:
I just purchased 2,200 milpoints through the afghan ops game, and was directed to army.ca afterwards. I thought it might require me to link my accounts (which I hadn't gotten around to yet), but now I can't find any way to do that. So, no linked account and no sign of milpoints. I can pm a game administrator my afghan ops account name and/or the paypal invoice if required.
Hi Exarch, sorry about that, there was a glitch in the system. I added the points to your account this morning, plus a few more to cover for the pain and suffering.
Let me know if you want to link your accounts, I can assist with that.