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Problems and Bugs

just to report that my regeneration time is NaN/NaN but my CR and CR capacity are fine ...

incidentally NaN means 'not a number' is an error response to a calculation; amongst other things it occurs when you try to divide by zero.

AJF has the right answer. :)

Facebook pushed new code Tuesday night (that's when they do it - so Wednesday mornings beware!) and it broke the counter. I've reported it and they have not only acknowledged it but will be pushing a fix tonight!

In the mean time, it's a 'display only' issue so your CR regen and timers will still work right... you just can't see it. :(
Silverfire said:
I just received a game error, said 9er Tac was aware and to try something new? I have 400 Cr, ran the contest mission once, costing me 240 CR, but then I went down to 1 CR.  Whaa Happened.

Silverfire, that typically happens if you reload the page too fast... your last actions start tripping over your next actions and sometimes things go wonky. I've put code in to detect that and try to stop anything bad from happening (that's the 'crash' screen you see, and I get an email with details about the fault). But sometimes it doesn't work quite right.

The good news is, if you ran the mission, you did get credit for it...
I am having a problem with my negative morale...I forgot to check in yesterday and my Morale # was -208 the last time I checked, and when I checked in just now my morale had only gone to -212 although my messages indicated that I should have lost a net of 70 morale. Is this a glitch? Please let me know.
PuckChaser said:
Your maximum and minimum Morale is 100 + 2 times your Rank (positive for high morale, or negative for pool morale). So for example, a player that is Rank 68 will have a Morale range from -236 to +236.

100 + (2 * 61) = 222

So you hit your lowest (-222) and as you get +10 morale for playing each day, you ended up at -212. :)
Ahhhh, that makes sense now....I was having trouble figuring that one out!!  :facepalm:

  I am not sure what went on with the game this morning.  I think I may have had a triple entry for an operation.  I tried to get back in to check the activity history, but fb is hanging up on me.  If ti was  multiple entry, please delete the extra credits.


  There is something wrong.  I just logged back into Afghan Ops and my CR was at max.  I had emptied it about 15 mins earlier.  I will stop playing, since something is wrong and I am not sure how you set the clock back.



    I logged back in this afternoon and the regen of CR seems to be working properly.  But this morning when I logged off fb and then logged back in, my CR had been replenished to max.  This happened twice.

No name comes up with this account.  But it seems that the multiple rewarding is happening again: http://army.ca/milpoints/?user=538035552
Mike Bobbitt said:
I should also say, right from the start, that bonuses from incentives don't count towards your goal. So if you need 100 Int and just cashed in an incentive that gives you that much or more, it won't help.

You need to earn it the old fashioned way. ;)

Doh, I could have sworn I gotten some that way.  Alright then, new glitch.  I think I have earned a daily or two by cashing in incentives, but that was a while ago.
For the last couple weeks now I get the error message almost every mission. I now hit the conduct mission button, then hit the tab for the FB homepage, and then go back to AO's to see the mission result................
For 5 minutes straight I got that message, logged out, logged in, cleared cookies, open and closed the browser, everything.  It did not stop until I visited the forums here, then I was good to play.