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Problems and Bugs

Quick question about the Morale totals.  Great idea by the way.  I've been at 166/200 for quite some time.  I've completed 10-12 successful missions without that total increasing.  Is that normal?
Spanky said:
Quick question about the Morale totals.  Great idea by the way.  I've been at 166/200 for quite some time.  I've completed 10-12 successful missions without that total increasing.  Is that normal?
As said in the moral thread your maximum moral is 100+(2x<current rank>)
In other words 33 x 2 =66 + 100 =166 so you are maxed out andit only changes by 2 per promotion.

Mike it's not a biggie I might have pushed twice. :brickwall:
While conducting this mission you have discovered some useful Intelligence data! +75 Int
You earned 590 by completing a daily challenge: 118 Int Collected!
You earned 590 by completing a daily challenge: 118 Int Collected!

There apears to be a problem with one of the daily challenges, it paid out twice.
I went and thought I bought 100 blank and ended up with this:

You were issued 100 x C7A2 Rifle Qty: 109 Prof: 20 (4%) C7A2 Rifle, costing 4,000.
You were issued 1 x CADPAT Uniform Qty: 10 Prof: 14 (68%) CADPAT Uniform, costing 8.

could this be canceled please?

I am doing a bunch of consecutive missions and i seem to white page everytime I collect int, which is also a daily challenge, I don't have any issues when just completing the mission.
Larry Strong said:
I went and thought I bought 100 blank and ended up with this:

could this be canceled please?

Hi Larry,

I'll try to get to this soon, but it's a manual and labour intensive process to reverse purchases so it may be a little while.

The medal that is supposed to be "Morale Reaches -400" actually reads "Morale Reaches 400", and I can obtain it with -320 Morale.
crooks.a said:
The medal that is supposed to be "Morale Reaches -400" actually reads "Morale Reaches 400", and I can obtain it with -320 Morale.

I can confirm it as well, using the incentive even works. I won't use the Int the incentive got me if you want to set it back when you can get to it, Mike.

Larry Strong said:
I am doing a bunch of consecutive missions and i seem to white page everytime I collect int, which is also a daily challenge, I don't have any issues when just completing the mission.

I get this too.
My morale is stopped at 184 and no longer goes any higher with the completion of mission.
Thanks guys, I fixed the -400 morale medal. Sorry about that!
Were the Insurgency Levels medals reset?
For example, 'cleared insurgency in 15 locations'; what was it before?
Right now it offers +100 Morale. If I had used that medal when it was +100 incentive/situational awareness/whatever, before it was converted to morale, was it reset, or was that medal considered 'used'?
Right... some of the medal rewards moved around to accommodate the addition of Morale. In retrospect I probably should have cleared out or moved all the claimed medal incentives as well. A lesson for next time I guess. :)
Just leveled up and insted of filling up my CR (698) it came back with 500.
