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Probably answered


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This has probably been answered already but here goes.

Dress inst say that when a MOC Qual mbr is appointed Ocdt the put up the hat badge of the new branch right away subject to any regimental/branch restrictions, the Reg SO's are a little ambiguous about this, any one know the branch policy on this

RCA Standing Orders state:

Artillery accoutrements are issued to officer cadets on the commencement of their second
phase of training at the Artillery School and to recruits on graduation from QL 3 training at
the RCA Battle School.

Small Cap Badge. An embroidered artillery badge, 1.5" high and 1.75" wide (Insignia
Embroidered Officers RCA), will be worn by officers and Chief Warrant Officers on the CF
green beret and the Canex fur hat. All others wear a gold plated artillery badge 1.5" high and
1.75" (Insignia Service Cap, The RCA, 1953) on the beret and Canex fur hat.

Many years ago, artillery officer cadets wore the gold plated cap badge until they were promoted to 2Lt where upon the cloth cap badge was sewn on the beret.

I assume this is still the policy.
Gunner said:
Many years ago, artillery officer cadets wore the gold plated cap badge until they were promoted to 2Lt where upon the cloth cap badge was sewn on the beret.

I assume this is still the policy.

Yes, and no. The gold plated cap badge gets worn throughout CAP and Ph 3 (sorry, Arty Officer DP1 Mod 1 ::)), and the cloth cap badge is sewn onto the beret at end of Ph 3, IIRC. I did the sewing myself...and since hubby completed Ph3 twice (first Field, then the new combined when he went AD) I had to rip the sucker off and sew it on again a year later (grumble >:()

I could have made him do the sewing, but I take pride in how good he looks...and I won't even let him sew his name into his socks...a seamstress he AINT!



So I would be allright if I were to put the metal cap brass up pending completion of IAP/BOTP and ph III common
You can wear the metal capbadge after IAP/BOTP whether ocdt or 2Lt.  You cannot wear the cloth capbadge until you are MOC qualified, that being DP1.2 (ph.4) for reg force and the RAOTP for reserves.  In the last few years, the candidates received their cloth capbadge with their Lt epaulette. 
I was told on Wednesday that I would wear the cornflake until I had pulled a lanyard. I am about to go on CAP, and have finished BMQ and BOTP2. The person telling me this may be wrong, but as he is my OC I will take his word for it. Besides the Cap badge of the RCA will mean a lot more if that's how long it will take to earn. No worries at any rate.
Bit of an update,

Got word late yesterday from a friend (FOO type) he asked his boss a COL (Arty) and this was the conclusion, all Ocdt's although not fully qual in the new MOC shall put up the Cap Badge of the new MOC upon appointment to Ocdt, the word from them on the Arty Badge is that Octs will wear the Metal Brass until commissioned and put up the cloth on commissioning, it is taken for granted the mbr has earned the right to wear a cap badge other than the cornflake due to previous service. Again this only applies to already serving moc qualified mbr's and not brand new to the military types, Cardston kid it may be different for you as the reserves tend do do things backwards (at the admin level) ex reservist myself here (746 Comm Sqn late 90's).
Cardston Kid, you are permitted to wear the metal capbadge right now, upon completion of botp.  You do not have to pull the lanyard, due to the fact that there is no PO that requires officers to do so, as opposed to NCM's.  I am currently awaiting DP1.2 and I wear the metal capbadge, and have worn the metal capbadge since the end of BOTP.  As I stated before, you wear the cloth capbadge on completion of phase training, not commissioning.  I'm commissioned but wear the metal capbadge. 
Cardston kid you were likely entitled (seeing as you were moc qual as a CAL HIGH and likely as Artymn AD) to put the brass up the day you put the stripe on, check 201, It's in there somewhere about when guys get appointed Ocdt directly from Cpl/Mcpl etc
just to see different opinions on this.  If I have a real brass cap badge (the ones that don't have that permashine on it), and it tends to tarnish, should I polish with brasso to make look nice and shiny?  I've heard some say that not shining it looks better because its more 'veteran'.  Yet these are comments from my peers with pretty much no experience, I would like to hear what you guys have to think. 
Thanks for the info, it's a bit sticky to point this out to my superiors... perhaps I'll meekly suggest a review of the regulations. Regardless, the cap badge is important, but wearing the Cornflake is still an honour.
if it helps I was appointed Ocdt yesterday and the Arty Col at JTFP told me to put the Brass Cap badge up right away to distinguish myself from brand new off the street with no previous service Ocdts
Put the Cap Badge up, should be no issues with that for you. New Regt Standing Orders will remove ambiguity.
Big Daddy142 said:
just to see different opinions on this.  If I have a real brass cap badge (the ones that don't have that permashine on it), and it tends to tarnish, should I polish with brasso to make look nice and shiny?  I've heard some say that not shining it looks better because its more 'veteran'.  Yet these are comments from my peers with pretty much no experience, I would like to hear what you guys have to think. 

I have never seen anything in the army where if it can be shone it is left to tarnish.  I remember having classes on how to polish the cap badge, informal, behind a mess with a smoke, beer, and a can of Jewlers Rouge.  If everyone else has a polished one, or a permashined one, woudn't you look silly with some dingy brown thing hanging off your head?