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Private Sébastien Courcy Killed in Afghanistan - 16/ July/ 2009

observor 69

Army.ca Veteran
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Omar El Akkad

Afghanistan — Globe and Mail Update
Last updated on Thursday, Jul. 16, 2009 11:41AM EDT

.A Canadian soldier has died in Afghanistan.

Private Sébastien Courcy, 26, died around 6 a.m. Thursday morning, Kandahar time, while taking part in military operations in the Panjwayi District, about 17 kilometres south-west of Kandahar City. According to the Canadian Forces, Pte. Courcy was standing on high ground during the operation, and fell to his death. Nobody else was injured. The military did not immediately release any further information on what caused the fall.

Pte. Courcy is the 125th Canadian Forces casualty in Afghanistan since 2002.

Pte. Courcy is a member of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment, based in Valcartier, Quebec. He was serving as a member of the Battalion's battle group.

He was evacuated to the hospital facility at Kandahar airfield, but did not survive.

“Today the entire task force is grieving the loss of a fine soldier. Our prayers are with his family and friends,” said Brigadier-General Jonathan Vance, commander of Task Force Kandahar


Edited to change date in title
RIP Sdt Courcy.  My thoughts to the family, loved ones, friends and Comrades of another brave Canadian soldier.



Whether by accident or by the hand of the enemy, the fallen will never be forgotten!

RIP Pte Courcy :salute:
You have done your duty, now we WILL do ours.

My condolences to the family and friends of Pte Courcy.
Pte Courcy is in our thoughts and prayers. We shall not forget.
"At the going down of the sun..
... we will remember them"
The fallen solider and those left behind will all be in my prayers.
News Release
One Canadian soldier killed on operations
CEFCOM NR–09.020 - July 16, 2009

OTTAWA – One Canadian soldier died while conducting operations in the Panjwayi District. The incident occurred approximately 17 kilometres south-west from Kandahar City at around 6:00 a.m., Kandahar time, on July 16, 2009.


Private Sébastien Courcy
Killed in action was Private Sébastien Courcy from 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment based in Quebec City, Quebec.  Pte Courcy was serving as a member of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group.

Pte Courcy was evacuated by helicopter to the Role 3 Multi-National Medical Facility at the Kandahar Airfield. 

Our thoughts and condolences go to the family and friends of our fallen comrade. 

Canadian soldiers and their ANSF partners work together for the greater good of Afghanistan. Security operations sometimes require a heavy price to be paid, but the challenge we face cannot deter us from our ultimate goal and commitment we have toward Afghans.


Note to Editors:
A photograph of Pte Courcy is available on the Canadian Forces Image Gallery website (search under last name) at: www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca
Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the death of Private Sébastien Courcy
NR–00.059 - July 16, 2009

OTTAWA –The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, issued the following statement today on the death of a Canadian Forces member in Afghanistan:

"I'd like to extend my heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and fellow soldiers of Private Sébastien Courcy of the Royal 22e Régiment who died while conducting operations in Afghanistan. 

Private Sébastien Courcy was a dedicated soldier and a great Canadian who died while providing security to the people of Afghanistan so that they could build a better future for themselves.  His service to Canada and the international community will not be forgotten. 

Canada's continued role in this UN-sanctioned, NATO-led mission in Afghanistan remains a testimony to the bravery and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform.  Canadians are proud of our soldiers and cherish their efforts overseas. Thanks to the selfless and brave efforts of Private Sébastien Courcy, Afghanistan is becoming more secure and more prosperous."


Killed in action was Private Sébastien Courcy from 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment based in Québec City, Quebec.
Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, on the death of Private Sébastien Courcy

OTTAWA— It was with profound sadness that my husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, and I learned of the tragic circumstances that led to the death of Private Sébastien Courcy, member of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group, based in the City of Québec. While participating in an operation in the Panjwayi District, his unit was attacked by insurgents, and Private Courcy died following the attack.

The challenges facing the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, which are sadly brought to light once again today, remind us of the extraordinary commitment of our soldiers who are taking part in this demanding and dangerous mission. In spite of the risks, these women and men demonstrate their limitless dedication each and every day. Driven by an unshakeable sense of duty and with their courage firmly in hand, they are pursuing an ideal of justice and freedom, giving the very best of themselves to protect a population in danger, which rightfully aspires to security and dignity.

We join all Canadians in extending our sincerest condolences and sympathies to the family, friends, and comrades in arms of Private Courcy, We will never forget the sacrifices you have all made. Our thoughts are with you.

Michaëlle Jean


Media Information:
Annabelle Cloutier
Rideau Hall Press Office
RIP soldier.

Thoughts and prayers go out to friends and family.

Mods:  Can we please change the date in the title?  I know I'm a little out of touch, but pretty sure today is the 16th.
Another sad, sad day. My heart aches for the family. Rest in Peace Pte. you have done well. :salute:
RIP comrade, you won't be forgotten.  My deepest condolences to his family and friends.