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Prior Learning Assessment Review( PLAR ) FAQs

I did some more digging, and I managed to find the MA and the name of the Qualification Manager. The MA is outside of the Army, so I'm still wondering if the PLAR has to go through CTC on its way to the MA. I noticed that CAO 24-20 applies only to quals that are managed by the Army.

DAA said:
In most cases and from what I have seen in the past, PLARs such as this, would be sent to the Standards Section of the Training School who is responsible for conducting the course/training qualification which is being sought for equivalency.
This particular qual is not directly associated with a course. Rather, the prerequisites are a combination of courses (which I've done) and experience (for which I will seek equivalency). So, there's no trg establishment associated with the qual.
Hi Everyone,

I just submitted my docs for PLAR review and it took only a week for a response.  The problem I have is that all my skills were rejected, even all my previous military training.

I have been advised that I will have to start from the beginning, which seems to me quite odd.  I understand that I have been out of the service for quite some time, but to think my post military career as well as their own training has been disregarded, is quite disappointing.

Is there the possibility to interview/discuss directly with the PLAR reviewing party to get some explanation or appeal to this decision?

If anyone has some idea on a direction, it would be appreciated.


More information is necessary.  How long have you been out?  What trade are you applying for?  What did you do while out of the military?

All those factors enter into consideration.
I just submitted my docs for PLAR review and it took only a week for a response.  The problem I have is that all my skills were rejected, even all my previous military training.
I have been advised that I will have to start from the beginning, which seems to me quite odd.  I understand that I have been out of the service for quite some time, but to think my post military career as well as their own training has been disregarded, is quite disappointing.
Is there the possibility to interview/discuss directly with the PLAR reviewing party to get some explanation or appeal to this decision?
If anyone has some idea on a direction, it would be appreciated.

Pretty much anything beyond the "5-year" point will not be granted, unless, you have been employed in the private sector utilizing those skills and qualifications.  The PLAR is reviewed by the OA/TA (Occupation and/or Training Authority) for "currency" and not by CAF Recruiting.  So if the course content has changed markedly over time, they won't grant you the previous qualification(s).

Hi Guys,

To add more detail - I left in 1989 as an IE551 and I've been employed since, starting from a Journeyman Industrial Electrician and for the past 17 years as a Controls Engineer/Systems Integrator - with the desire to re-enter as an AVS tech.

I left the military with my last position held being as a Flight Simulator Tech in Greenwood and have carried all that specialized training across my civilian career.

I am aware I have not worked on Aircraft for the time since my release, but would expect to not have to repeat all the "basic" electrical/electronics courses provided in Borden and especially POET in Kingston - as it is what I do day to day. 

I have my aptitude test tomorrow morning (2 Aug) and will see where I go from there.

Thanks for the replies.

Good day.

This board is an invaluable resource. It has answered many of my questions regarding the purpose and process of, as well as the considerations relevant to a PLAR.

I have a DEO Legal Officer application in progress at the moment. It has been nominated for Jag Pre-Board Review. Around July 29th I received an email from "R3 Production National Processing, Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters" requesting a number of docs for the PLAR. I submitted the documents as requested; via email and on August 29th. I have not received any confirmation of receipt of those documents. Since submitting the documents, I have not received a response from my CFRC or STG-CFRG-CustomerSVC@forces.gc.ca (all email) confirming their receipt or the status of my file. While the PLAR timeline seems reasonable given the examples on this message board, the timeline and communication disruption raise two questions:

1. If National Processing had encountered any problems in receiving my documents (won't download properly, corrupt file etc.) would they have notified me? Is it odd to not receive any response for confirmation?
2. Is it likely that the current gap in communication requesting an update on my application status is simply that there is no update to give as the PLAR is not complete

Thank you in advance for any help anyone is able to provide. If anyone has additional information and would be kind enough to PM me their response it would be greatly appreciated. This forum is an asset to anyone contemplating a future in the Canadian Forces.
Magisterjuris said:
This board is an invaluable resource. It has answered many of my questions regarding the purpose and process of, as well as the considerations relevant to a PLAR.

I have a DEO Legal Officer application in progress at the moment. It has been nominated for Jag Pre-Board Review. Around July 29th I received an email from "R3 Production National Processing, Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters" requesting a number of docs for the PLAR. I submitted the documents as requested; via email and on August 29th. I have not received any confirmation of receipt of those documents. Since submitting the documents, I have not received a response from my CFRC or STG-CFRG-CustomerSVC@forces.gc.ca (all email) confirming their receipt or the status of my file. While the PLAR timeline seems reasonable given the examples on this message board, the timeline and communication disruption raise two questions:

1. If National Processing had encountered any problems in receiving my documents (won't download properly, corrupt file etc.) would they have notified me? Is it odd to not receive any response for confirmation?
2. Is it likely that the current gap in communication requesting an update on my application status is simply that there is no update to give as the PLAR is not complete

Thank you in advance for any help anyone is able to provide. If anyone has additional information and would be kind enough to PM me their response it would be greatly appreciated. This forum is an asset to anyone contemplating a future in the Canadian Forces.

The processing of Legal applicants is a very long drawn out process.  One way to think about this, is like holding/attending multiple "discoveries" during a civil case.  :P

If there was anything lacking in your initial submission, I'm sure they would have or should have contacted you.  But purely out of courtesy, they should have at least acknowledged receipt of your documents and advised you on the current and future status of your application.

My only suggestion at this point in time, would be to email them again and or contact your local Recruiting Detachment to see if they can provide additional information.  Any future emails that you send, I'd also suggest you tag them with a "Read" receipt, this way you know your email has been opened/read.  Also be sure to add "@forces.gc.ca" to your email "Safe Senders" list and or check your Junk/SPAM emails folders online through your email service provider.
Hello everyone,

Thank you for your time and looking at this and any advice you may be able to give me.  I currently hold an Electronic Engineering Technician diploma from NSCC, which is an accepted SEP program for Weapons Engineering Technician as they still put CAF members through that course to become WENG Techs (I did this as a civilian and paid through my own pocket). I received this diploma 3 years ago, along side CAF members who were going through the course to continue on as WENG techs.
Now, I am currently in the military and just finished basic training. As I was doing basic , my PLAR was in for review and just came back to me. The results are saying that I will have to redo some of the coursing I have already done, and I doesn't look like I will be getting a quick promotion as a Killick as my classmates had when they did this. I have spoken to some higerups and expressed my concern about having to redo the coursing and not receiving the promotion. I was told they will email someone involved with PLARs and go from there.
I'm just looking for any advice or words of wisdom anyone has on this and if there is anything else I might be able to do ?

Again, thank you for your time.
If there was a change in the Qualification Standard for WET in the past few years, where they added some material and deleted some other stuff, this might be why.  It is very common in the CAF for courses, Qualification Standards and their content/material to be updated, change, etc.  When they do a PLAR (in theory...) they look at what you covered in your previous course, training and/or experience and compare it to the requirements for qualification "as of today"; if things changed over time, so might the PLAR results.
So I have 8 years of service, 4 Reg and 4 Reserve (Reg first) and was a substantive MCpl when I released in 2013. Getting sworn back in Thursday and started thinking about previous courses and I wanted to know if my PLQ qual would remain. The LS at the recruiting centre said I would have to do a PLAR since it was done in the reserves. I had both Reg and Res on my PLQ in Wainwright, are the odds good in getting this PLAR'd or am I going to be looking at doing this course over in the future?

TrunkMonkey315 said:
So I have 8 years of service, 4 Reg and 4 Reserve (Reg first) and was a substantive MCpl when I released in 2013. Getting sworn back in Thursday and started thinking about previous courses and I wanted to know if my PLQ qual would remain. The LS at the recruiting centre said I would have to do a PLAR since it was done in the reserves. I had both Reg and Res on my PLQ in Wainwright, are the odds good in getting this PLAR'd or am I going to be looking at doing this course over in the future?


You should retain that qual, but to be on the safe side, bring in a copy of your Crse Report.  It will have the Crse Number and what Qualification Code they used on it that will verify your qual.
George Wallace said:
You should retain that qual, but to be on the safe side, bring in a copy of your Crse Report.  It will have the Crse Number and what Qualification Code they used on it that will verify your qual.

Thanks for the answer. Luckily the only paperwork I was good at keeping track of was military course reports. I emailed the recruiter with the serial and qual code. I was granted qualification AINS. I was a little annoyed at the thought of redoing this but I'm hopeful it'll be good to go.
I did Res CLC back in '93, and I did a PLAR for PLQ back about 10 years ago and was grandfathered the PLQ qual.  I did it mainly because my MPRR showed CLC vice PLQ and I wanted something on paper that was clear on the issue.  The PLAR resulted in a letter from the SSO NCM PD at CDA stating ""in consultation with both the PLQ and ILQ SOs, member is qualified to rank of WO and does not require PLQ or ILQ for further promotion.  [I also requested equivalency for my ILP because I'd done SLC in 2002].  I didn't get exactly what I requested (PLQ and ILQ added onto my MPRR with applic qual codes) but the effect was the same.  The letter is on my Pers File and I have a few copies in my shadow file at home.

My PLAR included my 2 course reports as refs.  Hopefully you'll get similar results.
Update: Scanned and sent in my course report Monday, got the email from the recruiting centre today that PLQ has been granted. Quick and easy!
If a member has successfully PLAR’d a qualification, are they supposed to receive any sort of supporting documentation?  Or is having it appear on the MPRR the only thing that happens?

If it's an Army managed course there is a letter sent to the member on DWAN as verification that the qual is granted. Letter can also be found on their SharePoint site via CTC G7.