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Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

There were 3 PLQ Mod 6 courses. PLQ (common) PLQ (land) and PLQ (Infantry)

The common to all mods were 1-5. The PLQ (Common) was esentialy mods 1-5 with a small party task.

Land is very much like Inf but without some hard asses roles and a little less indepth about certain aspects.

Inf was and I wont say the hardest as any course can be made to be very difficult but it was the most indepth and had the most hard asses roles to fill.
JohnnyCanuck1977 said:
I've read the QSP on the CFNOS website and it doesn't seem different at all when compared to the old PLQ/JLC.  Is there anyone here that can shed some light on the new EPLQ just excatly what is different? And is it an attempt to standardize the course across the country?

The first EPLQ course is about to grad on the west coast.  It is a 10 week course crammed into 7 and some of the changes include the field phase being tailored towards Afghanistan taskings instead of the usual "raise a tub off the ground 6 inches, etc".

The past couple of PLQ courses on the west had the field phase changed and it is much better with such things as setting up an LZ or providing security for a meeting of community leaders.  Much better than the old tasks.
JohnnyCanuck1977 said:
I didn't realize the Army PLQ was so different. I always thought that infantry MCPLs did something called an CSLC, in lieu of a PLQ.  That aside they have redone the PLQ course yet again and it is now called EPLQ (Enhanced Primary Leadership Qualifications) I've been told the change has been made to ensure that the course was standadized across the board. The first EPLQ on the east coast will commence on 28 Oct 2008 so we'll just see how standard it is. 

I've read the QSP on the CFNOS website and it doesn't seem different at all when compared to the old PLQ/JLC.  Is there anyone here that can shed some light on the new EPLQ just excatly what is different? And is it an attempt to standardize the course across the country?


Crap!  I don't even know what I am qualified as anymore.

Why does someone have to justify their job in the Puzzle Palace by reinventing the wheel every Posting Season?  

This is worse than thinking email and computers will save us on paper..........What savings do we get by having to change every publication in the CF to reflect the correct terminology for the friggin CLC and ICCS courses every friggin year.  A dimwitted, non deployable, unemployable officer in some anonymous corner cubicle of one of the towers with his coffee cup in hand and mustard stains on his short sleeve shirt, minus ribbons, just in from a smoke break (of we know not what), feet up on desk, staring at army.ca, has just come up with a brilliant new name for yet another Leadership course, as the old one is already too old, having been changed a whole six months ago........  ::)   His flights of fantasy could have been put to better use with the Retire Anal Personnel Early plan.  It appears that the wages and costs of implementing his plans could easily have gone towards the purchase of another flight of CH 47 or Sqn of Leo 2.  In essence, the Secure Centralized Remote Employee Workplace  Unit that he is hidden away in has gone unnoticed for too long.  As we have not RAPE'd this fellow in his SCREW U location, we can only look at the CF continuing in being Feed Unnecessary Combat Knowledge, Extraneously Derived.
Well put.  Maybe some day they will leave the names alone and be happy not having their names added to OCCSPEC "look what I did while I was in Ottawa"sort of garbage...  Uh... Oh, yeah, I was dreaming.
I`m going on my "enhanced" CFPLQ next week in Quebec City, Naval reserve (Franco serial, Oct.14th to Dec.3rd) let`s see how it goes. 8 Days field phase in Valcartier towards the end of the course. I`ll post my impressions when I`ll come back!

Berndawg: There will be 3 or 4 Construction engineers on the course, so the "changes" ( Contruction Trades doing Land PLQ) you`re talking about haven`t been done yet! :cdn:
Okay so Iv been a Mcpl for 2 years in the spring, and never been offered a PLQ, And Im headed to Afghanistan in feb/March. wich will bring me up to oct. I was once told that there is a grandfather clause for the JLC/PLQ that if your not offered or operationaly able to attent said course that you can have it written off as "Experiance from time served in rank"

Im not trying to get out of somthing, I just want to confirm or deny this.

Thanks alot! :cdn:
Hotwire said:
Okay so Iv been a Mcpl for 2 years in the spring, and never been offered a PLQ, And Im headed to Afghanistan in feb/March. wich will bring me up to oct. I was once told that there is a grandfather clause for the JLC/PLQ that if your not offered or operationaly able to attent said course that you can have it written off as "Experiance from time served in rank"

Im not trying to get out of somthing, I just want to confirm or deny this.

Thanks alot! :cdn:

You have been a MCpl now, for 2 years, without a PLQ Crse, and you are in the 12 RBC?  Something does not sound right here.  I will have to ask the Career Manager about this one.

As for being granted your PLQ for "Experience for time served in Rank"; forget it.  There is no such thing.  You have to do the PLQ. 

But if you do get to keep your Rank and Pay, please do post it here.  I know several people who would be very interested in how you did that.
Hotwire said:
Okay so Iv been a Mcpl for 2 years in the spring, and never been offered a PLQ, And Im headed to Afghanistan in feb/March. wich will bring me up to oct. I was once told that there is a grandfather clause for the JLC/PLQ that if your not offered or operationaly able to attent said course that you can have it written off as "Experiance from time served in rank"

Im not trying to get out of somthing, I just want to confirm or deny this.

Thanks alot! :cdn:

Wishfull thinking.  Sorry bud, you will have to do the course in order to keep the rank.  Just keep your fingers crossed that they load you on course before the decide to revert you. :)
well I will be a MCPL for 2 years as of may 2009. Im At 12 RBC, But Im currently doing my workup training for 0109 leaving in feb till oct.

SO...  I cant see being loaded on a course before dec 2009/Jan 2010. ( as there is little to NO time for it, between now and then)

Is it possible for me to do the individual Mods on my own, like OPME, while Im over seas?

I may be an exception to the case, and Im not trying to get out of the course, I just wanted to know what the reprocusions are if I dont get the course...
Well if your not PLQ qualifed by the two year mark you may be demoted to CPL. But since you are being deployed and have not been offered a PLQ, and may not be offered one prior to your deployment, you maybe given some grace.  I've seen people go up to 3 years without a PLQ because they were injured and could not get medically fit for the course. I've also been on units were people were held back from going on the PLQ because of operational deployments so your situation isn't as unique as you may think.

The bottom line is get your Divisional system involved, have them inform your career manager of your concerns and let them figure out away ahead.  Since you've never been offered a PLQ I'm going to wager that your Divisional people have let you down or maybe there has been a change over recently and everyone assumes you already have a PLQ and you fell between the cracks.  This may work in your favour especially since you have a deployment coming up. Request that you be allowed to deploy and that you be loaded on the next PLQ on your return.  I'm sure that everyone involved will be happy with the comprimise because let's face it no one wants to do an AR(administrative review) to demote a good MCPL.
Hi all!

As I mentionned previously, I just want to provide all of you with the info on the new "enhanced" PLQ (ePLQ). I just finished it at the Naval Reserve unit in Quebec city.

It was the first Franco serial (QELA) of the "amélioré" (read enhanced) to be run out of Quebec. From what I understand of the differences between the former program compared to the new one, there is now more enphasis put on the section commander's role.
Most of the content is the same, but the amount of time to cover the topics has changed. Also, the course been run under the authority of CDA, the schools don't have the right to modify the content at all (that includes the Powerpoint slides). There is 16 mandatory PT classes ran by the section commander of the day for each section (you're being evaluated on it)and it includes tac vest/helmet marches for now, maybe short ruck marches on the next serials. They're getting the weapons back into the equation also. Next serials might involve carrying weapons on a day to day basis...The Knowledge lessons and skill lessons that you have to teach are now GIVEN TO YOU and are all involving military knowledge and skills (individual field movements, map/compass, combat first aid, prisonners of war, geneva convention, field hygiene, firing positions, that sort of stuff (no more of that "teach what you want as long as it makes sense" kinda deal)

Now for the field phase: (at least for Quebec's courses) 3 days in and out in Valcartier for lectures (field formations, hand signals and section attacks/pepperpot intro) ,so 3 days where you go back to the shacks at the end of the day. The week after is 6 days straight in Valcartier, living on a FOB, where the students run the show (sections commanders), including meals (a-boxes), dishes, perimeter defense and sentry duties 24/7.
First 3 days of the field phase are the dry runs/pre-tests and the next 3 are the real evaluations. So no more "petit trot" or watever it was called in English. The word of the day is FORCE PROTECTION. So the section commander gets warning orders then orders, makes his orders..go through the battle procedures (15 steps) routine to do it, passes it on to the 2 I/C and section members, and go out to do it. Patrols, road blocks, searching pplz and vehicules, all that stuff and no more of the "make a raft" or "move that barrel" or "put up a mod tent".

Stand-to's, fire drills, main gate/roving patrol, OP shifts, refueling of the generators/heaters...

Anyway, I thought it would be a good thing to let people know what the changes are on the "enhanced" PLQ.

Mods, if some of that stuff is not appropriate to be seen here, please take it off.

If you got questions, PM me!

delavan said:
Hi all!

As I mentionned previously, I just want to provide all of you with the info on the new "enhanced" PLQ (ePLQ). I just finished it at the Naval Reserve unit in Quebec city.

It was the first Franco serial (QELA) of the "amélioré" (read enhanced) to be run out of Quebec. From what I understand of the differences between the former program compared to the new one, there is now more enphasis put on the section commander's role.
Most of the content is the same, but the amount of time to cover the topics has changed. Also, the course been run under the authority of CDA, the schools don't have the right to modify the content at all (that includes the Powerpoint slides). There is 16 mandatory PT classes ran by the section commander of the day for each section (you're being evaluated on it)and it includes tac vest/helmet marches for now, maybe short ruck marches on the next serials. They're getting the weapons back into the equation also. Next serials might involve carrying weapons on a day to day basis...The Knowledge lessons and skill lessons that you have to teach are now GIVEN TO YOU and are all involving military knowledge and skills (individual field movements, map/compass, combat first aid, prisonners of war, geneva convention, field hygiene, firing positions, that sort of stuff (no more of that "teach what you want as long as it makes sense" kinda deal)

Now for the field phase: (at least for Quebec's courses) 3 days in and out in Valcartier for lectures (field formations, hand signals and section attacks/pepperpot intro) ,so 3 days where you go back to the shacks at the end of the day. The week after is 6 days straight in Valcartier, living on a FOB, where the students run the show (sections commanders), including meals (a-boxes), dishes, perimeter defense and sentry duties 24/7.
First 3 days of the field phase are the dry runs/pre-tests and the next 3 are the real evaluations. So no more "petit trot" or watever it was called in English. The word of the day is FORCE PROTECTION. So the section commander gets warning orders then orders, makes his orders..go through the battle procedures (15 steps) routine to do it, passes it on to the 2 I/C and section members, and go out to do it. Patrols, road blocks, searching pplz and vehicules, all that stuff and no more of the "make a raft" or "move that barrel" or "put up a mod tent".

Stand-to's, fire drills, main gate/roving patrol, OP shifts, refueling of the generators/heaters...

Anyway, I thought it would be a good thing to let people know what the changes are on the "enhanced" PLQ.

Mods, if some of that stuff is not appropriate to be seen here, please take it off.

If you got questions, PM me!


Interesting as I have all of this when I did my PLQ back in 05/06 (except for the FOB part, we did the Cold War Defensive Positions). Then again I did PLQ(L), seems they want to get rid of the three different versions of the PLQ Course.
Yep, sounds exactly like my Common PLQ (done in Petawawa) with the exception of the three days in the field.  Otherwise, we did all that.  Weapons every day and inspections right until the last week.
I agree with all of you on this.

The thing is that for the last few years, the "support trades PLQ" was a little "different" (read easier) than other PLQs, and now they want to set a standard for most PLQs...I can`t talk for Land PLQ, which seems to be harder anyway...anyhow, just a bit of info for those who will be loaded on a "support trades" PLQ in Borden, Halifax, Quebec or other locations for "support trades" PLQs...
Your statment is a bit off, if you are posted/attached to a unit in the land environment you would have to do a PLQ (L) regardless if you are "support trade". I had Truckers, Clerks, Supply techs and an INT OP on my course.
Your statment is a bit off

Well, I don`t mean to create  a controversy or something, let me tell you. But on my course, we had 3 or 4 medics from field ambulance in Valcartier(all of them were in AFG with the task force from Valcartier, dunno which roto number) and a Construction folk (army uniform) from a field engineer regiment. Then a medic from CSOR on my course, and one on the Anglo serial that ran a few weeks before ours.

Again, just a bit of info on what I seen, the only thing I can talk about.
delavan said:
The thing is that for the last few years, the "support trades PLQ" was a little "different" (read easier) than other PLQs

Not if you did it in Petawawa.  We were one of the first groups to go through the "new" PLQ and the instructors were still used to the old JLC/CLC.
From what I understand, the people who did their PLQ in Valcartier, Borden and Esquimalt had a cake walk compared to ours.  No weapons (as there wasn't enough for everyone), getting to pick what they wanted to teach for a skill lesson - with the instructor's approval, of course, etc.
Not that I care, it's over with for me.  What did I learn?  How not to be a leader.
OK, I read the thread. It appears my Sect IC and CSM would like to get me on a block Mods1-5 course.

Even though I'm rather junior and inexperienced, I have leadership experience from team assignments in school (dozens of them) and I mentor a few of my no-hook subordinates on how-tos.

The CSM's rationale behind this course and taking it relatively soon is not to make one of those dreaded overnight MCpls, but give me a foundation on being a junior leader, and letting me grow from there.  That sounds pretty reasonable, and I want to ensure I wind up well prepared for the course. Unlike my other ones..

Now. No doubt there will be lots of PT and drill and those nonsense room inspections. In terms of learning material, I know what to expect. But I have some questions for someone who has taught or completed the course.

- What are some particular things to get a grip on before I land on the crse, apart from the obvious PT, drill, weapons drill.
- What are some DO NOT DOs that will land me in trouble?  Because I did enough of those on BMQ.  :-X
- What are the common pitfalls that get people, on any of these mods?
- Is it a classroom oriented course, or am I going to be in the field more often?
- I have presented in front of 40-people classes many times (successfully), and have led many student teams at the same time (mostly successful).  Can this experience outside of the CF benefit me on this course, or is this "starting over" in terms of leading people and how to do it????
- I have heard a lot of varying opinions on this course and Mod 6.  Some say it is genuinely useful, others say it was yelling and discipline for the sake of itself (Mod 6 especially).  I take it every course is different from the next?