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Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

EME trades as of 2006 will do the CFPLQ. Small Party Task week is their final ex. PLQ(L) is for all combat arms trades (minus Infantry) and also includes reserve MSE OPs and clerks (Regs do the CFPLQ),the Infantry does the, you guessed it! PLQ Infantry. The CFPLQ is in its final days and will be replaced by a revamped PLQ(L) that will be used to train all army trades minus the Infantry. The package is not yet complete,but we expect it to start being used in 2007.
DND has realized that the CFPLQ was not properly preparing candidates to be leaders in combat zones such as Afghanistan. By having all trades learn how to do the advance,defence,run ranges etc. we should be able to start fielding a more robust Army.
Reviving an old thread I know, however I think it fits here as it's PLQ related.


1) Has anyone done mods 1-5 PLQ(L) and then tried to complete the remaining PO's from CFPLQ to get the CFPLQ. For example, does 1-5 + Mod 6 part 1 = CFPLQ?

2) Does anyone have any references to being able to complete the CFPLQ crse after having done the mods 1-5?

Reason I'm asking is that I am dealing with trades that don't necessarily need the PLQ(L) - however we're getting spots on PLQ(L) mods 1-5. Looking for a quick and not-so-dirty way of getting the CFPLQ equivalency.
I was a Crse WO this past summer on a QEL (T) which is PLQ (L) as you can tell I am in LFQA.  It was solely a Mod 6 course, and I had a musician that came in for part one, and did not do part two.  It was explained to me that part two was not required for the musician trade for promotion.  I had a long list of refs from LFQA TC and her unit explaining why, but I cleaned out my inbox a long time ago.  There was also talk of the music trade to go towards CFPLQ which might put the kybosh on your attempts.

I am sure however that someone will either confirm or deny what I have just said, but she was not the only case last summer either. 
Ack. I've actually read that directive from LFDTS for musicians - but it doesn't make any mention of being equivalent to CFPLQ (as far as I remember anyway) - it's more or less a musician specific directive. If anyone knows whether or not it (meaning PLQ(L) mods 1-5 + 6pt1)may translate into other purple trades, let me know.
HCA123 said:
Reviving an old thread I know, however I think it fits here as it's PLQ related.


1) Has anyone done mods 1-5 PLQ(L) and then tried to complete the remaining PO's from CFPLQ to get the CFPLQ. For example, does 1-5 + Mod 6 part 1 = CFPLQ?

2) Does anyone have any references to being able to complete the CFPLQ crse after having done the mods 1-5?

Reason I'm asking is that I am dealing with trades that don't necessarily need the PLQ(L) - however we're getting spots on PLQ(L) mods 1-5. Looking for a quick and not-so-dirty way of getting the CFPLQ equivalency.

I know this used to be done before, at least in PRes. Candidates would go on PLQ (L) courses, do Mods 1 to 5 + Mod 6 part 1 and have the equivalency granted for CFPLQ, However, you should definitely check with your Chain of Command if that is still the case.
I did the army jr nco course part one in 95 and released a year later.  I returned a couple of years ago and my  supervisor is asking me if I have my PLQ and I am not sure if I do.  Is that course considered an equivalent or do I need to take a PLQ.  I am air environment now, on my MPRR it is listed as army jr nco course part one. Any idea where I may find the reference. :salute:
Basically the course you did was CF JLC (Not to be confused with LFC JR NCO) and no it is NOT equivalent to PLQ Mods 1-5.

Besides that you have been out too long and I don't beleive your CF JLC would be valid anymore.
You would likely have more responses if you posted in the Training Forum: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,39.0.html

Incidentally, I echo ArmyRick's comments.
Although I agree with Army Rick on this topic.  I caution you to use it as gospil.  I would recommend you submit a memo up the chain of command and ask for a PLA (prior learning assessment) to see if they will allow you to keep the qualification from before.  It would benefit if you have the copy of your course report  and submit it with your memo. 
Kirsten Luomala said:
Although I agree with Army Rick on this topic.  I caution you to use it as gospil.  I would recommend you submit a memo up the chain of command and ask for a PLA (prior learning assessment) to see if they will allow you to keep the qualification from before.  It would benefit if you have the copy of your course report  and submit it with your memo. 

I agree.  I sumitted a memo for a granting of equivilancy for my JLC /JNCO after I did my componant transfer to the Reg Force.  I was granted equivalency and now I have JLC, JNCO, and PLQ quallifications on my MPRR.

While I wasn't in the same boat, it goes to show it definately won't hurt.
As they want to load me soon, by the time a PLA gets done I would probably be finished.  I suppose it wouldnt hurt to a have a more current course as quite a few things have changed anyways.
I have moved on to another position, but I doubt things have changed too much in the past few months.

From the Army perspective IAW LFCO 24-20 Prior Learning Assessment for Equivalencies and Qualification Reinstatements, PLQ(L) Mods 1-5 plus Mod 6 Pt 1 is equivalent to PLQ (CF).  However, the Army is not the MA (Managing Authority) for this training, it belongs to CDA (Canadian Defence Academy) as does the BMQ, BOTP, ILQ, ALQ, etc.  Therefore an equivalency can be granted for PLQ (CF) by taking most of PLQ (L), although I don't personally think this is the best way of going about it.

Regarding the bandsmen, LFCO 29-12 Army Reserve Career Progression covers this.  However it is currently being rewritten and is not available on the DIN.  Essentially it stated that all Army Reservists, except R871 Musicians, required SQ and PLQ (L) as part of their career progression.  Musicians do not require SQ and do not have to take the entire PLQ (L), they just need Mods 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 Pt 1.  Keep in mind, this LFCO is being rewritten (this has been in process for at least six months) so it could change.
A little bit of "news" for our MP friends  :crybaby:.......
Time to get dirty!  >:D

Recently, Armed Forces Council has directed that all MP 00161 that are in need of PLQ training will now have to attend PLQ land.  Based on this, all the nominations in MITE for MP 00161 members awaiting PLQ training have been amended to request that these members attend PLQ in a land training center (Suffield, Petawawa, Valcartier or Gagetown), despite the command they belong to, their unit affiliation or the uniform these members are wearing.

Therefore, it has been directed that in the futur, no MP 00161 attend PLQ training in Borden, Esquimalt, Halifax, Naval Reserve in Quebec City, or any other establishment that may provide PLQ training.

Récement, ''Armed Forces Council'' a décrété que tous les PM 00161 nécéssitant la QEL devront obligatoirement faire le QEL de l'Armée.  De ce fait, toutes les nominations pour les PM 00161 qui sont présentement en attente de cette qualification ont été amendé afin que ces membres se rendre dans un des centres d'entrainement de l'Armée (Suffield, Petawawa, Valcartier ou Gagetown), et ce, peu importe le commandement auquel ils appartiennent, l'affiliation de leur unité ou l'uniforme que ceux-ci portent.

De ce fait, aucun PM 00161 ne se rendra désormait plus à Borden, Esquimalt, Halifax, Réserve Navale à Québec, ou dans tout autre établissement des FC qui dispensent le cours de QEL.
I haven't seen anything "official" yet but I hear the same will be true for Construction Engineers in the near future.
BernDawg said:
I haven't seen anything "official" yet but I hear the same will be true for Construction Engineers in the near future.

Just doing an update to this old thread...  We currently have one CE type on the Navy PLQ in Esquimalt (13 May - 3 July 2008).
Here's an interesting question WRT PLQ.

Say if someone, who has already completed CF PLQ, wanted to remuster to a Combat Arms trade (Artillery).  Would they have to take a Land specific PLQ over again?
More than likely, they would only have to do the additional Mods.  But I'm not an expert.  :P
  I will keep you all updated as I am on the course right now. I am a supply Tech in 1 service, so far not to bad a little bit of chicken s*** stuff.

Yes you would have to complete the PLQ Mod 6 (Land) to retain the qual
I didn't realize the Army PLQ was so different. I always thought that infantry MCPLs did something called an CSLC, in lieu of a PLQ.  That aside they have redone the PLQ course yet again and it is now called EPLQ (Enhanced Primary Leadership Qualifications) I've been told the change has been made to ensure that the course was standadized across the board. The first EPLQ on the east coast will commence on 28 Oct 2008 so we'll just see how standard it is. 

I've read the QSP on the CFNOS website and it doesn't seem different at all when compared to the old PLQ/JLC.  Is there anyone here that can shed some light on the new EPLQ just excatly what is different? And is it an attempt to standardize the course across the country?