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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Oh being drunk/skunk/smashed/clobbered/hammered/pished/plastered/sloshed/tanked or wrecked is OK.

Just don't get high on weed or you ae going straight to hell.  >:D
X-mo-1979 said:
Ok seen.
I think blind testing is a waste of money.It may act as a deterrent for a short time but offers no consequence to the offenders.
However even these results will take a long time to filter back.

I don't think its a waste of money per se, its more or less used to determine if there is in fact a drug problem with a particular unit/base/etc.  From what I read on some site/CANFORGEN (can't remember the particulars), if the blind test comes back, with really high numbers the CO or his Boss, can order everyone do the full meal deal (ie not blind, you test positive your in for a little chat).  Don't quote me on the specifics as I can't find it right now, but if i get the chance i will.
5 years ago I partook in some drugs that I'm not AT ALL proud of.  Heroin, cocaine and crack.  (twice, three times, and twice) At the time I thought they would be a good 'experience.'  I also smoked pot, but gave that up as well after realizing how stupid it is, and how lazy it made me. 
I'm very much ashamed of the horrible judgment I used, and have since grown up a lot.  It's only been 5 years, true, but I'm a totally different person.  (I know I sound like a d*ck saying that, but it is true)

I refuse to lie to anyone about my experiences, the thought of it makes me extremely uneasy.  I want to leave it all behind and become a soldier, but I'm afraid laying it all out on the drug sheet will make me ineligible.

Do recruiters assess these types of things on a personal basis, or dismiss one immediately after admitting such horrific drug usage?  I'm not addicted to any substance (except a cup of tea once a day) and don't have an addictive personality.  I'm bilingual, reasonably intelligent (or ridiculously stupid, one may pointedly argue) and I think I would make a good recruit.  Am I naive to dream of a future in the CF? Thanks for your time.
Read this thread, should give you an idea of what to expect.  Now to find out if the CF will accept you call or visit your nearest Recruiting Centre.
verypoorchoice said:
5 years ago I partook in some drugs that I'm not AT ALL proud of.  Heroin, cocaine and crack.  (twice, three times, and twice) At the time I thought they would be a good 'experience.'  I also smoked pot, but gave that up as well after realizing how stupid it is, and how lazy it made me. 
I'm very much ashamed of the horrible judgment I used, and have since grown up a lot.  It's only been 5 years, true, but I'm a totally different person.  (I know I sound like a d*ck saying that, but it is true)

I refuse to lie to anyone about my experiences, the thought of it makes me extremely uneasy.  I want to leave it all behind and become a soldier, but I'm afraid laying it all out on the drug sheet will make me ineligible.

Do recruiters assess these types of things on a personal basis, or dismiss one immediately after admitting such horrific drug usage?  I'm not addicted to any substance (except a cup of tea once a day) and don't have an addictive personality.  I'm bilingual, reasonably intelligent (or ridiculously stupid, one may pointedly argue) and I think I would make a good recruit.  Am I naive to dream of a future in the CF? Thanks for your time.

Welcome to milnet.ca

I would give you the rainbow post, but like you, I feel a little lazy.

Please search this question via the search function.  I can bet my bottom dollar made of wheat that you will find yer answer.



milnet.ca staff
Thanks for the reply, appreciate it!
I have read most of this thread and didn't find anything too conclusive with regards to my situation.  I guess my best bet is to talk to a recruiter... I want to tell them straight up to avoid wasting their time, but I think the more they get to know me, the less of a problem my shameful past may be.  I'll have to find a happy medium, I suppose.

If it was five years ago, maybe you should just get over it... honestly my drug sheet was pretty full too... but yeah it was ten years ago... I am now a different person... that is the whole point.

If you cannot get over it yourself do not expect the recruiters to do it for you.
Don't be ashamed, just keep moving forward!

Good luck

(and by the way if I remember correctly you go over the drug sheet again in your interview and you will probably get a chance to talk about it also on your medical... so you will get a chance to explain... if that is what you were affraid of)
Quick question. What about underage drinking? I'm 16, 17 in August. I had my first underage "thing" with friends in 2006, I didn't get drunk. And I don't drink regularly, maybe one or two drinks a month. I was wondering what their policy is, if anyone knows? I hope that they don't crack down on it, I haven't done any drugs or anything, so yeah. Also with caffeine, does that include coffee and energy drinks? If so i didn't see that on the "drug" questionnaire after my CFAT. I drink coffee pretty regularly, and I haven't touched an energy drink in a month or more. Since I forgot the caffeine thing, will i be in trouble or can i just tell the medical examiner?

They are not trying to bust people for illegal acts they just don't want drug addicts in the CF. I put down, drinking, pot and the one time use of mushrooms and I talked about it all with my interviewer and that was that, they had no real problems with it. Underage drinking is not a problem unless the drinking itself is a problem for you. In the end I would, no matter what your drug use,put everything down on the form.
For caffeine, I didn't see it on the form or I must have read over it by mistake. So I guess I just tell the examiner?
The army runs on caffeine, I wouldn't sweat it.
How many times, in the 16 + pages of this thread, do we have to tell you " drug addled, pot smoking, acid taking, cocaine snorting, crack smoking, mescaline medaled, weed ingesting, heroin hammering pieces of crap, that the only place to get your sorry assed question answered is at the Recruiting Centre?

I'm locking this up, because even the most drug adled asshole could find what he's looking for here, already posted here in this thread, with a spliff and a spark.

hi, this topic has been brought up once before i read threw it and personally it wasn't given a proper responce, and i just want to know if i can smoke salvia while i am in the armed forces?

it has no long term effects on the body, is a proven anti-depressant, the high last for 15-20 minutes. It does not permently "alter" the brain such as LSD, Marijuana or cigarettes do so, it is almost like drinking alot of alcohol without the sickening feeling and only last 15minutes

thank you for any responce, i am sorry if i "aggravated" or set any of you off by asking this question, i just think its important for me to know.

salvia is legal in canada :cdn:

canadasyouth said:
... i just want to know if i can smoke salvia while i am in the armed forces?
No.  You cannot.
"Have you taken any drugs ever?"

I remember a question similar to this one on the internal paperwork right before the testing when I joined 4 years ago. I said "yes, I smoked weed once during college accidentally" - which was true due to someone saying it was a rolled cigarette but lied to me. Anyway, the recruiter liked my honesty and I was accepted.

After 2 years of reserve experience and VRing -  I will be enrolling again as my previous QL3 qualified trade - RMS Clerk, but this time regular force - As for 'that' question in the internal paperwork I want to tell the truth and say yes I have smoked weed once, but will that prevent me from joining the regular force as the rules/regulations are tighter in the reg vs. res, anyway I just want to know if I should be worried that's all.

No, a single instance of marijuana use over 4 years ago should not preclude you from joining the regular force. This issue is discussed extensively in the following thread: http://forums.navy.ca/forums/threads/12779.0.html
If you think your in trouble for doing it once in college...    i hate to think about whats going to happin to the kid who sits beside me in my english class!  We are both doing the miltary co-op, i'm preety sure this kid has gone through 10 differnt hard drugs (no joke) last week he got suspended for smoking up during school hours.  he's going to have an interesting time trying to explain that to the docters at the cfrc, although interesting to see how it turns out for him.
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