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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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BE CAREFUL!!!  The Urine test is not only for drugs.  I worked out at the gym the night before my urine test and it detected trace amounts of red blood cells.(from the stressful exercise)  Thats the reason I wasnt merit listed. They rejected my medical. Now I'm doing all these extensive medical tests to gather proof that I'm healthy, which I and my doctors know I AM.

Of course, I had my doctor give me the same urine test later when I hadn't worked out in a while and it was clear, but they didnt care.

I'm perfecly heathy, but there's now a possibility I may never get in due to that one little mistake.
Also, Mike, my doc said for me not to worry too much about the second hand weed smoke. I'm a tree planter right now, so you can imagine the amounts of second had I have to avoid every day. Especially in the vehicles. Breathe it thru yer shirt. :-X
So they will still my application through if they found traces of thc? Or are you talking about an outside doctor?
Well I have no idea. All I do know is the med tech opened up the cup in front of me dipped a strip of paper in it, looked at the paper, then threw it all out. So I gather she wanted to see if the paper changed color (which i'm sure detects drugs etc).
Yeah. I think they just called it the 'dipstick' test or something.  They don't do a lab workup. Unless, maybe, they detect something/
Name Nick Name Detection(in days)
Marijuana Pot 5-30
LSD Acid 1.5-5
Phencyclidine PCP, Angle Dust 14-30
MDMA Ecstasy 7
Amphetamines Ice, crank 1-4
Metphamphe- tamine Speed 1-4
Cocaine Coke 1-6
Codeine 1-6
Morphine Morph 1-6
Hydocodone Dilles 1-6
Heroin Smack 1-6
Oxycodone Percs 1-6
Meperdine Demmies 1-7
Propoxypene None 1-3
Phenobarbital Downers 2-21
Secobarbital Barbs, reds 2-21
Diazepam Downers 3-45
Alprazolam Downers 3-45
Methaqualone Ludes 12-14

Source: http://www.urineluck.com/drug-testing-library/abuse.html?PHPSESSID=60bd5e900d0a32c2839a0dfbf33d66c0

So Happy...just did my physical and passed. I was so worried but in the end it turned out really easy. I got total 93 for the hand grip, 30 pushups, and 32 situps(could have done more but she said timesup), she said I did good on the run thing, but I didn't understand any of the numbers she wrote down lol. the music helped a lot, it sounded like some video game music from zelda or something lol, it was good anyway, the voice at points helped me then confused me, everytime the vedio said up I was going down ;D
mike1983 said:
Is the urine test basicly a drug test? I am worried because I have been at a crowded rock show a few times recently, and everybody around me was smoking weed, and I have my testing scheduled for 1 week from now. Should I not bother going?

do a search for 'drugs' this topic has been asked and answered many times :D
MysticLies said:
So Happy...just did my physical and passed. I was so worried but in the end it turned out really easy. I got total 93 for the hand grip, 30 pushups, and 32 situps(could have done more but she said timesup), she said I did good on the run thing, but I didn't understand any of the numbers she wrote down lol. the music helped a lot, it sounded like some video game music from zelda or something lol, it was good anyway, the voice at points helped me then confused me, everytime the vedio said up I was going down ;D

way to go! congrats :D
Ahh yes the wait...isn't it fun  ;D  I called the recruiting office today to see if my med file was still in Borden....well it says in their computer that it was recieved in Borden yesterday...it was sent to them on the 16th of May. So it still has to be approved, sent back to the recruiting center, they close my file, send it to my unit and then my unit contacts me...I believe....lol  Well I missed the May 30th BMQ, guess I cross my fingers for July 4th.  :salute:
I just called the rc too. He told me not to expect my file back until the middle of next month. It was sent to Borden May 2. He says they've got about 1,000 files to review and because it's a very serious part of the application process it takes time to be reviewed.

I asked him about the June bmq (provided all comes back good from Borden). He says for part-time (res) that will be dealt with at the unit once my file is forwarded to them.

So the wait is still on for me too.
Tbird said:
Ahh yes the wait...isn't it fun  ;D  I called the recruiting office today to see if my med file was still in Borden....well it says in their computer that it was received in Borden yesterday...it was sent to them on the 16th of May. So it still has to be approved, sent back to the recruiting center, they close my file, send it to my unit and then my unit contacts me...I believe....lol  Well I missed the May 30th BMQ, guess I cross my fingers for July 4th.  :salute:

oh God, my cut of date in on June 17, and my file hasn't even been sent yet(freaking out), I have a feeling I might miss this summers BMQ, cause school starts for me in the beginning of September.
Hmmm guess we'll see what happens huh. I find it interesting that so many people who don't know each other in different parts of the country are going through the same thing as we speak. I'm glad I came across this site it has made me feel like I'm not alone in all this. That somewhere someone knows exactly how I feel. Or have some great advice on how to help. I'm not in the Army yet and I already feel like part of a team.  :salute:
Tbird said:
Hmmm guess we'll see what happens huh. I find it interesting that so many people who don't know each other in different parts of the country are going through the same thing as we speak. I'm glad I came across this site it has made me feel like I'm not alone in all this. That somewhere someone knows exactly how I feel. Or have some great advice on how to help. I'm not in the Army yet and I already feel like part of a team.  :salute:

thats exactly how I feel, with out this site the process would be much harder. ;D

beyond Freaky, my naval recruiting officer just called, and wanted to see at what point I am at. I just told him I finished everything, and my application would most likely be sent next week. I told him about the time thing, and he said there still is a somewhat good chance that you can make it in time for June 27 BMQ. ;D So here is hoping.
To answer you question habfan, the tests are all great in the sense that nothing is wrong with me.  So far, I've undergone countless bloodworks, 24hr urine collections, and even, just recently, a full-blown cystoscopy exam, wich was almost as painful as it was pointless. All of these exams showed me all clear.

I have a Renal ultrasound (waste of time/money) scheduled for July 29 at the earliest, but they say I can get it earlier If I do it in a town 2 hours south of here. I'll look into it.  My doctors tell me that these exams are pretty much as thourough as any can be, and if this hard medical proof won't convince the Borden docs I'm healthy, nothing will.
MysticLies said:
oh God, my cut of date in on June 17, and my file hasn't even been sent yet(freaking out), I have a feeling I might miss this summers BMQ, cause school starts for me in the beginning of September.

maybe you and I will be in Borden next April  ;D
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