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Hi I am wondering when during basic training are we told which battalion we are going to?  I have looked through the threads that i thought would contain the answer and came up dry.  The reason I ask is, my wife to be and I are looking into buying a house when i get posted as well as find her a job ASAP.  So the earlier that we know the easier those things would be to do.  If this has been covered already I apologize. 

Thanks for the help

If you're still in the midst of basic training (i.e. BMQ), then you won't receive a posting message for whichever unit the career manager wants to send you to. You're still not a trained soldier yet, so you will be sent to Battle School (judging by your profile) first. It may be different for the Inf, but I know in my experience, the career manager generally cuts the posting message for QL3 students' first posting sometime in the final 6 weeks, give or take, of training once the course NCO/Officer has a good grasp on who will actually pass and is suitable for further employment at the unit.

So, in short, if you haven't started your BIQ yet, there's no way anyone is going to give you the info you're asking for. If you're on BIQ right now, you could always ask your course staff if they can find out which Bn your career manager has decided you will belong to.

I understand you want to get a head-start on the move and all, but there is always the chance your posting can be changed at the very last minute. Personally, once my staff told me "you're going to X Bn at CFB X", I would be getting my Mrs. to do some research for houses/jobs in the new location, while making no commitments. If you cannot find out where you are going in time for your Mrs. to get new employment, new trade certification license (if out of province), etc., you could always ask to be posted IR (imposed restriction) until the two of you can get things sorted out, and she can join you at a later date. This avoids her being out of work or taking joe jobs if she has a professional career when you are posted to your new location.

Your course staff should be able to set up an info session with the Orderly Room at some point during your course to explain everything having to do with getting posted so you and your course-mates have the appropriate knowledge WRT entitlements on posting to first location.
I am going to jump in here but keep in mind that my experiences are a bit older.  I have been both combat arms (011) and admin (831 when it still existed) and in both cases I was not informed until about a week before grad where I would be posted.  Mind you, in the days of my Armoured career, TQ3 training was done in unit so we were informed during basic where TQ3 would be and that was also the unit you became part of once you were finished.

My son-in-law went 031 a couple of years ago and, once he was finished basic in St Jean, was sent to Inf school in Wainwright and knew from that point he was to go PPCLI so even though he was still in training they did know what base they would eventually end up at well in advance.  But, do keep in mind, as 392 points out:
392 said:
I understand you want to get a head-start on the move and all, but there is always the chance your posting can be changed at the very last minute.
and that is even more true before you are TQ3 qualified
It's been a few years since i've been through Meaford, but i don't remember getting my posting message untill a few weeks before Grad. You'll still have to get through SQ and DP1 before that.  ;D
that's great thanks for the info.  That's more or less what I expected.
