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Porn on Line and the Battle of the Sexes


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This is a war where weapons and indirect thought has always favored women because of one inescapable fact; Testosterone. Without this chemical zooming threw the male body women would be about as interesting as a goal post. The only difference between the sexes that is allowed by law to be legally defenceable is of course any breathing entity that has estrogen and thus, a perceived right to legitimize and legalize all conditions of the female person as just and beyond reproach. The amount of syndromes available to women to justify any wrong doing they may be involved in are as numerous as they are self-serving. Unlike women, men are responsible for their actions which of course has empowered women to a state of social smugness that exceeds logic and is more in tune with feminist Utopian concepts and verbiage even they can,t understand. Even as I write this a can hear a hideous screech descending over the land as I,a mere male would dare to question. We are all sexual creatures,and much as this may suprise women we are not at all the same. Testosterone has made men aggressive and (for want of a better explanation),looking for it about every 20 seconds. It is the devil in us that 99.9 per cent of us keeps under control. What really pisses of men is the ridiculous notion that women have no vices. If only more men would be like us and talk about...blah...blah...blah. We don't want to be like you. We don,t want or need estrogen concepts or Tupperware parties to prove to the sisterhood how sensitive we are. Testosterone or estrogen. Pick your stink because they both have a ways to go. I once heard somewhere a phrase that seems to be relevant hear. Men need another feminist lecture like a fish needs a bike. Touche !
I just have to ask, where in the h*ll did that come from?  ???
If it is a response to this thread, I only posted that because I thought it was funny.
BTW, I hate Tupperware parties!!  ;)
PMedMoe said:
I just have to ask, where in the h*ll did that come from?  ???
If it is a response to this thread, I only posted that because I thought it was funny.
BTW, I hate Tupperware parties!!  ;)

I once went to a bring your own wine tupperware party ... it rocked!!!

Boy did I puke the next morning at PT ...

That being said, me thinks he's a wee bit sensitive and missed the part where I pointed out that you and I must not have been test subjects for that study ...

And your post -- was funny!!  ;D


I thought the thread was funny too... but I am well known for my raunchy sense of humour -- must be all that latent testosterone that I am lugging around with me!
That was an odd way to start a topic.  No real sentence structure.  Certainly no higher paragraph structure.  I mean: what was the author trying to say?

How about re-posting in this format:
Introduction (tell us what you are going to say)
Main Body (Tell us what you are saying)
Conclusion (Remind us what you said)

Just a thought.

PS: I would one day like to mix up a tupperware and porn party, sort of a "domestic fantasia party".  Naturally, I'll host it.
uuh...I see this thread turning into a HUGE Mike Charlie Foxtrot. I think I see what you are saying, but I am not quite sure. I am not sure because your paragraph it self is a Mike Charlie Foxtrot. Why not try putting it into a clear, cohesive statement, then I will give it a properly fair and due consideration.
recceguy said:
major cluster frig

I was going for Mongolian cluster frig...but major works too :P Either way, the idea is the same. Its one step up from FUBAR.
... and all this time I thought it was a Monster Cluster Frig or alternatively a Massive Cluster Frig!
kratz said:
My wife was in tears laughing so hard hearing this.  ;D

See?? She knows, just like the rest of us wimmin' do!!

Quite frankly, my first thoughts upon reading that other "study" thread were that:

1) It was a good thing I wasn't in the study group to send their stats askew;
2) I'm a girl and I know how bad we are in the locker rooms and where our conversations go (down to the gutter each & every time); and so
3) You boys must be really damn bad then if you're worse than us!!

recceguy said:
major cluster fuck

Oh man, that is too funny. I thought I's heard every acronym, but that was a new one. I can't wait to tell my buddies. This must be a Canadian acronym, because I don't think we've discovered it down south!  :cdn:
Red 6 said:
Oh man, that is too funny. I thought I's heard every acronym, but that was a new one. I can't wait to tell my buddies. This must be a Canadian acronym, because I don't think we've discovered it down south!  :cdn:

Don't know about you, but we used it as our everyday description of life in Viet Nam.....it's old, but well suited.  :)

ps: Clint Eastwood used it to describe a callout in his movie about the Invasion of Granada...(can't remember name of movie)
Up the Long Ladder,
Down the Short Rope,
Sweatie Mouthed Off,
Looks Like a Dope!