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Poll: What do you think of the changes?

What do you think of the changes?

  • Total voters

Thanks for all of your hard work.  The new features look great, especially the spell checker.  If only we could now force people to use it... ;)  I don't know how much control you have over the content of the dictionary, but it would be nice if you could add some commonly-posted military related words like  Pte, MCpl, Bloggins, LMG, etc.

Great job on the new software update and on keeping the site up and running! The only thing that I miss so far is a section for personal interests in the member profile section. It can be especially useful for civvies like me who don't have any military experience (yet).
Yeah, unfortunately that field was one of the only ones not converted. :(

I wouldn't mind filling out the personal interests info again if we could have that field back. Would it be much work to add it back into the member profile?

Mike, On about 1/10 of the posts I dont get that little dohickey on the right side to scroll so I don't get the complete message. I'm on my home comp., not the normal one I use. ;D I'm just curious if its my comp. or a bug.
Thank's Bruce
Very nice work Mike.

It is nice to see the custom faces still around :fifty: :soldier: :dontpanic:

but, I like the old generic ones better than the new generic   :) ;) :D :( :-\

and, why is this guy here twice   :sniper: :akimbo:  (ah! One is supposed to be the sniper.  and I thought he was just too well cam'ed)
Aha, good catch... I've fixed the "sniper" icon, thanks. I'll keep updating things as we go, so every bit of feedback helps. :)

Bruce: are you still having a problem with the scrollbars?
Just a quick question:
when you're looking at the thread lists and it says last post by (whomever) is there a way to set it up so that when you click on the last post (whomevers) name that it brings you to the last post in the thread as compared to bringing up their profile?
If you click on the topic name, that'll take you to the new posts... Clicking on a username always takes you to that user's profile, there's not much I can do to change that unfortunately...

I cannot do searches by post title only, and the search engine will also identify my word if it is part of the spelling of a larger word.  :crybaby:
Good point... I'll put in a feature request to see if we can get that option...
Good news: that'll be in the next release of the software (not due out for a month or two).
The problem I talked to you about is only on my home computer so I think its because my browser is outdated. Will fix :blotto:
Hey Mike, here's an interesting bug:

When I view the site on my home computer using a newer version of internet explorer, everything is fine, but at work where I'm using Mozilla, the formatting is screwy. For posts of 1-3 lines, only the first line is showing up. For longer posts, the first 2 lines are showing up with a scroll bar on the right, so I'm having to read everything 2 lines at a time. Probably just a browser-specific bug, but an interesting one nonetheless.
Hmmm. That's what Bruce was reporting too. I just tested it on Mozilla 1.6, and it worked OK. What version are you using?
Sounds good, let me know how it goes...

Mike, it's your site, and I can only assume that you've made it the way you want it.   So I hope that I'm not out of line by making this suggestion, but I think that the user rating (promote/demote) function should be scrapped.   Frankly, I think it's juvenile.   Really, it's just a slightly more polite form of name calling.   If people were using it to "promote" members who made intelligent arguments or who brought newsworthy info to everyone's attention, and to "demote" those who were actually trolling, or otherwise making non-worthwhile contributions, then maybe it would be ok.   I don't think that's the way it's being used however: I'll admit that I have "demoted" those whose posts I have simply disagreed with, and I think others are doing the same thing.   Looking back on it, I probably shouldn't have done that, as it was, as I said, childish of me to do so.   People are going to disagree, and a member who holds strong opinions, even on controversial subjects, does not necessarily make a bad member of the site.

Recently, there have been a couple of passionate arguments on this board.   That's fair enough-- I tend to hold a lot of strong opinions myself, and I do like to argue them with others.   The thing is, that the threads I am referring to have quickly degenerated into name calling on the part of both sides involved, and such behaviour does not tend to encourage meaningful debate.   If the general opinion of the membership of this board is that it disagrees with a particular post, then there will probably be enough rebuttals made to make that fact well known, and that will be the case regardless of whether or not we can "demote" our "enemies".   At least in an honest rebuttal there is (ideally) going to be some legitimate argument made.   On the other hand, given the presence of the user rating function, I think that the temptation is to read a post, disagree with it, and then just "demote" the party responsible.   In other words, I think that the way this function is currently being applied is along the lines of "I agree with the gist of what this guy has said, though he might have acted like a retard when saying it: I should promote him" and/or "I disagree with what this member has posted, and though the poster may have written it in a professional manner, I'm going to demote him".   As I said, I just don't think that such behaviour is really very far elevated above childish name calling, and I'm not proud of having engaged in it myself in the past.

So there you go.   Submitted for your consideration.   And by the way, I'm aware that my user rating is not 100% favourable at the moment, and I hope you can believe me when I say that the votes against me really aren't the reason I have made this proposal.

A reformed name caller,
