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Poll: Ghosts - Real or not - Vote if you dare

Do you think they exist?

  • Yes - from from personal experience

    Votes: 31 36.9%
  • Yes - from family/friend experience

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Yes, I just think they do

    Votes: 19 22.6%
  • Perhaps/maybe

    Votes: 18 21.4%
  • No, its all BS and you must have been on drugs

    Votes: 11 13.1%

  • Total voters
My Grandfather died, at home, when I was about 6 years old. Dad was with him at the time, and took his pulse, decided he'd died and went to arrange the sheet over him. Just as Dad grabbed the sheet Grandpa sat bolt-upright and looked straight at Dad. My Father often told the story that Grandpa said " Its okay, Kenneth, I've been there and had a look, and its alright." At which point he lay down and did die.

Dad was always adamant that there was no pulse. And - - Grandpa NEVER, EVER called Dad Kenneth - his nickname from birth, given by Grandpa was Kelly.

I have another true story, for later on

The day after my Mom died, my daughter started talking about a ghost singing to her, this went on till we had the cermony for my Mom and then the ghost stopped coming, my daughter was a bit over 2 yeras old and not reaaly clear on death and such. If my Mom could vist her Grandkids she certainly would have thats for sure.
True or not you cant help but be fascinated and have an interest of some sort. If fictional still makes for great story telling.

Now I have never seen a "ghost" but my Geography Teacher said the former owner of the house had died (in the house I believe). Well, he told our class a story that was told to him by his wife and friends. He said one birthday his wife and friends had planeed a surprise party, so they waited in the basement in wait. Well, they heard someone come in the house and shake off their boots and so on, but nobody came downstairs, so, puzzled, they continued to lay in wait, and again the sounds of someone coming and shaking the snow off their boots was heard, and again nobody came down, and then a third time my geography teacher came down finding everyone down there in the basement and he asked what was going on, and they told they said they heard someone come in two times before, and my teacher had not. A guy in my class, who earlier had to drop off some stuff at the house, said when they had gone to the door they had seen a figure duck behind the couch in the living room while they looked at the living room window

When my mom lived in Cape Breton one of the houses she lived in was over a hundred years old and she said she would often wake up with sheets oulled off her bed
The farm house where I grew up was built in about 1900. Two people had died there over the years, and when my family moved there, when I was 14, there were 2 ghosts. I thought so, so I asked a family friend purported to be a natural white witch (7th daughter of a 7th daughter of a 7th daughter). She told me who they were, and not to be too concerned about them. A ghost can't harm you. We got to know them as "Grandma" and "Jim". Throughout the time my family lived in that house, my bedroom door opened and closed on its own, objects moved around my room, my light went on and off. Every stair creaked in order from the top to bottom, especially when Jim walked down the stairs. My dog would get freaked! The weirdest was when my door would open, and I'd tell the ghost to go away, I was studying, and the door would gently close. None of us ever saw them, they wouldn't "ghost write" or otherwise communicate with us, and other than a cold brush-by in the hall or on the stairs, we never physically felt them. They never harmed anyone, and were content to live on in the old brick house they'd loved in life.

I used to live in Yarmouth in the South End of town growing up, on 36 Queen Street (In Nova Scotia of course). It was a massive old grey house with several massive oak trees growing outside (estimated to be 200+ years old), placed next door from a convent and a beautiful old sea captain's home (last owner I know of we called Mrs. Cann, the place was chock full of antiques and items from around the world, most of the house was built from oak, etc and simply stunning)

The house we lived in was old. I don't mean turn of the century, I mean one of the original houses in Yarmouth old. It was originally built for a Captain's daughter and her husband as a gift, from there it was used as an orphanage, a hospital in the Civil War, home for the elderly, home for the mentally handicapped and so on.

The old part of the house was a cube shape, and the newer part (which was an add on done about 200 years ago) was added on when it was an orphanage. All in all the house was build in the 1700s and can be seen on a map in the Yarmouth County Museum. As my parents did renovations throughout the house we found all sorts of odd things, like false ceilings (the original ceilings were 14-16 feet high, and in the kitchen in the newer part they were pure copper and beautiful and still there, just a sub ceiling was put up to cover it). 2 of our closets had hidden / built up areas and there was all sorts of stuff in the walls, like old clothing and the like. The old plaster was full of horse hair and other oddities to help hold it together.

Anyways, we moved there when I was 11 and from that day I knew it was haunted. I was in the house and I heard someone breathing so I went out into the driveway and waited for my family to come back. It was later that summer when I was up playing video games in my bedroom when I heard a my sister asking my mom when the cookies were going to be ready. I went down about an hour later looking for some yummies and my mother and sister came in the house from spending the whole morning grocery shopping and out visiting some friends.

The next year, my dad was put onto night shifts at the airport where he worked as a Coast Guard Radio Operator (used to be a Lieutenant in 2RCR, whichever infantry regiment is in Gagetown, eludes me atm). He got up half way throughout the afternoon and raged up to the upstairs bathroom (1 of 3) to see who kept flushing it over and over. Got into the room, the toilet flushed and no one was there, he told us that he watched the water swirl and the handle pop back up. And my dad isn't one to tell tall tales or exagerate stories.

Over the several years we lived there, people would walk by and see figures in the windows, we'd hear running throughout the house, knocking on the doors outside, screams now and again and catch slight shadows of conversations. We'd also see shadows and someone staying there overnight saw a figure pass them, we'd feel cold drafts that couldn't be explained and at night when laying in bed you could feel something pressing on the bed like a hand, and occasionally feel what felt like a animal (cat) walking on the bed.

The last night I spent there was about a year after my mom and dad separated, I was 15 at the time. Me, my dad and my twin brother made sure all the heaters were drained of water and closed, and the place was shut tight since no one was there at the time and hadn't been for several months. We pulled a bed into the kitchen to sleep and used the oven for heat (was in March). We all went to sleep only to be woken up by someone hauling what sounded like a dresser across the floor upstairs, or a large chest. A minute later we heard footsteps, then

"We have to have it moved out by tomorrow"
"Well get a move on, we have to move it fast"

Some more was said, but we couldnt make it out because of all the footsteps and stuff being hauled around and thumping on the floor, by this time I had almost shit my pants.

And my biggest reason to believe that these weren't people?

There was no floor upstairs in that part of the house. It was totally removed because of a wiring job done back in the early 20's or so that required the floors and walls to be totally gutted, and my father hadn't gotten around to laying the floor again. The next night it literally burnt to the ground.

This isn't some ghost story pulled out of my head or my ass, or one I made up. The house was real, the events were real and my family did live there, from 1989 until 1994, my parents separated and we moved to the Annapolis Valley with my mom and my dad went on a series of training trips for his work.

There's a new place built on the site now, it was empty for several years. I often have dreams about that old place, quite vivid to be honest...I wonder if the tenants of the new house build there have had any experiences.
I saw and heard two things that I cannot explain when I was a teenager. 

When I was about 12 or so my Dog was hit by a car but did not die right away.  He lingered for an hour or so and I kept company with him until he did go.  It was upsetting for me and I went out for a walk and did not return to the house for a couple of hours.  I was approaching home via the back alleyway and was about 150 feet from the driveway.  Just then my Dog ran out into the alleyway, I called his name, and he turned his head my way, wagged his tail and strarted to run towards me.  But as he started my way he started to disappear from the feet up sort of like a piece of cloth being torn to tatters.  He vanished from sight  after about 3 seconds and 10-15 feet of distance covered.

Around three years later I was with a group of other boys in the local Catholic cemetary.  It had recently been vandalised by other kids and there were numerous tombstones knocked over.  We went about righting as many as we could.  At one grave in particular as we were putting the stone back up we heard clearly a young girls voice yell "Get out of here".  All of us looked at one another, one of us asked in general if we had also head that.  We were in agreement.  We looked at the headstone of this grave and read that the grave was for two sisters who had died at 12 years old sometime in the 1920's.  To a boy, we all ran out of there and did not look back.

Was my mind playing tricks on me?  For my Dog, maybe... I was upset.  But for the other thing I was not alone and we all heard the same voice.  Damned if I know what is what.

My Mother also had some stories concerning her Grandmother and Mother.  I will post that another time.
This is an interesting thread. I grew up in a haunted house myself. Now I live in Lublin - home of one of the many  Nazi death camps. Haunted maybe? But these places - Sobidor, Majdanek - feel dead. The Castle here ( the Gestapo headquarters), feels dead. The woods nearby (an execution site) feels dead. In the Majdanek site (which is mostly preserved), I seldom if at anytime have seen cats wondering there, or songbirds either.  As to positive aspects of ghosts however, when my father died (almost bed-ridden for months), that night and two nights further, my daughter, age 4, woke us up with her laughing and giggling (in her sleep). After the third night, she was quiet. We asked her why. She said it is because Grandpa left, saying it was time for him to go. Further to this, when my old dog died, beside us early in the morning, we  (my wife and daughter and I) - we all had the same dream - him kicking up his heels..happy...free.
I have heard from others who have been to the Death Camp sites that they do seem to have a aura about them.  But perhaps that might just be the mind working on the visitor with the knowledge of the history that took place there.  I can just imagine that it would give anyone the creeps.

When my Mother was a little girl, she was living in the same house as her Grandmother who was dying of old age.  She slept in a room directly above her Grandmother's room.  As a rule she slept through the night without waking.  However one night at about 0400 she woke up suddenly and sat up in bed.  Almost immediately she saw a shimmering white mist come up from the floor, carry onto the ceiling and vanish through that as if it had just carried on in it's travel.  My Mother then lay down and fell back asleep.  Later that day when she went down into the kitchen for breakfast she was told that her Grandmother had passed away at around 0400 that morning.
I do believe in ghosts and see them quite regularly.
My father has been gone for 12 years now, but he is around all the time.  My son used to see him when he was little and would never have known him.  My dad moves things, he slams doors, he scares the cats.  And I see him or feel his prescence every Sunday, as Sunday was always car wash day.  I always feel "nagged" when I don't get that far every Sunday  :)
My old PMQ was haunted with a dog, and there was also a small boy that would come and visit.  And Fort Edmonton here in Edmonton is filled with spirits just wandering around.  It's kind of neat that I am able to see and feel things.  It makes me realize that there are so many things I just don't know about.
I would like to share my story as well. Mine is similar to someone else who had previously posted.

When I was around 5 years old, I was best friends with my dad. I asked him everything and he always tried his best to answer. One day, I decided to ask him if he believed in ghosts. He told me that they were not real at all and so I just believed him and moved on.

When I was 6 years old, he was dying from cancer at the hospital. One day, we knew that it was his last day, because his eyes were wide open and his body kept on moving around a lot, but he was unable to speak. He tried to make sounds and pointed his head towards various things, but we couldn't pick up his cues.

Later on, he 'woke up'. He was back to normal. He told us that he was brought down to hell by two guys, but they wouldn't let him in because he was told that he didn't belong there. He was then brought to heaven and was told that his time was not up yet. This was when he woke up at the hospital and managed to tell us the story. He also started referring to us by different names and that was very strange. By different, I meant no more nicknames, even though he loved having nicknames for everyone. He also added that he kept seeing a black ghost with evil eyes that kept staring at him from the bulletin board above another guy's bed the night before. He knew his time was almost up.

As of today, I still wonder if the nurses at the hospital also saw the ghost that my dad mentioned, because they pushed my dad out in the hall way and left him there for the rest of the night. As for the guy who was sleeping under the bulletin board, he was also removed from the room, but everyone went back to their original room in the morning.

I truly believe that some ghosts are friendly, but some are not, depending on the situation I guess.

Editted for story
Its funny how publicly admitting to 'believing in ghosts' is a good way to ruin your credibility, but so many people have had personal experiences...

Now, there you guys go, ruining credibility. The unexplained phenomenan are not in the same category as UFOs and Bigfoot...  :o
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
Same with UFO's

Those people get called "Spooky Mulder". ;)

I've had a few of my own spooky experiences, but nothing concrete enough for me to distinguish between ghosts or an over-active imagination. But I've heard far too many stories from all types of people - there's no way I'm going to believe that all of them are flakes. My mother in particular has stories from some of the houses I grew up in...long story, but creepy stuff went on in one of them. Voices, noises, shadows on the wall....a friend of mine had her ponytail tugged, another friend actually *saw* a person for a split-second. I never actually saw anything, but there was one night where I heard banging and clanging in the basement work room which was directly under my bedroom. Thinking that it was my drunken stepfather, I started walking across the house to the staircase to go down and give him hell. I walked by my parent's bedroom and saw them both fast asleep.....SO, thinking that I was just dreaming it all, I went back to bed. My mother had so many bad experiences that she eventually brought a priest over to bless the house. I'm pretty sure it worked....strange happenings, I tells ya.

Some of my friends went to the cemetary 1-2 years ago with their CamCorder. They captured white and red lights on the camcorder, but couldnt see anything with their own eyes. This white light then merged with the red light, and soon after they got the hell out of there. I should bother them for the footage
I remember waking up in one of the barrack's rooms in New Brunswick and half-seeing this floating entity - a woman sitting cross-legged, hovering in the corner - actually I woke myself up yelling at her to get the hell out of there. And she was sort of startled and disappeared. My four companions were tossing and turning and muttering to themselves until she disappeared. Later when they awoke, i asked them  curiously about what they were dreaming - same dream - about some woman....

As to Big Foot, I used to hike and climb  in Manning park and South and East of Lake Chilliwack. I was used to bear smell and tracks - bears are common there, but way out in the Border Peaks area, I got into an area where the smell was different and looking down in the soft mud of a puddle, I saw a track, large, human-like with all the lines in the foot visible.... definately not bear. On returning, I mentioned this to the duty sargeant,  Warrant Charlebois - a real old-timer and a guy who also loved treking - he looked kind of startled then asked where. On telling him, he sheepishly admitted he'd seen  such tracks himself in that area.