Maybe this is par for the course after a change in governments, I'm not sure because the former PM Harper was the only PM for literally all of my adult life up until Nov 2015.... but why is Harper the bar upon which we measure Trudeau? Why is the former PM Harper, who has not held the reigns for over 2 years now, still being brought up at all, especially by CPC supporters?
I get irritated every time I hear the Liberals bring up the former CPC government's shortcomings, it makes me want to jump through the TV when PM Trudeau references Stephen Harper and essentially makes Stephen Harper the bar for his own performance... and it only makes it worse for the CPC party and their supporters* when they actually allow that kind frame to control the narrative, much less actively play that same card.
Sorry for the tangent, but it feels like we've spent pages comparing the two... again.
*of which, I'm not sure I can honestly say I identify with at this point in time. The only thing Andrew Scheer has that I like about him is that he's not Justin Trudeau... that's pretty weak.