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Politics in 2018

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Loachman said:

Jack Mintz: Another NEP fiasco looms as Westerners suffer for Trudeau’s energy follies

Thanks to government policy and indecision, American consumers enjoying subsidies paid for by Western Canadians

"The prime minister calls the dispute between Alberta and British Columbia ... a "disagreement between provinces." That ignores the constitutional role the federal government has in interprovincial transportation and trade. Alberta’s Premier Rachel Notley is right: This is as much a fight between B.C. and the federal government as it is between Alberta and B.C."

"... perhaps the Trudeau government is quietly hoping the pipeline’s owner, Kinder Morgan, gives up in frustration, for “business reasons,” as other resource project proponents have done recently after enduring endless regulatory and political setbacks."

"The NEP, which hit the West just as commodity prices were falling, led to one of the largest income transfers in history, from the West to Central and Eastern Canada. Western energy producers were forced to pay an export tax to fund subsidies to make life cheaper for energy-guzzling consumers to the east. This time, the income isn’t being transferred from the West to Eastern Canada. It’s being transferred from Canada to the United States."

Funny the author put Norway in a positive light in an argument against NEP.

Its heavily taxed, regulated, and nationalized petroleum industry is responsible for the world's largest sovereign wealth fund.

The whole impetus for Petro-Canada and later the NEP was the fact the Canadian oil industry was geared towards benefiting the US.

It was economic nationalism in a country that was and still is dominated by provincial thinking.

Loachman said:

Jack Mintz: Another NEP fiasco looms as Westerners suffer for Trudeau’s energy follies

Thanks to government policy and indecision, American consumers enjoying subsidies paid for by Western Canadians

"The prime minister calls the dispute between Alberta and British Columbia ... a "disagreement between provinces." That ignores the constitutional role the federal government has in interprovincial transportation and trade. Alberta’s Premier Rachel Notley is right: This is as much a fight between B.C. and the federal government as it is between Alberta and B.C."

"... perhaps the Trudeau government is quietly hoping the pipeline’s owner, Kinder Morgan, gives up in frustration, for “business reasons,” as other resource project proponents have done recently after enduring endless regulatory and political setbacks."

"The NEP, which hit the West just as commodity prices were falling, led to one of the largest income transfers in history, from the West to Central and Eastern Canada. Western energy producers were forced to pay an export tax to fund subsidies to make life cheaper for energy-guzzling consumers to the east. This time, the income isn’t being transferred from the West to Eastern Canada. It’s being transferred from Canada to the United States."
its also a perfect microcosm of the great divide that exists in the NDP.

We have two NDP lead provinces,  one representing the labour wing,  the other the environmental wing,  and here they are in a full out trade war.

It was interesting seeing Jagmeet Singh trying to walk on eggshells when talking about the issue
I remember all too well the NEP and what it was like in Alberta as a young man.  It sure as hell did SFA for us, except to boot fuck us.  Another reason l dislike the "T" family and all whom politic in her.
Altair said:
We have two NDP lead provinces,  one representing the labour wing,  the other the environmental wing,  and here they are in a full out trade war.

I'd not thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense.
jollyjacktar said:
I remember all too well the NEP and what it was like in Alberta as a young man.  It sure as hell did SFA for us, except to boot frig us.  Another reason l dislike the "T" family and all whom politic in her.

Suck it up, cowboy.  ;D
Plan B...?

jollyjacktar said:
I remember all too well the NEP and what it was like in Alberta as a young man.  It sure as hell did SFA for us, except to boot frig us.  Another reason l dislike the "T" family and all whom politic in her.

Yep, developed my hatred for the family then as well..went from working "balls to the wall" to loading my rig on trucks and sending it down to the Coots border crossing............

Loachman said:
Plan B...?


This is a good alternative, but of course the NGO’s will shift focus back to Alberta and use influence, courts etc preventing oil ever getting from the field to the pipeline. But, watch and see, I guess the key here is speed, how fast can and will they get it underway.
Trudeau government will insist on ultimate authority over fate of pipeline in B.C.-Alberta spat: source

As the governments of Alberta and British Columbia clash over oil and wine, federal officials are carrying a forceful message in their discussions with the two provinces. 

"The key message [is] that we want to help bring the temperature down," a senior Liberal, speaking on condition of anonymity, told CBC News, "but ultimately the federal government will not allow any province to impinge on its jurisdiction over the national interest. Full stop."
  I don't expect him to get any credit in Alberta or by those on the right.
Altair said:
Trudeau government will insist on ultimate authority over fate of pipeline in B.C.-Alberta spat: source

  I don't expect him to get any credit in Alberta or by those on the right.

Big talk from a gov't that let a corrupt municipal mayor do exactly that. Maybe I'm biased but I thought the Energy East was the most important pipeline we had on the table.
Trudeau has been publicly pro-pipeline since at least 2013. He even went down to Washington to lobby for Keystone XL long before he became PM.

Energy East was a tricky one, since they needed to build new lines in some strange lands before arriving in Irving land.

Northern Gateway was a farce.

Trans Mountain is of course a long established pipeline corridor, kind of a no brainer.

I do hope Trudeau dials back the SJW lingo though.

I think even with all of his gaffes, next election he'll beat that altar boy with the dimples for sure. ;D
There's more than one way to take that, Altair.

I think he plays you and those like minded like a violin, or Pavlov's dogs.  He got you all drinking the cool aid and barking on command at every turn. 

I don't believe for one minute that he's "pro pipeline". 

Or, as some believe he's the Kim Kardashian of politicians etc. As per the Australian comment on "peoplekind".

Take your pick.  I could care less.
jollyjacktar said:
I don't believe for one minute that he's "pro pipeline". 

You probably wouldn't believe it if it hit you in the face.

Til Valhall said:
You probably wouldn't believe it if it hit you in the face.

The next time he impresses me will be the first.  ;)  But do carry on enjoying the Kool-aid
jollyjacktar said:
There's more than one way to take that, Altair.

I think he plays you and those like minded like a violin, or Pavlov's dogs.  He got you all drinking the cool aid and barking on command at every turn. 

I don't believe for one minute that he's "pro pipeline". 
yet 3 pipelines will be built under trudeau.

That's not exactly anti pipeline.

There are 3 parties in canada. One that would have approved every pipeline,  environmental be damned,  one that would have banned every pipeline,  economy be damned and one party that would try to balance out the two.

Striking a balance doesn't seem like a bad idea to me,  and he's going to lose votes in BC standing up for a pipeline getting built, so no,  I don't think he's anti pipeline.
I don't think he'll do Alberta any favours.  I have no faith in the man whatsoever.  You love him now but the day will come you'll get tired of it all and kick him across the floor to the opposition or obscurity.  It happens to them all eventually.  We'll just differ on when we want to see that day come, Altair.
jollyjacktar said:
The next time he impresses me will be the first.  ;)  But do carry on enjoying the Kool-aid

I don't think he's trying to impress you. Neither am I.

I don't even take sugar in my coffee let alone drink Kool-aid. But I have voted for CPC before, and probably will again at some point in time.
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