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Politics in 2016

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ueo said:
She "sorta" got slammed in todays TO Star. IMO as she has no official position beyond being the Younger's wife, she should get no official support. Also the optics of this request are terrible.

Every PMs wife gets 1 assistant as a matter of course.  We obviously expect something beyond what you're implying.
PuckChaser said:
She doesn't have to fire them, just pay for them herself. The Chef is fine as a taxpayer expense, I believe every Prime Minister has had one, and I'm OK with that.

They got rid of other staff positions to have them.  The household has the exact same budget as the Harper household did.
jollyjacktar said:
Not if you're like me and believe the new boss is worse than the old boss.  At least the old one gave an air of competence about him.

Unlike the new boss, looking back, the old boss had an air of arrogance, and not much else.  Trudeau has, IMO, made smarter decisions, as he understands that on varying issues, there are smarter people in the room.
jmt18325 said:
Unlike the new boss, looking back, the old boss had an air of arrogance, and not much else.  Trudeau has, IMO, made smarter decisions, as he understands that on varying issues, there are smarter people in the room.

Really? The old boss had an "aloofness" to him but certainly didn't appear arrogant. PMJT, on the other than, has went out and proclaimed "canada is back" (from what, I'm not sure). What is more arrogant than assuming that your election means that all manner of wrongs have been overturned? Add in continual photo ops (including the one with the invictus team which seemed more to do with the Obama-Prince Harry video than any actual care), a speech yesterday that focussed more on hypotheticals on what the conservatives would have done than any actual policy, and the general smugness he exudes and i would say that the old order was far less arrogant than the new one.

The point was that Harper made decisions based on what he thought, no matter the subject.  Trudeau, Martin, Chretien, Mulroney, etc - were/are far more likely to defer to expert analysis.
jmt18325 said:
The point was that Harper made decisions based on what he thought, no matter the subject.  Trudeau, Martin, Chretien, Mulroney, etc - were/are far more likely to defer to expert analysis.

Got any proof of this??
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Got any proof of this??

We can start with the long form census.  Statisticians everywhere were against its demise.

We can continue to Canada post.  Trudeau originally promised he'd restore door to door delivery.  It seems it's been explained to him that such a thing isn't possible while maintaining profitability.  Now, you see a wait and see approach combined with a study.

The military is unable to buy things - literally.  So, you see an approach of consultation on how we should move forward.

The Fort McMurray wildfires saw the government answer every singe request from the Alberta government, and had the PM acting in deference to people on the ground when it came to what kind of help they needed and wanted.

The assisted suicide bill was crafted with outside experts and a panel of MPs.  Though it doesn't go far enough for many, it goes further than what Harper was doing.  He had 3 people on a panel, all of which had spoken against the whole idea.

I could go on.  I'm sure you won't agree.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Really? The old boss had an "aloofness" to him but certainly didn't appear arrogant. PMJT, on the other than, has went out and proclaimed "canada is back" (from what, I'm not sure). What is more arrogant than assuming that your election means that all manner of wrongs have been overturned? Add in continual photo ops (including the one with the invictus team which seemed more to do with the Obama-Prince Harry video than any actual care), a speech yesterday that focussed more on hypotheticals on what the conservatives would have done than any actual policy, and the general smugness he exudes and i would say that the old order was far less arrogant than the new one.

I tend to agree.  Add on the current question as to why Sophie can not handle her own schedules, with four people helping her, and I will say that the amount of arrogance being shown is by far anything we have witnessed in Canada since the days of Pierre Elliott Trudeau.  PS jmt18325....I would never in a million years think that this PM has made any decisions, nor is capable of doing so, other than parrot what he has been fed by his handlers, who may not be the right people for the job. 
George Wallace said:
I tend to agree.  Add on the current question as to why Sophie can not handle her own schedules, with four people helping her, and I will say that the amount of arrogance being shown is by far anything we have witnessed in Canada since the days of Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

Mila Mulroney had 3 assistants.  There's nothing arrogant about speaking for charities and foundations.

PS jmt18325....I would never in a million years think that this PM has made any decisions, nor is capable of doing so, other than parrot what he has been fed by his handlers, who may not be the right people for the job.

That has more to do with your pre conceptions of him than anything.  I was able to let those go (I used to think he was an idiot) as I'm somewhat open minded when it comes to politicians and my political leanings.
jmt18325 said:
Mila Mulroney had 3 assistants.  There's nothing arrogant about speaking for charities and foundations.

I must admit that my feelings towards that regime, are pretty much identical to this current regime.
jmt18325 said:
Mila Mulroney had 3 assistants.  There's nothing arrogant about speaking for charities and foundations.

That has more to do with your pre conceptions of him than anything.  I was able to let those go (I used to think he was an idiot) as I'm somewhat open minded when it comes to politicians and my political leanings.
Simplest solution to this is to pass legislation that gives the spouse of the prime minister a role and duties, thus coming with a office and staff if she or he should need them.

If not, the party picks up the bill. Our neibours to the south have a standard and this is never brought up because they know what to expect of the first lady, nomatter which party wins.

In Canada it's open to interpretation and thus open to criticism
jmt18325 said:
The point was that Harper made decisions based on what he thought, no matter the subject.  Trudeau, Martin, Chretien, Mulroney, etc - were/are far more likely to defer to expert analysis.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... :rofl:......oh......you were serious......  :not-again:
Altair said:
Simplest solution to this is to pass legislation that gives the spouse of the prime minister a role and duties, thus coming with a office and staff if she or he should need them.

If not, the party picks up the bill. Our neibours to the south have a standard and this is never brought up because they know what to expect of the first lady, nomatter which party wins.

In Canada it's open to interpretation and thus open to criticism

So?  What was your opinion on "appointed Senators" again?  Are you not now suggesting that we create another "appointed position", just for the PM's wife? 

As I have stated before, her whole problem does not seem to be with having a staff to help her; but to have a "COMPETENT" staff to help her.  I can not fathom how she has two nannies, a Chef and a Personal Assistant to assist her in keeping track of her kids and her schedule.  Once again, I state that if they are so incompetent, then they should be FIRED, and competent persons hired.  She also has to learn how to say "NO" to some of the "requests for her presence". 
Altair said:
Simplest solution to this is to pass legislation that gives the spouse of the prime minister a role and duties, thus coming with a office and staff if she or he should need them.

Your simple solution is to make a law to fix a problem that shouldn't exist. She can say no to events. She CAN'T say no to events as part of a compulsion to stay in the media spotlight at all times. There is absolutely no need to have the "First Lady" have official duties, even if the First Spouse happens to be a man should we elect another female Prime Minister.

Sophie Trudeau has absolutely no need to tour around and promote herself as the Prime Minister's wife. As a feminist, she should be trying to step out of the shadow of her husband and say to the world she's more than just the First Lady, right? Unless of course that means turning off the gravy train of public funds.
PuckChaser said:
Your simple solution is to make a law to fix a problem that shouldn't exist. She can say no to events. She CAN'T say no to events as part of a compulsion to stay in the media spotlight at all times. There is absolutely no need to have the "First Lady" have official duties, even if the First Spouse happens to be a man should we elect another female Prime Minister.

Sophie Trudeau has absolutely no need to tour around and promote herself as the Prime Minister's wife. As a feminist, she should be trying to step out of the shadow of her husband and say to the world she's more than just the First Lady, right? Unless of course that means turning off the gravy train of public funds.
I gave two options thank you kindly.
Altair said:
I gave two options thank you kindly.

You can't leave it open. Look at the NDP and their partisan offices. They're fighting tooth and nail to not repay millions in illegal expenses.

Either its covered, or it isn't. If the Liberal Party wants to pay her for it, go ahead, but that agreement should not be in the House.
Altair said:
Simplest solution to this is to pass legislation that gives the spouse of the prime minister a role and duties, thus coming with a office and staff if she or he should need them.

If not, the party picks up the bill. Our neibours to the south have a standard and this is never brought up because they know what to expect of the first lady, nomatter which party wins.

In Canada it's open to interpretation and thus open to criticism

Simplest solution is for her to, oh, go thru life realizing she isn't "the First Lady" and be thankful for how easy her life actually is with the staff she has.  We've enough 'entitled to tax payers money' types in Canada as it is.

From a piece on FB that is off the BC Canada Politics fb page, that has been making the rounds...

From Meagan Heather Ward of Naicam, Saskatchewan, to Sophie Trudeau:

“Dear Mrs. Trudeau,

Let me introduce myself. I’m Meagan Ward – a 31 year old wife and mother to five incredible children, ages 13, 10, 9, 7 and 5.
Majority of people would say I’m a single mother as my husband works away for extended periods of time. Sadly, he is gone more than he is home.

Our kids are actively involved in extracurricular activities that requires, not only funds to participate in these sports, but my time driving them to and from activities multiple times a week. Two of our sons have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They are wonderful, great boys but parenting them requires a different approach than your average parenting and an immense amount of patience, structure and routine.
We live on a farm with several types of animals that require me to do daily chores ( in rain or shine, -40 or +40 temperatures), along with a very large yard that requires intensive upkeep, snow to plow in the winter, grass to cut in the summer and a large garden to work, which is absolutely necessary with feeding a family of seven.

I am also employed full time as a CEO for an agency that provides residential and vocational supports to adults with intellectual disabilities. My position requires me to travel, educate surrounding communities, deliver educational presentations, crisis management, HR issues, financial budget planning, continually upgrading my education…just to name a few duties. I do love my job but it can be very taxing and it is an “around-the-clock” job. Emergency calls can happen in the middle of the night, major decisions may need to be made while I’m in the middle of cooking my children supper or while I’m cleaning the house. Truly, there are no days off as I’m on call 24/7.
Even with the busyness of life, I still make it a priority to sit down and read with my children, teach them to cook and bake, have dance parties in the living room, make fun crafts together, listen attentively to their stories, take them on fun trips, play board games, take them to church and always tuck them into bed at night.

I am writing all this to you because you can imagine my disgust when I read your statement, "I need help. I need a team to help me..." You explained that you were overwhelmed and required more help around the house, with your children – there was even a quote from you stating “I need a break!” Now that you have read what an average Canadian mother does, because it’s certainly not just me that works around the clock, have multiple children with numerous commitments and responsibilities, how I feel that your statement was a slap-in-the-face. Frankly I think its hypocrisy. The first thing your husband did when elected was take away benefits from families who he deemed too rich. Cut Universal Child Care Benefits that helped Canadians pay for babysitters, slash fitness, art & music tax credits but now we should pay for additional staff for YOUR FAMILY? What is most disgusting is how terribly out of touch you can be with the realities that working women in Canada face today. Canadian women, on a daily basis, struggle with the costs of childcare and activities that are increasingly creating hardship for Canadian families. I’m talking about working women that struggle to find work-life balance. I’m talking about women who run themselves into the ground with ZERO help. And let’s be honest, you have no official duties. It’s YOUR choice to attend events and guest speak at charities. In actuality your job is to stay at home with your children and call your driver when you need to go somewhere, eat what your chef has prepared you and your family and make sure you don’t get in the way of your cleaning staff. Rude? Yes. But your warped sense of what “overwhelmed” and “needing a break” is, actually calls for something much more heinous, but I’m trying to be polite.

I would hope that you at least have the decency to make a public apology for your unbelievably selfish statement – not that it will help you to gain what little respect we have for you and your husband – but at least this will make you look a little less like a pompous jack ass.


The mother who is PROUD to be working hard for her family”

I'd summarize that piece "How about having a nice cup of get the fuck over yourself".
PuckChaser said:
You can't leave it open. Look at the NDP and their partisan offices. They're fighting tooth and nail to not repay millions in illegal expenses.

Either its covered, or it isn't. If the Liberal Party wants to pay her for it, go ahead, but that agreement should not be in the House.

In my opinion the party should pick up the tab but if the two main parties both agree to make the PMs spouse a position I wouldn't care too much either.

Either way, there should be a standard one way or another so this doesn't pop up every time there is a change of goverment/pm.

Again for clarity, I support that the parties pick up the tab if only because some spouses want to be in the limelight  (Mulroney, Trudeau) and some value their privacy (Harper). If the spouse has an office and staff and official duties that more or less forces them into a job they may or may not want.

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