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Politics in 2016

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Chris Pook said:
Who is most likely to follow orders?

True. But when you're defence policy states that you're going to implement the measures noted in the Transformation Report.... written by Andrew Leslie... when Andrew Leslie is in your party.... it goes reason that you may, possibly, think Andrew Leslie might be a solid choice to do so.

The transformation plan would gut the logistics side of the army so it seems to go along with Liberal blue beret plans... hard to sustain combat with no logistics.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
True. But when you're defence policy states that you're going to implement the measures noted in the Transformation Report.... written by Andrew Leslie... when Andrew Leslie is in your party.... it goes reason that you may, possibly, think Andrew Leslie might be a solid choice to do so.

The transformation plan would gut the logistics side of the army so it seems to go along with Liberal blue beret plans... hard to sustain combat with no logistics.

Gut the navy too.  I cannot emphasise enough how relieved I am that he has SFA to do with the department.
Chris Pook said:
Who is most likely to follow orders?
Politics 101, right there.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
True. But when you're defence policy states that you're going to implement the measures noted in the Transformation Report.... written by Andrew Leslie... when Andrew Leslie is in your party.... it goes reason that you may, possibly, think Andrew Leslie might be a solid choice to do so.
Assuming, of course, that this part of the platform remains a priority for the Team Red.  Hard to change horses (should they decide something else is more likely to get them re-elected important) when the horseman's chained to the outgoing horse.
milnews.ca said:
Politics 101, right there.Assuming, of course, that this part of the platform remains a priority for the Team Red.  Hard to change horses (should they decide something else is more likely to get them re-elected important) when the horseman's chained to the outgoing horse.

To be honest, the ordinary Canadian doesn't legitimately care about strategy any deeper than platitudes about peace keeping. When I bring up that we used to have more people in Europe than we ever had peacekeeping at any given time most of my civilian friends are surprised, while some don't even know that we were in Europe.

I suspect that the "talk with canadians" about the future of the military is going to be a whole lot of "return to peacekeeping". once armed with this info, the Liberals will declare that they were right and the conservatives were wrong, trot out transformation, and we'll be spending the next 30 years fixing Trudeau Jrs version of the military.
There's a discussion forum on the policy page. Its literally like reading the CBC comments section, with a lot of ex-CAF members justifying they are ex-CAF members. Someone even suggested we shut the entire CAF down, and focus on SOF, Cyber, and Space, because we're only ever going to fight with drones or in space.  :facepalm:
PuckChaser said:
There's a discussion forum on the policy page. Its literally like reading the CBC comments section, with a lot of ex-CAF members justifying they are ex-CAF members. Someone even suggested we shut the entire CAF down, and focus on SOF, Cyber, and Space, because we're only ever going to fight with drones or in space.  :facepalm:

Yes... I wont dwell on the policy forums as there's a seperate thread, but the Liberals seem to have run on a policy and now are using forums to justify those policies.

The average Canadian does not understand military matters (every time I hear a UAV called a drone I die a little inside). The average Canadian does not care about grand strategy.

It's like the cart leading the horse. The government should develop policy, run on it, engage in debates in the election cycle and then implement it if victorious. Asking people after the fact seems overtly political to the point of being cheesy. Ok Trudeau, you're not Harper... we all get it. You love camera's and publicity. Harper didn't.
PuckChaser said:
Politics of convenience. Notley was NDP because Alberta Liberals/Liberals had no chance of winning. Bob Rae went federal Liberal because the federal NDP at the time had no chance to win. Jean Charest turned Liberal in Quebec because the Tories weren't even close to winning.

Anything for power seems to run a trend in the Liberal party?
You are aware that premier rachel Notley father was the alberta NDP leader and MLA,  right?
Purely tactical, but ...

One thing the Conservatives need to try to do is to support the NDP in whatever ways are possible.

An NDP collapse back into weak 3rd (even 4th if there is a resurgence in Quebec nationalism) party status can only help the Liberals. The "soft left" can switch Liberal <> NDP at the federal level but very little NDP support will bleed off to the CPC (unlike in some provinces where there is, still, some overlap (there was rather a lot in the '50s, '60s, and '70s)). A strong NDP keeps the left, which is, on the whole, bigger than the right in Canada, safely divided. Liberals need safety valves ... a viable NDP provides one, the CPC itself provides another.

This "lurch left" might be good for the CPC if it revitalizes the real NDP ... not the one too many Canadians might trust with the reigns of government (that would be the one Layton and Mulcair led) but, rather, one which expresses the real passions of the political left in Canada ... nationalize the banks, shut down the big corporations, eat the rich, that sort of thing.
PuckChaser said:
There's a discussion forum on the policy page. Its literally like reading the CBC comments section, with a lot of ex-CAF members justifying they are ex-CAF members. Someone even suggested we shut the entire CAF down, and focus on SOF, Cyber, and Space, because we're only ever going to fight with drones or in space.  :facepalm:

Link to the forum ?
milnews.ca said:
Thanks! It's a hard life sleeping in on leave, but someone has to do it.
This is pretty comical. Justin Trudeau asks a reporter to ask him about quantum computing, the reporter decides that's stupid and asks a real question about ISIL and Trudeau answers the self-staged question anyways.

Jarnhamar said:
This is pretty comical. Justin Trudeau asks a reporter to ask him about quantum computing, the reporter decides that's stupid and asks a real question about ISIL and Trudeau answers the self-staged question anyways.

And as the master of the media, at home and abroad, the only part people will hear or see is the clip of him explaining quantum computing.

Altair said:
And as the master of the media, at home and abroad, the only part people will hear or see is the clip of him explaining quantum computing.



“So, to summarize, the PM went to a place and learned about a thing. During the speech that followed, he excitedly suggested he wanted to talk about the thing he just learned,” McCullough wrote in the post “The North Koreanification of Canadian political reporting.”

Altair said:
And as the master of the media, at home and abroad, the only part people will hear or see is the clip of him explaining quantum computing.


How do you win when the game is rigged already? He's getting softballs every scrum, and missteps are ignored. His justice minister basically told ethical conduct to @#$# off and took money from people who are registered to lobby her, and the PM thought there was nothing wrong with it. The media let the story die after a few days. We'd have Op Eds for weeks if this was a Stephen Harper cabinet minister, deriding the loss of our free society and his corruption.
Dimsum said:

If you were to ask yourself honestly, how many people will hear about that part of the story?

1 in 10? If lucky?

Just like the "because it's 2015".

Totally pre planned, not spontaneous. Nobody cares about that.
Altair said:
And as the master of the media, at home and abroad, the only part people will hear or see is the clip of him explaining quantum computing.


Having gone viral, I think your assessment is way off. 
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