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Politics in 2016

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John Tescione said:
I totally agree with you, the working man is up in arms,and that is why we made change in October.  Unfortunately, cleaning up a ten year mess is not going to happen overnight.

I am just asking that people have a little patience, as things do not happen overnight.

Trust me, I am anxious as well, and tapping my toes but again big job for them.

We didn't make change in November. It was half time, we traded the ends of the rink. Our current politicians cannot survive without the other parties. They are part and parcel of the same league. The same teams are still on the ice, playing by the same old rules and sharing the spoils. Elections are now cheapened by all.

We need to change who and how we select, to tell us how to live our lives. Or, in reality, we need to find someone(s) that will not tell us what is good for us, how much they need to steal or money, how much we are responsible for someone, across the country, who we've never met because that person doesn't want to work.

I'll vote for the first person that stands for workfare, drug tests for welfare recipients, reduced personal income tax, etc. I don't give a rat's ass what party they are. Wait... wrong... I'll vote for the first person that promises the above and DOESN'T belong to a party.
John Tescione said:

Did we not just experience 10 years of right wing diplomacy, you actually think that is what is going to fix America.

Got to pull out one of my old sayings, but I shall retire to bedlham now after reading that !!!


Obviously, you don't have a better alternative.
recceguy said:
We didn't make change in November. It was half time, we traded the ends of the rink. Our current politicians cannot survive without the other parties. They are part and parcel of the same league. The same teams are still on the ice, playing by the same old rules and sharing the spoils. Elections are now cheapened by all.

We need to change who and how we select, to tell us how to live our lives. Or, in reality, we need to find someone(s) that will not tell us what is good for us, how much they need to steal or money, how much we are responsible for someone, across the country, who we've never met because that person doesn't want to work.

I'll vote for the first person that stands for workfare, drug tests for welfare recipients, reduced personal income tax, etc. I don't give a rat's ass what party they are. Wait... wrong... I'll vote for the first person that promises the above and DOESN'T belong to a party.

Sorry Dave,

Your post is way out of order.  First, a majority was won, Second all new MPs from the last 10 years, For ALL THREE PARTIES.

New players on the ice, you spent too much time at the concessions booth that you must have missed it man.

Times are a changing, and for the better.  We got to stop with the doom and gloom posts, that we did for the last decade.

John Tescione said:
Sorry Dave,

Your post is way out of order.  First, a majority was won, Second all new MPs from the last 10 years, For ALL THREE PARTIES.

New players on the ice, you spent too much time at the concessions booth that you must have missed it man.

Times are a changing, and for the better.  We got to stop with the doom and gloom posts, that we did for the last decade.

See, I'm not blaming any party, but you seem stuck on raging against Harper. You also miss the point, PCP, Liberal, NDP are just club names. The players are all professional. The get brought up from the farm leagues, scouts go out and recruit promising players.

These players give all to their team and work within the league rules. The are resolute in their goal to pad their own nest and stay there as long as possible at the expense of the taxpayer.


recceguy said:
See, I'm not blaming any party, but you seem stuck on raging against Harper. You also miss the point, PCP, Liberal, NDP are just club names. The players are all professional. The get brought up from the farm leagues, scouts go out and recruit promising players.

These players give all to their team and work within the league rules. The are resolute in their goal to pad their own nest and stay there as long as possible at the expense of the taxpayer.



Although you hide who you talk about, your signature, and your many use of the term "Libtards" nullifies you trying to make a broadstoke statement of ALL parties.

I, like you, don't hide my party affiliations. Nor try to hide it when having a discussion.

John Tescione said:

Although you hide who you talk about, your signature, and your many use of the term "Libtards" nullifies you trying to make a broadstoke statement of ALL parties.

I, like you, don't hide my party affiliations. Nor try to hide it when having a discussion.


I just can't seem to think of a way to prove that I'm not being partisan on this particular subject. It covers politicians, not parties.

I'll have to see if my 4 year old grandson has gone to bed yet. Perhaps he can explain it better.  [:p
recceguy said:
I just can't seem to think of a way to prove that I'm not being partisan on this particular subject. It covers politicians, not parties.

I'll have to see if my 4 year old grandson has gone to bed yet. Perhaps he can explain it better.  [:p

The Cheek!!!

Then again Justin is very young......

One thing I will say, and Recceguy can attest, I am a dye in the wool Liberal.

But I am getting antsy as well with the promise waiting.

IT's like C'mon already, enough with the fluff, where is the stuff. 

But that is all you will get from me negative about our dear leader!
John Tescione said:
One thing I will say, and Recceguy can attest, I am a dye in the wool Liberal.

But I am getting antsy as well with the promise waiting.

IT's like C'mon already, enough with the fluff, where is the stuff. 

But that is all you will get from me negative about our dear leader!
You should see the deficit budgeting promise fulfilled tomorrow, so don't fret.  Beyond that  :dunno:
John Tescione said:
One thing I will say, and Recceguy can attest, I am a dye in the wool Liberal.

But I am getting antsy as well with the promise waiting.

IT's like C'mon already, enough with the fluff, where is the stuff. 

But that is all you will get from me negative about our dear leader!

Well that's OK then. As long as you aren't one of those ABC types.  [:D
cavalryman said:
You should see the deficit budgeting promise fulfilled tomorrow, so don't fret.  Beyond that  :dunno:

And surpassed 3 fold.
cavalryman said:
You should see the deficit budgeting promise fulfilled tomorrow, so don't fret.  Beyond that  :dunno:

I know,

The New Government inherited quite the mess to burden, and try to clean up!

John Tescione said:
I know,

The New Government inherited quite the mess to burden, and try to clean up!

As will the government after this one.  'Tis the Canadian way :cdnsalute:
cavalryman said:
As will the government after this one.  'Tis the Canadian way :cdnsalute:

Maybe, but I doubt it. 

Remember it was a Liberal Government that tamed the deficit and gave us a balanced budget.

John Tescione said:
Maybe, but I doubt it. 

Remember it was a Liberal Government that tamed the deficit and gave us a balanced budget.

And a Liberal one who'll put us right back in it.  The overwhelming sentiment I get is  :brickwall: but that may just be the CPA in me screaming at anyone whose outflow of cash is greater than his inflow. 
John Tescione said:
Remember it was a Liberal Government that tamed the deficit and gave us a balanced budget.

That Kool-Aid must be awesome stuff.
cavalryman said:
And a Liberal one who'll put us right back in it.  The overwhelming sentiment I get is  :brickwall: but that may just be the CPA in me screaming at anyone whose outflow of cash is greater than his inflow.

The only overwhelming sentiment you get, is from fellow Cons that can't beleive Canada got sick of them, and turfed them out.  But I digress.

PuckChaser said:
That Kool-Aid must be awesome stuff.

You should know, sucking at the teet of the Koolaid makers themselves the Conservatives/Reformists we have suffered under the last decade.  Sorry your cup is empty now.  oh wait, gotta put an emoji so you don't feel sad.  ;)

John Tescione said:
The only overwhelming sentiment you get, is from fellow Cons that can't beleive Canada got sick of them, and turfed them out.  But I digress.

You should know, sucking at the teet of the Koolaid makers themselves the Conservatives/Reformists we have suffered under the last decade.  Sorry your cup is empty now.  oh wait, gotta put an emoji so you don't feel sad.  ;)
The partisan mind is a fabulous thing.  I hope  for the sake of the country you're right but I stopped believing in any political party's ability to rise above petty partisanship about the time I stopped believing general officers were all seeing and all knowing.  [:D
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