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Political Correctness

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George Wallace said:
Seriously?  This is really BS.  Political Correctness will mean the death of us yet.  The Ontario Liberals are proving themselves to be wack jobs out destroy the province.  Don't take this as being Islamophobic, but more a question of wtf are they thinking and what consideration have they given to other religions, ethnic minorities, etc. and where will it all stop?

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There are only twelve (12) months in a year.  There are far more than twelve (12) religions practiced in Canada.

Ya know George, I kind of have to agree with you. Treat all religions equally should be what is done, I see the good in this but I also recognize the stupidity in it as well.

I am an advocate for a fair and balanced representation of all religions, but you are right. More then 12 religions exist in Canada, so what makes Islam so special? What about Judaism and the issues around Israel?  Sikhs and the religious cleansing they faced in India? Etc etc etc

This is a good thing, I think, in the long run... but we must give equal treatment to all other religious groups in Canada too... pandering to much to any one group, is a sure way to shoot yourself in the foot. Canada has no extreme or rampant Islamophobia issues. Issues do exist, yes, but the general population of Canada is not bigoted or hateful? Whatever the right word is. But issues do exist sadly, but that is always the case a miniscule percent of the population always hates for no reason.

Anyways I think I am more with you on this issue, then against you. But I suspect this is somehow helping with votes. I cant trust politicians lol

AbdullahD said:
. But I suspect this is somehow helping with votes. I cant trust politicians lol


I think when it comes down to it, that is what it is all about; "Vote Buying".

George Wallace said:
Seriously?  This is really BS.  Political Correctness will mean the death of us yet.  The Ontario Liberals are proving themselves to be wack jobs out destroy the province.  Don't take this as being Islamophobic, but more a question of wtf are they thinking and what consideration have they given to other religions, ethnic minorities, etc. and where will it all stop?

Ummm....publicly funded Catholic schools?  Does that ring a bell?
PPCLI Guy said:
Ummm....publicly funded Catholic schools?  Does that ring a bell?

I know that the government in part subsidizes almost all schools in the 1-12 range. The private Islamic/Christian/Sikh schools I know of all recieve similar funding, in this day an age.

The mistakes or actions of yesteryear I am personally not counting.
AbdullahD said:
I know that the government in part subsidizes almost all schools in the 1-12 range. The private Islamic/Christian/Sikh schools I know of all recieve similar funding, in this day an age.

The mistakes or actions of yesteryear I am personally not counting.

I am personally not aware of religious schools outside of Catholic schools which receive public funding here in Ontario, and know for certain (having educated my children in private schools for as long as I could afford to) that Montessori and other schools do not receive any government funding whatsoever. Catholic schools receive public funding as a historical artifact, not through any decision or choice of this government at any rate.
Thucydides said:
I am personally not aware of religious schools outside of Catholic schools which receive public funding here in Ontario, and know for certain (having educated my children in private schools for as long as I could afford to) that Montessori and other schools do not receive any government funding whatsoever. Catholic schools receive public funding as a historical artifact, not through any decision or choice of this government at any rate.

Okay it looks like it is up to the provinces to decide, if and how they fund private schools... at least from my extremely quick googling. Good to know none the less, this I would think should be standardized. Thanks for making me aware.

I think this falls in here, and it legitimately has me scared how close we are coming to a 1984 style of government.

As far as I see it 'Hate Speech' and 'Hate Crimes' are ways to control society and peoples thoughts and opinions. To me both those laws should be struck down, one for being double jeopardy (Hate Crimes are already crimes in the sense that a hate crime is assault on someone you hate, guess what we already have laws for that, called assault, etc.). The other for being a limitation on our Freedom of Speech and Opinion (main reason is what qualifies as hate speech? What we consider wrong today, could have expanded to include many more ideas and concepts in the future, such as what is being proposed in bill C-16, it is a slippery slope that ends up with a authoritarian style of government or with people afraid to express there thoughts and opinions).


Before we all get too hot under the collar on this, just remember how much the majority of us simply ignore or gloss over such other occurrences of similar 'events' such as "Black History Month",  "Aboriginal Week", etc.  [Edit to add a point that has been pointed out to me: One such 'event' is that May is Jewish Heritage Month in Ontario]

As I said in my original post; there are only twelve months in a year.  There are far more than twelve religions celebrated in Canada, more than twelve ethnic groups, and way more than twelve of any other group or ideal to pick one for each month and not alienate someone else.

It is a Political Party having a "Feel Good Moment" (or) trying to apologize for a perceived past sin to garner votes.  In this case, the Ontario NDP and Liberal Parties.

I do find it interesting that with the rise of Antisemitism among small groups of ignorant Millennials and university students, that no mention is being made at any level of Government.
Regarding, "October declared Islamic Heritage Month in Ontario".

Perhaps it's the provincial government's way of saying, "We are sorry. Please forgive us, and don't forget to vote for us." ?

Muslim community taking the lead in latest round of Ontario sex-education protests


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Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the general public simply ignore these "special" months and treat them as window dressing?

I could not tell you when black history month is, nor could I have told you that May was Jewish heritage month. That does not make me a racist or a bigot. It simply means that I don't care that the powers that be have decided to dedicate a month to you. I can't wait for the day that whites become the minority and a white history month is enacted, that would really bring things full circle and just complete (what I view as) this ridiculousness.

To me this is special snowflake creating at it's finest.
Bit of a difference here, George.

AFAIK, "Black History Month", "Aboriginal Week", and the likes are movements that start in the actual communities they represent and grow over time into an accepted and recognized celebration of these communities. They do not rely on legislation for their existence, even though they may eventually get recognition through a formal motion adopted by the appropriate legislative assembly.

Here we are talking about a politician driven initiative - not a community one - not called for and sort of imposing this "month" on a religion that hasn't asked for it. At least, unless somebody tells me otherwise, I have not been aware, so far, in Canada of any movement by the Muslim communities for a special month of recognition or "cultural" activity.

Also, this declaration, to me, smacks of anti-semitism: There is no way in ... well, hell ... that these legislators can ignore (or ought to ignore if they decide to play on the religious field of play) that October is the month that encompasses most (and the more important ones) Jewish high-holidays.   
Flavus101 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the general public simply ignore these "special" months and treat them as window dressing?

Like the tempest the other day over Guest Flags. Maybe it was a slow news day? But, does anyone really notice?
Wow! Look at all the ceremonies associated with the raising of these flags.

I bet there is half a dozen city workers, if not  more, whose sole job is to plan for and execute these "ceremonial rising of the flags". Thank the gods they don't ask the CF for a ceremonial guard for each one of them.  ;D
mariomike said:
Like the tempest the other day over Guest Flags. Maybe it was a slow news day? But, does anyone really notice?

I definitely wouldn't have known about the Vancouver flag raising thing if it wasn't posted here. It was interesting to learn that there is a flag pole dedicated for these guest flags and the frequency that it is used. I still view it as window dressing and another expense to tax payers that is not necessary.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Bit of a difference here, George.

Not really.  All of these have to start somewhere, and I highly doubt that all started anywhere else than in some community.  Eventually a politician will pick up with their cause and promote it.  I am sure that politicians at all levels of government have better things to do than sit around dreaming up some sort of 'holiday' or 'celebratory event'.  Those ideas have to be brought to them by the concerned parties.  To garner the favour of their electorate, the politician will run with it.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I bet there is half a dozen city workers, if not  more, whose sole job is to plan for and execute these "ceremonial rising of the flags". Thank the gods they don't ask the CF for a ceremonial guard for each one of them. 

No need to bother the CAF, we have our own municipal Ceremonial / Honour Guard units!  :)

And now for a few words from Rex Murphy:

How do we recognize Political correctness and fight against its corrosive effects?

From the comments of one blog we get this:

Try "The Progressive Virus" or "A Look Inside The Playbook" by Dr. Anthony Napoleon. "A Look Inside The Playbook" lists "Marxist Operations Manual" right on the cover. It's under 120 pages and covers about 20 techniques Marxists use to alter our culture.

and [color=black0SJW's always lie[/color] by Vox Day

Knowing and recognizing the tools they use is the first step in fighting back against Political Correctness.
We're teaching university students lies. An interview with Dr Jordan Anderson (U of T).


If you only read one article in full this month, I urge you all to read this one. In it, Dr. Anderson convincing argues the dangers facing Canadian society from both Bill C-16 and the totalitarian tendencies imbedded within Canadian Universities.
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