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political compass

Economic left/right: 0.00
Social left/right: -0.77

Almost got my dot exactly in the middle.
Economic Left/Right: 6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49

Hehe, no complaints. 
Economic Left/Right: 3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.74

Any more room at that table a_majoor?

An awful lot of "Do you enjoy beating your wife ?" type questions.
Another Kenya AA for our friend here, waiter... ;D

There are lots of political tests and systems out there (See the "Politics with More dimensions" thread), and it would be very interesting to take all of the various tests and average out the results. If this test shows you are in the same bracket as Mr Dithers, but others put you beside Margeret Thatcher, perhaps there is a flaw in the test. If you are with Paul Martin in EVERY test, then the flaw is in you  ;)
Economic Left/Right: -7.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.33

A libertarian who believes in sharing and human goodness. I scored like Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Idealism is nice, but hey I didn't join the Army to plant flowers and tell people to play nice.  :threat:
Economic Left/Right: -2.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33

Economic Left/Right: 6.13

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10

Me and Milton Freedman will be at Starbucks having a coffee and discussing matters of mutual interest


Economic Left/Right: 3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.74

Any more room at that table a_majoor?

An awful lot of "Do you enjoy beating your wife ?" type questions.

Economic left/right: 10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.33

You guys can have coffee with Friedman, looks like I'm gonna be moving in with him,

cheers, mdh  ;D

economic L/R= -4.88
libertarian/authoritarian= -1.79
Apparetly Gandhi and I are old college roommates....who knew? ???

Economic Left/Right: 0.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.15

Holy shit am I boring... must be a result of my continual conflict wrt my music not matching my politics!

Not too many people would place me in the centre.... perhaps I am complex?.....  :)

I comfortably place myself on the right of the political spectrum. 

Is this test rigged?
Well, the test doesn't really take into account regional differences in the definition of "left" and "right". A definite left wing person in the US would be considered at most a moderately right wing guy in Continental Europe. There are also regional issues which might color a person to be "left" or "right" in their particular country. e.g. There are no questions WRT firearms possession, something that is a big deal in the US and Canada(kinda) but not really in the rest of the world. I think it's probably a good test of one's leanings of some theoretical political absolutes that can't really be debated, that is, "true" issues that have no right answer or specific regional solution.
Economic Left/Right: 0.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.54  :o ???

Dang I think this thing is rigged, I definetly think I am right of centre at least more right the than Paul Martin. 
Dang I think this thing is rigged, I definetly think I am right of centre at least more right the than Paul Martin.

Or that you and Paul Martin have different viewpoints on an issue that was not covered in the test, or that you're extrapolating Paul Martin to mean the entire Liberal Party of Canada, or both.

I'll throw myself out as an example. I know that I am a moderately left wing liberal, but I also know that most of the Canadian populace are right out to lunch when it comes to foreign policy, and hold views on national defence (we have an army?) that would be considered unreasonable and absurd in 99% of other countries. Would the question "Do you think your nation should have an army?" make any sense anywhere else except Canada? Based on responses to a question like that, people would have to conclude that the majority of Canadians subscribe to some kind of extreme Anarchist/Libertarian world view. They are not liberal or conservative, they're just IDIOTS. You can't account for stupidity on any kind of political spectrum. That being said, I don't see any ideological reason that the Liberal Party of Canada cannot have a robust plan and outlook on national defence and the future of the CF, but if the voters don't demand it then who can you blame?

The test tries to avoid this kind of regional bias by not including those questions and only having very abstract, theoretical ones. A good idea, but you can obviously see some of the shortfalls of this methodology.
Easy there, I should have maybe used a smilie or something to indicate that I am not really reading to much into this test
What I dislike is that some of the questions seemed to be scored diametrically, meaning if you chose NO to A, then you must be YES to B, whereas I felt my view was not captured in the range of answers. It was relatively accurate I think on my part, but by the look of some people's reaction it probably isn't nuanced enough.
Easy there, I should have maybe used a smilie or something to indicate that I am really reading to much into this test


I was just putting some of the day's thoughts on screen. Sorry if I came off souding offensive, I wasn't arguing with you.
no problems, I should have proof read my line though before you quoted it, oops.
>Well, the test doesn't really take into account regional differences in the definition of "left" and "right".

Small wonder, since it's attempting to plot a point in a plane, not on a line.
Economic Left/Right: -3.50

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.10

Right up there with Nelson Mandala - who would have thunk it.
Economic Left/Right: 1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.95

Does this mean I can keep reading the National Post?