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Police pose as reporter to arrest protester


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Globe and Mail Update

May 20, 2007 at 10:34 PM EDT

Vancouver — Vancouver police acted inappropriately by impersonating a reporter from the newspaper 24 Hours in order to arrest anti-Olympics protester David Cunningham, says the editor-in-chief of the free daily commuter paper.

“We find it unacceptable,” Dean Broughton said Sunday in an interview. “It's inappropriate to use any media in any investigation.”

The news media have a special role in society – to deliver credible news, he said. Impersonating a reporter attacks the credibility of the industry, he said.

“It affects our ability to do our job,” Mr. Broughton said, adding that the newspaper may ask the Police Complaints Commission to look into the incident.

Vancouver Police Department Constable Tim Fanning confirmed Sunday that a police officer lured Mr. Cunningham to a public mall on Saturday afternoon by posing as a 24 Hours reporter.

“It was a ruse to get him out in the open to facilitate a peaceful arrest. That was all there was to it,” he said at a news conference at police headquarters.

But after explaining the reasoning for the impersonation, Constable Fanning backed away from endorsing the tactic.

“If they had asked me before they did it – because I'm up here suffering slings and arrows – I'd say, don't. Find another way,” he told reporters.

Constable Fanning said he spoke to several officers about the ploy. “This is something I have never heard us doing in the past. I have heard of all sorts of other ploys, but never using this one. It may never be used again,” he said.

“It's just because of Mr. Cunningham's background [that police used this ploy]. There was no other way of getting him out, so that's what they used,” Constable Fanning said.

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I say well done.  If you live in BC, you've no doubt heard of these thugs.  Threatening people is no way to further your cause.
Anti-Olympics .....oh the horror the Olympics are coming quick call the cavalry. Good on the cops, I know personally cause I was on the receiving end a number of times with  reporters who have done far worse "to get the story"
The guy they arrested made direct threats that his organisation, the "Anti-Poverty Committee", will come to the homes of Vancouver Organising Committee personnel and "evict" them unless their demands were met.
This part gave me my morning guffaw:

"The news media have a special role in society – to deliver credible news, he said. Impersonating a reporter attacks the credibility of the industry,"
Well done!  Keep it up I say.  Most of these "socially responsible" protestors just want their 15 mins of fame anyway and this tactic obviously works.
Trinity said:
I think it's fantastic.

Not only do you catch the guy.....  now
he'll think twice before talking to the media.  ;)

Win / Win situation if you ask me. 

You don't deserve a voice if your ideas are to openly hurt others.

(unless it's how to hurt the taliban of course ;))
+1  ;D
I say it looks good for the VPS.  Why not, reporters have posed as "not-reporters" in the past just to get thier story.  If you are a credible and upstanding journalist in the first place, you need not worry about being slandered or hacked.  My! how the tables have turned and they don't like it.  Too Bad! 

I was watching this on the morning news.  Gave me a bit of a giggle over my coffee.  ;D  Good for the VPD.
BYT Driver said:
I say it looks good for the VPS.  Why not, reporters have posed as "not-reporters" in the past just to get thier story. 

It's the VPD  ;)

I think it's freaki' awesome.... These social activist groups frequently obtain press credentials to gain access to events, as well, good for the goose, good for the gander.  But I agree with Tim, it's a tactic that may not fly again.  It's also not like 24 is a high-power media outlet, anyway, try as they might.


These guys are not merrily "protestors".  They are thugs, plain and simple.  They push women over to get onto stages during public events to swear and curse into a microphone, they drown out childrens' choirs with more profanity, and they are constantly trying to provoke the VPD.  If I was the police chief, I would have sent in the Cossaks and truncheons long ago!

I'm not a huge fan of the Olympics, but they are going to happen anyways. They should quit their crying and get with the program, unless all they really want to do is be thugs?
Some days the job is just waaaaaay more fun than it should be.  ;D

While this technique may not draw Cunningham in again, it should still work like a charm on the other "rocket scientists" protesting with the APC.
And it just gets better: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070523/campbell_protest_070523/20070523?hub=Canada

Good on the VPD and Premier Campbell for not putting up with these people's agenda! (maybe Jack needs to to have a chat with Campbell to see how not to negotiate with bad guys)
Good on the VPD. Do it again and again and again, until you break their spirits  ;)
Sometime I honestly don't believe that they truly care about their cause.  It's like they just do it for kicks.  They just get off on civil disobedience.