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PMQ's Regulations?


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Excuse me for being uneducated  :P but I couldn't find info on this.

Just out of curiosity what are the regulations governing PMQ's.  I thought that they had to be maintained (yard and such) in a respectable manner.  I also assumed when you were done with the forces you had to vacate the PMQ.  I was just wondering because I had a file come across my desk and this PMQ was just Destroyed by the previous occupant.  Also, it stated that he was allowed to stay in the PMQ for almost a year AFTER his medical discharge from the army.  Also, wondering this as I am joining and am common law with my girlfriend ( I know about barracks and the possibility of having to stay in them for awhile) and was wondering if there are certain requirements for upkeep of a PMQ.  Sorry if this has been posted before but I'm pretty sure the first part of my post hasn't been covered anywhere I did somewhat of a search on it.
The two bases I have had experiences with PMQ do require you to maintain your house/grounds to an acceptable level.  This does not mean manicured grass, just mowed maybe once a month.  The march outs under CFHA have become a lot more lenient, if you use a company that guarantees a pass...problem there, maybe.
Damage to a PMQ usually has to be repaired or paid for, usually.  If there are compassionate grounds, they may be waived, but I would think you would need a pretty good excuse.  Same with staying in PMQs after release.  Compassionate grounds, you are still undergoing some sort of treatment in the local area hospital, etc may allow you to stay there.  Cases like that are decided on a case by case basis so you cannot make a general statement about whether it is allowed or not.
I see thank you for the answer.  This PMQ in particular was right done in the individual skipped out on the March out and the pictures that I saw of the PMQ (I work on the collections end for repairs and back rent) looks as though it was some sort of drug lab/grow op (ex member does state that he has a drug prob. relate to operational stress).
From my memories (my father being retired from the military) it had to be respectfully maintained.   If there was a hole in the wall, my dad would fix it before leaving, he even sanded and revarnished a floor once.   I remember hearing that if you put up walls in the basement (if you had one) and the next occupant didnt want any then you had to take everything down.   As for the yard, I know that where we lived there were Pet control Officers who would go around checking back yards, looking to see if you had a dog and if you picked up your dog poop.... if you didnt then you would get a fine of some sort if I remember correctly. And the last thing that I remember is that the PMQ had to be cleaned before you left (floors, walls, everything)   You could either do it yourself or pay someone to come in and do it for you. Mind you that this was 10 years ago and I was 14, my memories could be wrong lolll
I grew up in PMQ's, from Marville, France to Lahr, Germany to Cold Lake AB and then to Borden.  The PMQ's we were in at Cold lake were brand new (we were the first occupants) and Dad, being somewhat of a handyman, did finish the basement.  Workshop, playroom, laundry room etc. but since the job he did was very well done, he didn't have to remove anything when we left.  As a teenager in Borden, my buddies and I made a fair bit of pocket money cleaning PMQ's for those families who were being posted out.  This was late 70's and standards were quite strict, don't know what they would be today.
Although I have never lived in Qs I work with quite a few that do.  The houses are suposed to be spotless when you leave -- right down to the green bin.  The yard issue seemd to depend on where the Q is.  In Pet discussions have ensued on our (soon to be defunct  :rage:) own forum board about the state of the North Qs vs the South Qs.  The S ones seem to be a little less maintained when it comes to the yard.  If you are thinking about Qs make sure you take a look at the different areas and put the suggestion to CFHA about what area you want to live in.  If there are alot of Qs free (like Pet) they can be pretty accomodating.
You might find something here.

When I left my PMQ in St-Hubert QC the guy from CFHA did the inspection looking for everything from scratches on the floors to pin holes for hanging pictures. I was lucky because my PMQ was in good condition. He also told me that if your PMQ was not painted in the last five years and you paint when you move in, you are not required to paint when you leave.

Just a piece of advice for anyone thinking of moving into one. When you get to the house, make sure that you do a very detailed inspection of the house and note and photograph anything that is damaged right down to the door moldings that were scraped from the guy who moved out before you. The reason I say this is because I have had friends that have moved out and CFHA has come after them for damages to the house that were already there when they moved in. (MAKE SURE THAT IT IS DOCUMENTED AND THERE IS A COPY OF IT ON YOUR FILE)
Is there anyone who has recently or are still living in PMQ's in Edmonton....as we are just being posted there and i'm wondering what kind of shape they are in....we haven't went on our house hunting trip yet....but just trying to get some insight on it before we go.

The PMQ's are in Lancaster Park, right on the base.  Not bad - we even have bus service here now, things seem to be improving just make sure you note EVERYTHING on your march in.  Just to let you know if you're buying the housing prices in Edmonton are going up, if you want to rent other than a PMQ don't go to Griesbach.  Westcorp took over the base and PMQ's that were condemed by CE are now being rented for $1000.00 a month.
Fusilier said:
The PMQ's are in Lancaster Park, right on the base.   Not bad - we even have bus service here now, things seem to be improving just make sure you note EVERYTHING on your march in.   Just to let you know if you're buying the housing prices in Edmonton are going up, if you want to rent other than a PMQ don't go to Griesbach.   Westcorp took over the base and PMQ's that were condemed by CE are now being rented for $1000.00 a month.

Well thank you so much for the info....do you know the prices for a two and three bedroom PMQ's that would be great if you could let me know...

Thanks so much.
jewel80002000 said:
Well thank you so much for the info....do you know the prices for a two and three bedroom PMQ's that would be great if you could let me know...

Thanks so much.

You were already given this information in the thread about PMQ increases.  Because you didn't like that answer, were you hoping for a different one?
beach_bum said:
You were already given this information in the thread about PMQ increases.   Because you didn't like that answer, were you hoping for a different one?

No just that i've been asking so many questions.... I just forgot ...sorry.
Well I think I'll wade into the fray on this one.....

The PMQs in Petawawa are absolutely atrocious....especially on the South Side. People park their cars on the lawns all year 'round...one actually had his car parked for an entire year using his lawn as his own personal parking spot...and NOTHING was done about it. Some people leave their garbage out in bags (there is a new "by-law" prohibiting this) for a few days and, of course, al the critters get into it and the owners of the mess don't clean it up...leaving a lovely mess everywhere.

The 'Qs are now being rented out to single 20 somethings....who are not married except to their car and the beer store. You can hear them on most nights speeding around the Qs at speed in excess of 70Kph....even during the day they have no care about the kids who get out of school and are trying to cross the streets to get home. I saw one the other day almost get hit by one idiot, who didn't look a day over 18. I followed and stopped him at the Can-ex....grabbed onto him and asked him if he saw the kid he almost hit (when I say almost I mean the kid was missed by mere inches).

The dope denied he was even speeding......    :rage:

I called the cops...they fined him...on expired tags  ::)

But I must digress...

The Qs are being run into the ground by an organisation who is literally there to do nothing more than hike up our rents by over 100% in the past 10 years with little to show for it. They said in the beginning that it would bring costs and therefore rents, down.....that never happened. Hope you never try to get some "Weed n Feed" for your lawn (if you're one of the few who actually take care of it). The questions that are asked "What do you need that for?" start.

As far as I am concerned....save your money. Get a good size downpayment for a house and stay away from the Qs at all costs.

You'll be saving yourself alot of hassle....and good money thrown into a building that has been paid for over 30 years ago that CFHA is not willing to keep it up to code.

Sorry for the rant....it's been building up for a while.

Hi, I am new here and just trying to find some information. I have a friend who is still in the Reg Forces ... his ex wife is asking him if she can rent a PMQ in Esquimalt ....  Question is...... Can ex spouse's rent Q's???? 
Wifie said:
Hi, I am new here and just trying to find some information. I have a friend who is still in the Reg Forces ... his ex wife is asking him if she can rent a PMQ in Esquimalt ....  Question is...... Can ex spouse's rent Q's???? 

As far as I know.....nope.

Franko said:
The PMQs in Petawawa are absolutely atrocious....especially on the South Side. People park their cars on the lawns all year 'round...one actually had his car parked for an entire year using his lawn as his own personal parking spot...and NOTHING was done about it. Some people leave their garbage out in bags (there is a new "by-law" prohibiting this) for a few days and, of course, all the critters get into it and the owners of the mess don't clean it up...leaving a lovely mess everywhere

Garbage on the streets, esp now as the snow melts is my big pet peeve....I pick up my garbage cans NLT the next day so they don't blow around, and I only put my exposed bags out the morning of.

There are IDIOTS who still have their cans and containers out past Mon am (Thurs is garbage day). There are also other IDIOTS who can't follow the simple 2 week garbage cycle for putting out their garbage. There is one person just down the street who has a big mess of garbage, cardboard, and other litter sitting out by the street now for a week. Take responsibility for your trash and clean up after yourself. Its called being a good neighbour.

The personal recourse for me is that a member of my unit lives right close to that pile. I will interrogate them as to who's pile it is and have the chain of command sort that out.

Oh, and BTW in the PMQ's rank still reigns. So as a Sgt, I can come over and ask you to sort out your mess. If you don't, being the nice guy I am, I will then tell you, and if you still don't....

I am sure you get the hint.
I have to correct someone in saying that the PMQ in Griesbach are not renting for $1000 per month.  You can rent some PMQ's here (row houses) for about $600 or so a month and then a single 2 bedroom for about $700 a month and then is goes a little higher for the larger styles of Q.  You are not required here in Griesbach to mow your own grass unless you want too.  The Q's in both Griesbach and LP are both in relativly good shape.  The Q's on Base (LP) are a little cheaper for rent, but you are required to maintain your own lawn.  And you have to remember that you are not within city limits. There is a busing system out there, but it only runs on peak hours. 

Hope this helps a little.

