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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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Unless the Canadian military and or rcmp is sent to guard every hotel, mall, gathering place from london to Shanghai there is little Trudeau can do to keep Canadians safe overseas.

Especially in places like the Middle East and parts of Africa. So I honestly don't know what dion is going on about.

If this happened in Toronto Montreal or Vancouver, ya, get angry, spring into action, the works. I honestly don't see how a attack in Africa by a group who from what I'm reading is trying to one up isil warrants the same response. Especially since there is little to nothing we can do about it.
Altair said:
If that was true, mulcair would be prime minister now.

I think that as the campaign dragged on voters began to perceive how creepy Mulcair truly was.  Close to the election I saw him as odder and odder.
At least Trudeau called it terrorism this time, instead of saying they were marginalized by society.
Altair said:
Unless the Canadian military and or rcmp is sent to guard every hotel, mall, gathering place from london to Shanghai there is little Trudeau can do to keep Canadians safe overseas.

Especially in places like the Middle East and parts of Africa. So I honestly don't know what dion is going on about.

If this happened in Toronto Montreal or Vancouver, ya, get angry, spring into action, the works. I honestly don't see how a attack in Africa by a group who from what I'm reading is trying to one up isil warrants the same response. Especially since there is little to nothing we can do about it.

French and American Special Forces were the ones who responded to the attack so yes there is something we could be doing about it. 

You should do a little more research on the Magreb, you're clearly not very up to speed on the region. 
I am going to open a very Canadian can of worms here.

It is no secret that Quebecers and Acadians take a very different view of military force than do those of us with connections to the Union Jack.  That said, it is noteworthy that the "discussions" with the Muslim community have created a decidedly less nuanced response to the use of said military force than has historically been the case.

The latest problems have resulted in the death of 7 Quebecers.  They are not the first Quebecers to feel this pain.  I can also think of the Warrant Officer that was run down in Quebec.

I think there is a greater resonance in Quebec on these matters precisely because of the great overlaps Quebec, France, the Francophonie in general and the Maghreb in particular, the immigration to Quebec of francophone Muslims and the particular hate-on for France that the Islamists appear to have.

This may result in a different response on the use of force compared to that to which we are used. (Churchill would be proud....)
That thought had crossed my mind, especially as Dion had ruled out any combat role in Iraq and Syria - specifically JTF2 - in an interview only a few days before the incident. That is not to say there is anything dishonest or even hypocritical in his reaction to what is a new atrocity.
Old Sweat said:
That thought had crossed my mind, especially as Dion had ruled out any combat role in Iraq and Syria - specifically JTF2 - in an interview only a few days before the incident. That is not to say there is anything dishonest or even hypocritical in his reaction to what is a new atrocity.

Humphrey Bogart said:
French and American Special Forces were the ones who responded to the attack so yes there is something we could be doing about it. 

You should do a little more research on the Magreb, you're clearly not very up to speed on the region.
I think I'm quite up to speed on the region, thank you kindly.

I think you missed my point. There were American and French forces in the area, and they did respond. Those Canadians still died. Nothing short of having military or rcmp at every hotel that Canadians visit is going to save them when these things happen.

That's what I meant when I said there is very little we can do.
Loachman said:
Mark Steyn's comments at http://www.steynonline.com/7427/mohammed-millinery:

Canadians are dead, and so is satire. Six Quebeckers get slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Burkina Faso, and to honor their memory Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leads a moment of silence ...at a mosque.

As for "gender segregation" in the Muslim world, let's go back to that Peterborough mosque where Justin Trudeau had his moment of silence to dishonor the Canadian dead at Islam's hands. The mosque is run by Imam Shazim Khan, who gave an interesting speech in Toronto a few years back. "Gender segregation"? Bring it on!

"There is no need for her to go out. There is no need for her to call anybody. There is no need for her to talk to anybody...

"She only makes available herself to her husband and she protects herself and she stays away from everything that her husband doesn't like in order to please him and to make the marriage work..."

Incidentally, Trudeau's imam says that, if David Cameron thinks "gender segregation" is bad now, wait till the hereafter:

"The Prophet PBUH said he said because of this ingratitude [of the wives towards their husbands] that is why most inhabitants of hell are women."

Interesting comments there.  It gives the impression that "equality" is a factor that he can overlook.  That is not the way our society has evolved.  It is not acceptable.
My dear Altair, it is quite evident what Dion is doing.  He is setting the stage for a blue beret intervention in that area.  Our assistance against terrorism, the operating costs of those F18's will go towards supporting a couple of platoons in Mali.  That is one of those things that was hinted at during the campaign just passed. The French legion are not operating under a UN mandate but a French one.  Dion will send our troops out hamstrung by ROE that castrate their actions and make them liable for any nose bleed that occurs.  That is the liberal way!  When it happens, and it will, just remember you heard it here first.
YZT580 said:
My dear Altair, it is quite evident what Dion is doing.  He is setting the stage for a blue beret intervention in that area.  Our assistance against terrorism, the operating costs of those F18's will go towards supporting a couple of platoons in Mali.  That is one of those things that was hinted at during the campaign just passed. The French legion are not operating under a UN mandate but a French one.  Dion will send our troops out hamstrung by ROE that castrate their actions and make them liable for any nose bleed that occurs.  That is the liberal way!  When it happens, and it will, just remember you heard it here first.
Tour pay?
Old Sweat said:
That thought had crossed my mind, especially as Dion had ruled out any combat role in Iraq and Syria - specifically JTF2 - in an interview only a few days before the incident. That is not to say there is anything dishonest or even hypocritical in his reaction to what is a new atrocity.
Well, we've helped "fight the fight" here in the recent past - maybe more of the same to circle the Franco-political square?
YZT580 said:
... He is setting the stage for a blue beret intervention in that area.  Our assistance against terrorism, the operating costs of those F18's will go towards supporting a couple of platoons in Mali ... Dion will send our troops out hamstrung by ROE that castrate their actions and make them liable for any nose bleed that occurs ...
That's possible, too - we'll have to see what unfolds where.
Is this a sign that this Government has now relegated Canada to the back burner of NATO and Five Eyes communities? 

George Wallace said:
Is this a sign that this Government has now relegated Canada to the back burner of NATO and Five Eyes communities? 


After the Liberals made so much hay out of our Security Council seat that we never really had, being dumped out of an actual alliance that does things (NATO) meeting is a bigger snub IMHO.
I'm not sure. Peacekeeping has pretty well been relegated to African troops in the region. It may be that the Magreb provides a face-saving option to our government. Besides there is the oppurtunity to do the "right thing" whatever it is in the minds of the Liberals. It also probably c ould have been the course adopted by the CPC although the region is even less of a vital Canadian area of interest that the Middle East.
The post colonial nations do not want their previous imperial masters coming back to keep the peace. Unless we're specifically invited, it ain't gonna happen.
ModlrMike said:
The post colonial nations do not want their previous imperial masters coming back to keep the peace. Unless we're specifically invited, it ain't gonna happen.
Maybe seeing as how canada has never been masters of anyone we get a pass?
Before we talk about "peacekeeping", shouldn't there be some peace to keep, with all sides agreeing not to shoot at each other anymore?

Paint my naive ...

Trudeau’s mosque visit raises questions

By Anthony Furey, Postmedia Network
First posted: Monday, January 18, 2016 12:07 PM EST | Updated: Monday, January 18, 2016 12:24 PM EST

Shortly after six Canadians were killed by Islamist terrorists Prime Minister Justin Trudeau held a moment of silence for the deceased at a Peterborough mosque.

Either the PM doesn’t understand how awful the optics of this are or he doesn’t care. It’s hard to say which one is more worrisome.

Over the weekend, al-Qaida affiliates took hostages at a hotel in Burkina Faso, killing 28 people including six from Quebec.

They were friends and family travelling to build schools as part of a humanitarian effort.

It’s natural to assume this would garner a powerful response from our prime minister, who is our collective voice on the world stage.

But instead of political leadership, in a statement Trudeau said he was “condemning” what he called a “terrible crime” as well as being “deeply saddened by these senseless acts of violence on innocent civilians.”

This tells us how he feels as a person, but nothing about what he thinks as a leader.

If his soft statement wasn’t bad enough, the real tone deaf manoeuvre from Trudeau came Sunday morning.

The PM attended an open house at a Peterborough mosque that had been set ablaze by an arsonist back in November. Before the open house, according to his itinerary, he held a private meeting with the board members of the Kawartha Muslim Religious Association.

That’s quite the coup for the mosque - a private sit-down with the PM. And he came to them, no less.

When he later took to the podium to speak, his strongest words were not concerning the terror attack, in which six died just the day before, but for the mosque arson, in which nobody died and which took place months ago.

“I have not met a single Canadian who was not as profoundly disturbed as I was to see this kind of hate crime taking place,” he said. Back in November the PM called the mosque attack an act “of hatred and racism”.

These are far stronger words than those he used to condemn the terrorist attack. Besides, the arsonist has yet to be identified, so it’s unclear what the motives for that attack were and if Trudeau’s words were even correct.

By comparison, we know the Burkina Faso attack was an al-Qaida linked job. But Trudeau didn’t mention this in either his written statement or at the mosque.

All the six dead Canadians received on Sunday was Trudeau’s call for a moment of silence for those murdered in “a brutal attack of violent terrorism”. The lopsided optics of this whole affair certainly raise questions about the PM’s priorities.

He could have made two separate announcements. But instead he rolled them together, making the Burkina Faso statement a footnote to his pilgrimage to the mosque.

To complicate matters, the Peterborough mosque doesn’t appear to be a shining example of liberal values the PM and much of the media would have you believe.

In YouTube videos posted in 2009, entitled Marriage: Are You Ready? Shazim Khan, prior to holding his current post as imam of the Peterborough mosque, gave a lecture in which he explained it’s “a major sin” for a wife to not have sex whenever her husband wants and “there is no need for her to go out” if her husband provides for her, along with other sexist musings.

Did Trudeau and his staff know about these apparently misogynist statements?

The prime minister seems so blinded by political correctness, by a desire to appear tolerant in the eyes of the intolerant, that he has no problem visiting a mosque whose imam delivered a lecture that would likely receive an approving nod from the very people who killed Canadians only days before in the name of their religion.
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