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plastic surgery - curiosity

Well, I guess I'm okay, then, what with having small, (relatively) firm boobs and a nice a**.
I don't have blue eyes, though.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Well, I guess I'm okay, then, what with having small, (relatively) firm boobs and a nice a**.
I don't have blue eyes, though.  ;)

I fear that the "blue eyes" standard is the only one that I meet. Between us, combined into one person, we'd be damn near perfect!!

ArmyVern said:
I fear that the "blue eyes" standard is the only one that I meet. Between us, combined into one person, we'd be damn near perfect!!


Well I think each of us is!!
PMedMoe said:
Well, I guess I'm okay, then, what with having small, (relatively) firm boobs and a nice a**.
I don't have blue eyes, though.  ;)

What are you doing saturday night  ;D
Journeyman said:

And, the next time the three of us get together for beers (or tequila/Jack) ... we'll be sure to sit you right nice and snuggly in between the two of us. Thus, you will be effectively splitting our personalities. I'll be the blue-eyed chick to your left (because then my deaf ear will be away from you) and the chick to your right will be the one with T&A. Do enjoy.

You lucky, lucky man.

(Knowing full well that Tess will just plop himself down at our feet as usual).
Bzzliteyr said:
and another thread derailed by hormones...

But, that's precisely it!! I'm convinced - deep down in my 'lil old brain & psyche - that I have NO horomones and ergo the reason that I have no boobs and thus require plastic surgery to get some!!  IE: it's a medical problem!!


MM: I'm doing my very best here ... am I getting better??  :camo:
I personally like NATURAL breasts the most be they small or large.

Vern, I think you obviously have psychological issues (wink wink, trying to help out here) that need to be cured with maybe some kind of surgery if it were available?

toughenough: huh?
MP811.... I think so... at least that the last time I heard about she/he/it
geo said:
MP811.... I think so... at least that the last time I heard about she/he/it

All righty then ...

Just to clarify:

He is now a she; and, she was never an "it".

Come on guys - please try to maintain a 'lil bit 'o human respectability.  :-\
Just to put my two cents in, to me it doesn't matter as long as the SOLDIER can do the job asked of them.
Having met the Soldier as a man, and dealt with him, off and on for many years, I can only shake my head when I see this same Soldier as a woman.  I know women who aren't all that comfortable with going into the same washroom/lockerroom...

Sorry Vern, I guess I'm a dinosaur on some subjects after all ???
geo said:
Having met the Soldier as a man, and dealt with him, off and on for many years, I can only shake my head when I see this same Soldier as a woman.  I know women who aren't all that comfortable with going into the same washroom/lockerroom...

Sorry Vern, I guess I'm a dinosaur on some subjects after all ???

Perhaps some of those women you know ... flatter themselves too much.

Why in the world would they think that she may be looking at (or even attracted to) them? Ain't that the definition of vanity. She's a girl now because she 'thinks' and 'feels' like one and probably has her whole life.

Wherever she is now, I hope she's happy.
I dealt with her awhile back on something.  Pleasant enough lady.  Seems to be doing alright and good on her for making a big decision in her life!
In regards to the firm boobs and a$$es that were being talked about earlier... this thread is useless without pics!  >:D
steveyb4342 said:
In regards to the firm boobs and a$$es that were being talked about earlier... this thread is useless without pics!  >:D

Not gonna happen!  Come to the Ottawa M&G and judge for yourself!  Don't forget, we ladies will be judging, too!  ;)