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Pilot Selection

  The local recruiting centres don't have anything to do with the medicals I did for aircrew in toronto, the most they can do is check my file to see if it has been updated to include those medicals, so they couldnt tell me anything about the progress of it. One thing I was curious about, if my medicals go through fine and I am to be picked up - who makes the call? My local recruiters? Is that where I go to sign the contract?

            - Zach
Ah makes sense.

But as far as I know, once you get 'the call' they will get you to come to your recruiting center to get sworn in and sign all your paperwork.
Zach15 said:
  One thing I was curious about, if my medicals go through fine and I am to be picked up - who makes the call? My local recruiters? Is that where I go to sign the contract?

            - Zach

Yes its the local recruiter. Once your medical is okay and you are put on the merit list, if you are picked a messege will be sent to your local CFRC with the job offer and details and they will call you in to go over the job offer and get sworn in. Yes you sign your contract when you get sworn in.
Good luck,
My application is for Pilot, Air Navigator, Aerospace Control, in that order. I just completed my PT / Eye test on August 1st, I had already done my interview, medical and aptitude on separate occasions. Now, my understanding is that ACS is the next phase, but the individual responsible for booking ACS in on leave until next week.

Would anyone happen to know when the ACS sessions are available for the next little while? My step brother is getting married, and I'm hoping to have a better idea if I will be able to attend the ceremony, or if I should be getting a better wedding gift to compensate for my absence.

Presuming I pass ACS for Pilot and Air Nav, does anyone know when the next Pilot Selection would come?

Thank you in advance for any information.
My filemanager emailed Trenton and they came back with some possible dates. You can choose the week you want to go so you shouldn't have to miss the wedding...
That's good to know then, thank you. I regret the delay, but if I can get in a week later and attend his wedding, that'll fulfill my wish list nicely...

That said, should I pass the ACS for Air Nav and Pilot, does anyone know when the Selection Board comes together? I know that I'll have to be merit listed and considered and quite possibly not receive a call for some time, but I am curious when the process will be picking up again. I'm very excited about pursuing this career path, and so I apologize if it comes across as impatience.
Alright...  I searched all over the place for answers, maybe there are some here...

I'm an officer cadet since august 4th 2008.  Having enrolled in 2008, I fell in the "new" system (which was abandonned the following year) where you are assigned a "trade class" instead of a specific trade when you sign-up.  My "trade" is presently "air operations" which includes pilot, airborne electronic sensor operator (former air nav) and aerospace control.  My first (and only) choice is, of course, pilot.  I've been waiting for nearly a year to here answers about the trade I would be given.

Anyway, that being said, does anyone know when the pilot selection results comes out?
Taptrick said:
which includes pilot, airborne electronic sensor operator (former air nav) and aerospace control. 

Air Navigator became " Air Combat Systems Officer".

Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators are NCMs, not officer.
I will admit that I'm not speaking from experience here, in any way shape or form, but I'd be willing to bet that the answer is "shortly before you would otherwise be expected to begin your training for your particular trade."
Taptrick said:
Alright...  I searched all over the place for answers, maybe there are some here...

I'm an officer cadet since august 4th 2008.  Having enrolled in 2008, I fell in the "new" system (which was abandonned the following year) where you are assigned a "trade class" instead of a specific trade when you sign-up.  My "trade" is presently "air operations" which includes pilot, airborne electronic sensor operator (former air nav) and aerospace control.  My first (and only) choice is, of course, pilot.  I've been waiting for nearly a year to here answers about the trade I would be given.

Anyway, that being said, does anyone know when the pilot selection results comes out?

I may be wrong, but as I understand the process, you're supposed to be informed after your first year of school what trade you have been granted. Maybe upon your return for the next school year there will be an orientation / selection interview??