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Pilot Selection


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OK so I got accepted for ROTP pilot last year, but the medical paperwork took too long to finally process through (it did, but took a while), so i didn't get it. (wasn't told this till this week). Missed the ROTP and CEOTP this year, and right now am accepted for infantry officer in the reserves, with basic trg this summer. I will apply next year for DEO (finishing my degree end of next summer probably) or CEOTP, see how school goes (and if the latter is open). So 3 questions:

1. They said to keep up leadership and involvement of organzing with people, etc. What are some good ideas? I am 100% looking, but what have other guys/girls done for this? Some ideas for leadership positions that would help me out. Volunteer or work.

2. The fact I was accepted before, and at first chance again, will that work in my favour? And how good does Infantry Officer go for experience for Pilot selection?

3. If I passed all the eye stuff last year (except I never went to ASC), will I need to undergo it (and all the other medical stuff) again?

Thanks for any replies guys!

1.  Volunteer at a local boys and girls club, coach a team, become a sports/safety/social/anything rep for work.  Donate time to a charity.

2. ?

3.  Safe bet.
cda84 said:
OK so I got accepted for ROTP pilot last year, but the medical paperwork took too long to finally process through (it did, but took a while), so i didn't get it. (wasn't told this till this week). Missed the ROTP and CEOTP this year, and right now am accepted for infantry officer in the reserves, with basic trg this summer. I will apply next year for DEO (finishing my degree end of next summer probably) or CEOTP, see how school goes (and if the latter is open). So 3 questions:

1. They said to keep up leadership and involvement of organzing with people, etc. What are some good ideas? I am 100% looking, but what have other guys/girls done for this? Some ideas for leadership positions that would help me out. Volunteer or work.

2. The fact I was accepted before, and at first chance again, will that work in my favour? And how good does Infantry Officer go for experience for Pilot selection?

3. If I passed all the eye stuff last year (except I never went to ASC), will I need to undergo it (and all the other medical stuff) again?

Thanks for any replies guys!


So you got an offer for ROTP Pilot last year, and simply because the medical took a while to get back they took the offer away? Sounds fishy to me, but who am I to judge.

1) Maybe volunteer at a local cadet unit, coach a sports team, volunteer at a community centre, etc.
2) I doubt that your previous selection will have much bearing on the board's decision, but it is obviously a good sign that you were selected last year.
3) You medical is valid for one year (including the eye and blood tests) so if it has been less than one year since your medical exams, then you won't have to do them again. But stay healthy because they're gonna do a lot of tests in the medical portion of Aircrew Selection.

Hey, it sounds fishy to me too! But the exact words from the MCC "yo were picked up last year for pilot, and had an offer..". But that was that, and this is now.

Thanks for the advice guys, any more ideas would help me of course! Volunteering at those places is a great idea.

Sorry for more questions:

But what about he Better Eye and Other Eye part of the medical standards for flying, 6/6 and 6/9?
And what medical tests are done at ASC?

Thanks again.

First, is there a maximum age for acceptance as a pilot?  I haven't seen anything here, or on any of the 'official' websites (other than it being hard to define & to contact your local recruiting centre).  I spoke with a recruiter in Calgary, he didn't think so, but was unsure.  If there isn't an official age limit, is there a practical age-limit? 

I'm 32.  Had 20/20 uncorrected vision when last checked (about 2yrs ago).  Was working on my PPL, but haven't flown in a few years.

Second, from what I've read, they say it can take up to 2yrs to get your wings (& then a 7yr commitment), but from what I've seen on here it seems like there's a bit of a backlog in the training.  Is 2yrs still a realistic timeframe to go from initial application as a DEO to being awarded your 'wings'?  Also, approximately what is the timeframes from initial application to testing, & then to aircrew selection?

Last, preference would be jet or multi, don't really have the bug to fly helicopters, any demand for either at the moment & more importantly in a few years?

Just curious if I'm crazy for thinking of this kind of a career change at this point...

At 32 you are not too old to become a CF pilot.  There have been older OCDTs in the system.  Do you have a degree?  If not, you would be enrolled as an OCDT under OCTP - the dramatic loss of pay is another consideration for career minded individuals.

What you should take into account is the big life change that you would undergo should you decide to proceed.  At 32 I am sure that you are set in a certain career and life style.  The CF does not age discriminate, therefore you would be treated like every other 20 year old that joins up. 

Training delays are inevitable - bank on 3-4 years to wings as a more plausible number.  Recruiting is another story, I really don't know if they have their proverbial poop together when it comes to processing applicants.  That process could take upwards of a year.

No time to waste my friend, if you want to do this the clock is ticking.
Yeah what zoomie said. As well there is a 36 year old 2Lt with me on OJT waiting for his moose jaw course that isn't supposed to start until august i believe. So you're not alone in wanting to join at an older age.  Also, last summer I did a course with a guy who had spent 30 years with the Ottawa Police and wanted a career change so he decided to join the military as a pilot. If he can do it, anyone can. good luck.
There was a 41 year-old pilot-to-be that I went through IAP/BOTP with.  So don't sweat it.
Deleted my post, couldnt find the thread backing my statement.
like the others said, no age limit, as long as you meet the medical requirements, you're good to go.

I'm not sure what the training back log is right now, but I officially arrived in moose Jaw in June 99, and got my wings in April 2002.  But that was during the Tutor to Harvard II transition period.  Bottom line, don't expect instant course dates.  This is assuming you have a decent french profile of course.

I wouldn't write off helicopter flying just yet.  Everyone wants to be a fighter jock when they get to moose jaw, but almost EVERYONE comes out with a different point of view.  Just because you're not going 800 kts, doesn't mean you're not flying.
I've been looking through the forums for all information regarding the DEO entry as a pilot, but I still have a few more questions hopefully someone can answer. 

What are the odds of getting in as a pilot?  I know this is a tricky question but there must be lots of applications with limited spots so I'm trying to determine my chances of getting in.  I'm 26 and have the prereqs,..ie university degree, 20/20, in good shape, bilingual, passed the aptitude test, have played several sports being captain. 

I read that there are boards that sit and determine possible applicants.  When is the next one for DEO pilot?  What is the timeline I should be looking at for the whole process? 

I indicated Pilot as my only choice, however if this may not be feasible, I would like to add a second and third choice to the list.  I know that it would go by personal choice after(I have read up on different positions), but what are some interesting positions I can consider if the application as a pilot goes nowhere?  Are there any I could do and then transfer later as a pilot?

My progress so far:

Application sent in Feb 10th in Montreal
Aptitude test March 2nd
Medical March 8th
Interview and physical to follow.

I don't know the odds but probably not in your best interest to know at this stage.
You still need to complete several steps before the file goes to selection board; physical test, medical exam, eye exam, interview, urine and blood test, Aircrew selection test, Air navigator tests, aircrew medical tests. Then selection boards are in the fall and spring for basic training that would begin in September and January.
I would say that the process between start of application and start of training would take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
Don't quote me
I guess you didn't look very far or hard:


rnkelly is right in one aspect get through all the processing before you worry about your chances.  No sense worrying about your chances to be a pilot if you don't pass the medical or the aircrew selection.  Good luck.
If you pass the medical and Aircrew selection, you're pretty in. Goodluck.
Thanks for the info and the outline of what I will have to go through up to and including aircrew selection.  I guess I just have to be patient and go through the motions.  One step at a time..
The process is very long.  Longer for some than others.  But guarenteed to be collecting documents and going to medical appointments many months from your initial application!  Just do what the tell you as quickly as possibly, and just wait.  Don't have any time expectations because it certain takes a while.
I found with my app, throwing the ball back in their court as fast as you can really helps.

When they tell you to go to the clinic to get blood taken for testing.. I did it the next morning at 6AM.. before I left for school. (here I thought I was being smart and could avoid all the old people who would obviously not be up by 0600, and would still be in bed... turns out old people dont sleep or something, because there was a 20 odd person lineup of old people right outside the door when I turned up.)

but I digress, I had that paperwork sent to them straight from the clinic. It took about 3 buisness days.
If you wait 2 weeks every time to get yourself together for the tests and paperwork they want you to get, then you can tack on 2 weeks to the end for every peice of paper and every task.
Inferno has the right idea.  I basically tried to do the same thing.  The amount of time they spend on paper work is long enough, but if you add a few days or even a week on each step, thats effectively at least doubling the total processing time for your file!  Especially worse if you have a lot of things you need to get (ie for Pilot you need blood work, eye test, doctors notes, etc etc)
I'd say that you are in good shape for your application.
Hello all,
    I am going CEOTP for pilot right now, have the aircrew selection the end of april. I was in talking to my recruiting officer today because its been a while. I've known him for a few years and he is very knowledgable of the forces. Turns out that he is now considering trying out for pilot. He told me that in his searches and talking to superiors he found that even if you get into pilot and pass basic and pass everything right up to moosejaw that you are still not guarunteed a job. He said only the top percent of the class will be offered jobs and the ones who don't make it will have to choose another occupation. He is a captain and always seems to know the answers so I am thinking he knows what he's saying here. Just a heads up for anyone going in.

P.S. I also found out for those CEOTP hopefuls that you do not get paid as a regular OCDT on basic it is the CEOTP OCDT pay which is $2400 a month. Plus over 300 separation pay for those with families. Just incase somebody wanted to know.
