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Pick the right trade at the begining!

  I am one of the ones who picked the wrong trade in the beginning.  I just didn't do enough research on what was involved in the trade, or what the training would be like.  I didn't join the trade just because it was red.  For many reasons, which I won't list here....I am sitting in PAT platoon now, and have been basically in limbo for about 1.5 years of my career so far.  It sucks....it's embarassing...and it just doesn't feel good to not be in a trade, doing what you signed up for.  Although I just found out I got my new trade and will be leaving in a few months for training.  :) 
  It is not easy to leave a RED trade.  Actually in 99% of cases, it's almost impossible.  Especially if it is a navy red trade. 
      Just do yourselves a favour........wait, even if it's 2 years, just wait for the trade you really truly want.  Do as much research you can......try to do some job shadowing if possible, and wait for your call.
    Thats my advice.
Cheers all :cdn:
C.O.D. :cdn:
OK Lets face it, choosing the right trade is not always a easy thing to do because of several factors. But people can do a minimum of effort and get the real story about things. Ask around...search on the web. Even if you live in a far and remote place were the military is non-existant. there allot of info. Available.

I just had a tough...when I plan to buy some electronics or a car or something alike (just bought a house) I did not based my choice only from what the "seller" told me. I asked around and took time to read about it.

Why should it be different toward your career. I do understand that a vast majority of people will change career during their life...(at least in a civy world.)

But for the army I see it a little different and I have talked about it to Cat over MSN. The CF spends tremendous amount of money to get you to a point were you are an active member of the Canadian forces. From the point you enter the door of a CFRC to a point were you are working in a unit somewere.

Why don't you choose correctly from the beginning even if it means that you have to wait longer to get what you want, instead of using the funds to get you qualified a second time, to take a place were someone wanted this trade from starters, taking one man power off the units.

I understand that sometime a re-muster can happen, for different reason (a dream, medical issue, and other reason), as I did a OC transfer. but It should be an exception, not a common way of life option.

People, the fact you like your job or not is partly the way your attitude and view toward your job. you will have some great people to be around, some great place to visit or to live. Perhaps there are some place you would not be happy (like me in a boat for example) but then again what if at your next posting you find a great place you love, some people that you will love to work with.

Take your time, wait...every thing comes to whom is willing to wait.
George Wallace said:
Is is possible to get a copy of that xls files...as I do not have a DIN access....

Now you are stepping into the realm of OPSEC and transfering files from a 'secured site' to a 'public' site, even if it is emailed to you. 

Or if you can get in touch with a BPSO, they can send you a paper copy of it... when I was in Meaford, that stuff was floating around like confetti on new years in Times Square... It's educational material for people who want to know their options, you don't need sec. clearance to look at it.
I think one of the biggest issues is how the forces.ca website portrays each trade. The people that write that, in my opinion, reaylly dont know whats inolved in that tradea nd they use general info and the rest is conjecture as to what they think goes on.

I have several friends in current trades in the AF / Army and several on these boards, and from what I've been told 1st hand the descriptors of said trades are either off base or make them seem very different.

I just hope my ideas of Combat Engineer aren't way off lol.
How about reading CFAO 11-12 if you want to know the CF policy on remuster for Reg Frce NCMs?

Just a thought...
