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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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What do you guys think about doing Stew Smith's Seal Workout (http://www.trulyhuge.com/Navy_Seal_Workout.htm) OR something similar, where you only do pushups, situps, pullups, and running (little to no swimming for me at the moment..)?
Would my fitness be 'unbalanced', or weak in lots of other important fitness areas?
For example, should I still go to the gym and do extra leg/shoulder/bicep work in addition, or are pushups, situps, pullups, and lots of running plenty?

Oh, and to respond to my last post in this thread about a month ago, increased pushups by 5 (finally), woot!
EuroCanuck said:
What do you guys think about doing Stew Smith's Seal Workout (http://www.trulyhuge.com/Navy_Seal_Workout.htm) OR something similar, where you only do pushups, situps, pullups, and running (little to no swimming for me at the moment..)?
Would my fitness be 'unbalanced', or weak in lots of other important fitness areas?
For example, should I still go to the gym and do extra leg/shoulder/bicep work in addition, or are pushups, situps, pullups, and lots of running plenty?

Oh, and to respond to my last post in this thread about a month ago, increased pushups by 5 (finally), woot!

That program is ok, his book 12 weeks to BUD/S is better (it includes leg/lower body work).  With the amount of pushups/pullups, in either program (more in the book), if you are doing it correctly you will be to tired to even contemplate "extra", and when you are doing 100+ pull ups, 200+ pushups in single workouts, your shoulders/chests/biceps/triceps, will be getting enough work.  If you want a free balanced program, go crossfit. 
EuroCanuck said:
What do you guys think about doing Stew Smith's Seal Workout (http://www.trulyhuge.com/Navy_Seal_Workout.htm) OR something similar, where you only do pushups, situps, pullups, and running (little to no swimming for me at the moment..)?

The 12 Weeks to BUDS workout is great and targets exercises that are seen as the measure of a military man, but doing the same thing everyday demands alot of motivation and I would worry about some degree of "routinization" or whatever that muscle-confusion concept is.

As Hachet says, Crossfit is a simple way to get a demanding workout through something a little different all the time.  Mix it up.
If you find your not getting a good enough workout from crossfit's main site WOD's try this one.


Still crossfit, but they mix in alot more cardio and the workouts are alot more intense.
I am in the process of applying but would still like to add what may be some valuable advice since I deeply appreciate both the advice and the service to our country that you guys have given.

If you need to seriously improve your running then back off on the muscle stuff.  Hard running increases hormones (cortisol I think) that are opposite to testosterone.  If you are on a treadmill then you need to have it at about 3% grade to be similar to flat on a track.  GET GOOD SHOES.  Do not buy the ones on sale at Walmart.  Go to the running room or similar store and talk to a sales person.  There are racing shoes, shoes more for 10 km racing and shoes more for training.  These sales people can also set you up with a program - don't just do the same distance and the same pace.  Get an MP3 player and set the music up for your programs.  Even though I may have done it a 1000 times, poring it on and going hard core to the finale of Beethoven's 9th gets remarkably close to feelin like an ( you know what).  If you can do it then breaking up your workout into two sesssions is a good idea.  Once you exercise it take a while for your metabolism to return to the baseline so you actually can get a better fat burn with two 35 minutes sessions as opposed to one 70.  Also be sure to document and play around as what works for one person is not so good for another.  Like for me my morning times are way crappier than after work .  Well ,at least the rare times I do mornings - guess that will have to change.

Believe it or not eating five time a day can help a lot.  Of course I am talking small portions.  It not only reduces stomach size but leads to better blood sugar and insulin levels etc. which decreases fat storage. Think plain oatmeal, tuna in water, egg whites ( love that egg white stuff in the store in the pint containers-  no cracking required.  Protein bars are very convenient. I highly recommend Danone yogurt as it gets as close to ice cream.  But do have a treat once a week or so.  Dessert at a coffee shop or restaurant may be more expensive but there will be nothing in the fridge to tempt you.  Speaking of the fridge put something really big on it or really close to it.  Pictures of CF members or the Canadian flag.  I have never ever heard of someone over motivating themselves.  This is very much a mind game.

If you need to get your pushups higher then concentrate on them.  Heavy bench pressing will help for sure but since the stabilizer muscles are different, then it is better to focus on push ups.  Rest times should be 90 sec to 150 sec between sets.  The best rep range is between 8 to 12 for pumping iron for what we need to do.  Higher reps are great for defining muscles - so if want to model Calvin Klines undies then go 15 to 20ish and if you want to bench 425 for one rep then go 2 to 8 range, and if you want to go army then 8 to 12 is the number for pumping iron work.  Free weights are better for what we want as they also require stablizer mucles more. I highly recommend a personal trainer. Explaining how you should group body parts together and which ones would make this a really really long post. Try several trainers for one or two times.  The chemistry between you is likely the most important thing.  If you can not afford one then go to the gym and tell them so.  Tell them why you want to work out hard.  I am sure that you will have no problem in getting volunteers if they have even a fraction of the respect I have for the CF. Going to the gym and mindlessly pumping out reps is not that productive.  Intensity is everything!!!!!!!!!  If you do not have a mind game going while lifting then you NEED TO GET ONE.  Yeah be aggressive solider. Come on - strangle the livin sh!t out of that Taliban motherfu**er. Get the idea. It will help a lot.  Getting down to a very low body fat percentage will help a lot especially in pullups.

Supplemments can be a great help.  Besides a general multivitamin, creatine, nitric oxide and protein powder work for sure.  If you are like 30 something then you might even want to consider a testosteral boost product.  Popye's is  a great store and also has a web site.  So is GNC but I just don't like that card thing they  have.

Thanks again and the best of luck.
Good advice except for the part about supplements.  Don't use them.  You won't have access to them during BMQ, and depending on your trade, you won't have access to them during your trades training either.  A multivitamin is different, but shouldn't be necessary if you eat balanced meals, which are available if one wants in any mess in the military.
I have trained with a friend for a few months following the crossfit program and I personnaly recommend it.  i never really train in a gym and i don't think it is what represent the most what you will be asked to do in the CF compared to Crossfit which is a very good combined of cardio and muscular.  I have a question for those who might have the answer, How do you get to improve your running when you already do good.  For example, i run 4 kilometers in 16 minutes but that is my max pace for this amount of time but i would like to eventually do 8 in 32. How do i get there ? I've tried intervals but still , it hasnt helped me out very much i still run every 2 days.  Somebody knows how to improve at running?
Hey Big Burn. I too am an exceptional runner, and just recently my trainer at the local gym switched my running routine to shorter runs (20mins) but running up gradual hills (treadmill incline), hill intervals, and emphasizing on leg exercises. If you're legs are the first 'to go', try training that way for a bit.. But 8k's in 32 minutes is doable by running 3-4 times a week outside for about 25-40 minutes/session. Have fun  : P
Hey thanks a lot for answering, honestly I don't really know what between my legs and my heart drop first.  At that rythm it is sure that my HB is around 180 at the end of the run so almost optimal but I should try what you said about putting the accent on (muscling) my legs.  I'll try that and give feedback in a week or two of the exercises i did.
Also, within 4 months on training with slower longer runs, my resting heart rate dropped about 20 beats, but my HR at 10mph only dropped like 3 or 4? I think that's why my trainer is emphasizing leg work now, maybe it'll help my 'max heart rate' drop easier. Don't quote me on that though - it's just my understanding.
Hey just wanted to comment.

I have never been in really good shape but I have been going to the gym and working out a little.
In regards to the running, I started out doing the 2.4 k and I did that in 10 45.
Since then I have been going to the gym and running almost 4 times a week and doing 4k each time. Once I got that down I started adding in hills and inclines. It worked like a charm. I am down to doing the 2.4 in 9 minutes and 34 seconds.

If you are looking for some good workouts just go ask the people that work at the gyms. They helped me out a lot with just figuring out what to do to get better times and what exercises will help you the most.

Good luck!!!
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on this subject. I want to improve my running times I usually pump out 5.5K in 30Minutes. I run 6 times a week not including biking back and forth to regiment and home that is a 45Minute trip every day 5 times a week. I do a 25K bike ride and a 10K ruck sack march on weekends. I dont consider myself out of shape but what fustrates me is when I go on group runs I fall very far behind the group and it makes me look bad. I was hoping someone could give me some guidence or have any sugestions on how to improve my running speed other then being told by my smart ass fellow Sapppers to run faster. I believe I am giving it my all but it seems my body cannot keep up what do I have to do to improve this?.  Thanks for your time Chimo!!!
Not to be a jerk but your fellow sappers are right...

I can only comment on what you have said so far and if I have missed something I am sorry.

The one thing that I found that improved my running times was to start off by running at a natural pace and then with timed intervals (ex every 5 min) start to push your self and run as fast as you can. After a minute of this slow down and continue your regular pace. And every 5 minutes push your self... I know this is not the popular or maybe the correct way to do it but it has worked for me.

Once you get comfortable and you are able to hold the faster pace, extend the amount of time that you are running at that speed (ex run that speed every 2.5 minutes).

Sooner then later as I found you will feel that you are less tired and can hold the faster pace for a much longer time. This took me about 3 weeks to really get it down but it has worked. From there and once you are comfortable try to increase your speed during the fast pace portion.

You will find that this is not a quick solution but works in a few weeks. You will also find that your natural running pace that you run between the intervals will increase with time. I suggest using a treadmill so you can keep track of what speeds and times you are using.

Good luck Sapper_Clarke and tell me how it goes. :salute:
Really curious about the running in BMQ and SQ. I am in reasonable shape and can run a couple km before I get a stitch.I have googled till my eyes fell out for the answer to this. I have done everything, controllong my breathing,belly breathing,am hydrated,don't eat before i run,increase potassium.All sites suggest slowing down or stopping till it's gone but don't think that will be the case in BMQ.What happens if we are all out running and some of us get stitches?If I get a mild one I can run through it but sometimes they are wicked to the point where I can feel it for the rest of the day.What's up with that?What do i do???

Heeeelllpppppp me :-[
After several years of high performance track and firled I feel that I am qualified enough to try and help.  What always works for me is to RELAX, try your best to stop laboring and just relax your upper body and run through it. It WILL go away, the more you tense up the worse it will get and the longer it will take to shake off.  Just don't panic and think "oh no," take a few deep controlled breath and do your best not to tense up.

Hope that helps a little, if not try and take more calcium and magnesium, its very undercredited for athletic cramping.

Happy training!
Hey guys ive been training for a while, and would just like some feedback on my performance. I leave to BMQ august 30 and want to be in the best shape that i can by that time.

I am 17 (18 on saturday) and weigh about 152 lbs. I have been boxing for 21 months now and am in reasonably good shape from that. I can do about 35 push ups and around 35 situps (more if someone is holding my feet), about 10 chin ups (close-grip) and can run 2.4km in around 11:25. Strength wise i think im fine but its the cardio that i REALLY want to improve on. Its weird because boxing is very cardio intensive and i have been jogging since around may, and recently started doing intervals.

So i would just like some feedback on my performance thus far please :D .
I am just wondering if I will be required to do PT test again once I start BMQ on August 8th. I had to do PT test before I was accepted. I passed my PT test.
tropicalbreeze said:
I am just wondering if I will be required to do PT test again once I start BMQ on August 8th. I had to do PT test before I was accepted. I passed my PT test.

Indeed you shall.
tropicalbreeze said:
I am just wondering if I will be required to do PT test again once I start BMQ on August 8th. I had to do PT test before I was accepted. I passed my PT test.

Your PT Test is good for six months to a year.  If you have met the minimum standard on a CF Expres Test, it is good for one year.  If you exceded the maximum, and achieved an EXEMPT on the CF Express, it is good for two years.  To get on any course, you must have a current CF Expres.
What worked for me, who is, well, way over 40, is this: for running, I got the "Couch to 5K" Podcasts, free in iTunes (I can now run 5K) For the rest....simple....P90X. When I go to BMQ I can assure you, I want to be better than the 20 somethings!!!! If you are computer literate you will have no probs acquiring this stuff.