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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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Can someone offer me advice as to what I'm doing wrong?

About 2 months ago, I started doing running, situps and pushups. Since I haven't done any cardio for 2 years and just lifted weights, it was tough. But nevertheless, I went up from 20 pushups/situps to 28 and still going strong in that department. As for running, I went from 800 m to 3000 m (not paced). This is where I hit a concrete wall. By the time I run 2.7-3km I am deader than a dead carp and absolutely miserable. I run a trail around a golf course which has its share of ups and downs and my goal is to run around it twice (5.5km) before I enlist. I don't know what's holding me back and making me so miserable though. Not enough clothing? Shoes? Genetic defect? Am I a pussy who has to try harder and just keep at it?
Don't worry, I doubt it's any kind of genetic defect.  ;)

It's not that you're doing anything "wrong" per se, but it sounds like you might want to add some variety into your cardio training. Running the same route over and over again isn't going to place any new demands on your cardio system, and therefore it's not going to adapt and therefore improve.

Alternate your days of distance running with Hi Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It might help push you through the plateau you are experiencing. Since you mentioned that you've already trained with weights in the past, I'm assuming that you already know how to eat the right foods and properly fuel your body. 
So I have my NSCE testing coming up in a couple weeks and part of the testing is a physical fitness test. I have been working hard to improve my running and my pushups, which have improved, but I have no clue on how to improve my standing long jump. If anybody knows how to get a farther jump please tell me because I really need to improve. Currently I jump about 165-170cm but I have to get 185cm. If anybody can help, please do.
Really..REALLY stretch your upper legs out before you go( hip flexor/groin ) , then you're looking to do almost a leapfrog move in the air, with your feet out to the side( if you can picture that. You don't really jump further, but your feet don't touch the ground as soon.
I have a question for anyone who has completed BMQ training.  What kind of runs can I expect 5k, 10k? I've been running for a good eight months, a lot of interval training to increase my speed, coupled with at least 20miles per week. I'm just wondering if there will be any free time to go on runs at BMQ  (definitely not worried about MOC not being hard enough. from what I have read on this board). Cause I have have worked pretty hard to get where I am, and don't want to lose it.
Despite your quesetions already being answered many times on the board, I'll answer them for you here.

Expect on average 5km, though it will depend on your staff. You may run every day. You may run every two days. Again, depends on the staff.

Don't expect much free time to do your own runs, because that will be spend on your kit and layout/room. On the weekends you do get off, you can, if you really want.
My question is about chinups and pullups. I can do 9 and 5 respectively, and want to increase those numbers. I work out fairly often (3-4 times a week) but haven't started to work my back/lats as much as i should have ( I was uneducated).
I was just wondering about a few good execrises and number or reps/set to use for each one that would help me improve in those areas. Thanks!
Not trying to be sarcastic, but the best exercise for pullups/chinups is...........Pullups and chinups.
To lose weight I would recommend drinking a pint of water before every meal.  This will fill your stomach and should stop you eating excessively. Make sure you exercise regularly and build it up week by week so that yuou're always pushing your lilits but improving.  Cut out all the crap food, i.e. fried foods and boil everything. Don't eat crisps Pizzas, biscuits etc  Don't eat 4 hours before you go to bed becasue the fat just lies on your stomach.

To improve your pull ups, use the pull down lat machine to strengthen your latiismus Dorsai (lats).  Work at increasing the weight and then have another crack at your pullups.


Steven Preece
What is the difference between a pull up and a chin up? And how are you supposed to figure out what a healthy body weight would be, other than going and asking a doctor.

Jaxson said:
Chin ups and pull ups are different in only one way, wether your hands face Palms in, or if they face Palms out, which is which has slipped from my mind at the present.. just aim for 6 of each that should do you just fine.
Chin ups are palms in pull ups palms out.
This Body for Life wesite has a lot of useful information for calculating Body Mass, Body Fat, etc

Enjoy http://www.bodyforlife.com/exercise/tools.asp

Not trying to be sarcastic, but the best exercise for pullups/chinups is...........Pullups and chinups.
Well I know that, but i can only do so many until i can't do anymore. I want to do sets for the muscles involved, i was just wondering if anyone has done anything that has worked for them.
What you could do is do as many pull ups or chin ups as you can and then start 'cheating'. By that I mean you can do assisted pull/chin ups with a machine or a rubber band, you could 'kip' your chin ups (technique where you use momentum to do extra reps), or you could do jumping chin/pull ups and work the negatives. That way you are still using the muscles you want to work and you are mimicking the full movement as closely as possible.

I have a nagging leg injury from BMQ in January. I'm now in SQ and having trouble with the morning PT run. I had to drop back both times. I have no trouble with the Ruck marches but when I run the injury comes back.... What do I do ?

What happens if I can't complete the 10 K run ?

Any good advice is appreciated.


DGUY, leave now.

As for the guy asking how to improve pull-up's yes just keep doing them but a little differnt.

I can do 10 pull-ups right now (it's my weak point) and am trying to improve.Start by doing the full number you can.Rest 30 seconds.Divide you max in half and keep doing sets of those (for me it would be 5 pullups rest 30sec) until you can't do 5 proper.Then divide in half and keep doing that until you cant do 1 properly.(if its a uneven number round down.)

In about a month you'll be noticing the difference
I was looking for more constructive advice. I don't know what you mean by "Leave Now"

I have contacted my local YMCA where I am a member and have met with a personal trainer. We have already laid out a game plan and workouts to improve my running. I have also booked an appointment to meet with my Doc this week to discuss the injury. I want to work through this and complete SQ fully.

I just need some advice on how to work with the SQ personnel

Why are you going to the "Y"? If you go to the base gym and talk to PSP staff they can set you up with any type of workout routine you need. That is one of the things they get paid for. Along with making sure no one passes the express for pushups. Other than that don't forget most civilians have no idea what the SQ is like so they don't necessarily know what to prepare for. Talk to the military sources before you go to the civies, it could save you some hassles.
Marc :cdn:
I'm in the Reserves , I don't believe we have access to that kind of help. As far as I know we're on are own when it comes to conditioning and injuries.
