Hey guys,
I wasn't exactly sure where to put this... I thought of making a thread on the "Recruits Only" but I figured making a thread somewhere else, where people with over 250 posts can reply to, would help me out better.
Anyways. I'll get to the point. I'd like to show my workout routine, as well as my studying stuff just to get some advice to see if I'm doing something wrong or if I could do something different, maybe better. I have recently changed it up, so some of these are relatively new to me, so I'm not exactly very good at them just yet. Allow me, then!
My daily routine consists of:
After wake up and before sleep. Hand grips.
Morning - Power Yoga. From 430am.
Afternoon - Chopping Wood 30min, then Skipping Rope 30min. From 4-5pm.
Evening - Weights/Bodyweight Exercises. From 9-10pm.
Allow me to explain these in detail!
Hand Grips. 55 Handgrips each side, each hand. After waking up, and before bed. Increasing by 5 every week until 75 or 100. (We'll see when we get there.)
1st – Both hands top
2nd – Both hands bot
3rd – Right Hand top then bot
4th – Left Hand top then bot
I've found a picture of what I use:
Apologies for the massive link, but just in case people were wondering. Also, if you don't know what I mean by "top" and "bot". I just mean I flip it upside down (bot). I have no clue if it has any difference, but why not?
Morning. Power Yoga. Pretty self-explanatory. I usually do it for over an hour. Nothing else I can say, to be honest. It definitely sucks to do it but afterwards, I'm not even slightly sore, I love it.
Afternoon. This is something new that I added to my routine. It definitely helped me out a lot, in terms of grip and whatnot. Skipping Rope, I'm fairly new to it as well. I cannot yet do 30mins in ONE go, but whenever I mess up, I just restart and keep going until the 30 minutes is up.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Weights at the gym. Adding 5lbs per week until I can't no more. My routine below:
Squats - 5x5
Bench Press - 5x5
Overhead Press - 5x5
Barbell Row - 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Now, you may notice I use the 5x5, and it seems some people say, "You shouldn't do all of those in the same day!" or "You shouldn't do that many deadlifts after!". Truthfully, it works for me, and I have been doing these for months. No sign of overtraining or anything bad.
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday - Bodyweight exercises. It is quite simple but I've added some variety there. This is also a newly, improved routine. My routine below:
10 Reg Push Ups, 2nd Inverted, 3rd Diamond, 4th Inverted, 5th Explosive
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees
10 Reg Squats, 2nd Lateral Lunges, 3rd Reg Squat, 4th Lateral Lunges, 5th Reg Squat
10 Crunches, 2nd Circles, 3rd Single Leg Lift, 4th Single Leg Circles, 5th Pulsators
30sec Reg Plank, 2nd Star Plank, 3rd Reg Plank, 4th Star Plank, 5th Reg Plank
That's one set. Complete 5 sets in total. Increasing by 1 rep each/5 sec every week until I see fit to stop.
Now you may notice I do not have any actual RUNNING. That's when advice would go well. I realize we'll be doing lots of running, but I can't help to notice I'm doing quite a hell of a lot of cardio which is not just stationary cardio, but rather moving the entire body, much like running. Also, I do not have any Pull Ups. That would be because I do not have a machine, nor is there a park around here with anything for me to hang on, and I'm just making up excuses. I hate pull ups. I will fix it. I will add them to my program.
Keep in mind, I've been doing these for some time now, and I am in no way exhausted by the end of the day. I mean, yes, I'm sore as should be expected, but I could keep going. I don't believe I am overtraining as there hasn't been any signs. Please let me know if this workout routine is good enough, and what should/could be changed, if necessary. I am also eating healthy every day, not to worry!
Now in terms of
I've applied to the military before, back in 2013, but I failed because I wasn't taking anything serious in my life. Nothing at all. I was told I failed by one point, which really sucks but I'm glad that it happened. Some time after that, I finally started to... "try again". So at the moment, I do the following:
I'm using study sheets that contains advanced english words with their meanings and uses in a sentence. (about 25 pages, I believe).
I'm also using study sheets for Math that I had printed from before, which contains a multiplication table, fractions and etc. Gotta remember the basics. Division is actually very difficult for me as it was extremely different in Brazil, so I'm trying to... learn to do it in my head, because it's actually quite confusing when writing it down.
I've been using websites like Math.com and Khanacademy.org for Math. I'd like to try and get 100% completion on all of the topics in KhanAcademy.org so that I can print that out and show it to them as I have to provide "proof" that I've been actually studying and whatnot in order to -TRY- and get a 2nd chance. (Which, by the way, they REALLY need to update their main website about that and other things)
I've been reading self-help books for some general knowledge of anything and everything (Why not?) as well as GED books to keep it fresh.
I'm hoping to reapply in maybe... I don't know, 2-3 months from doing all of this, without missing anything and whatnot, since I have modified it. By the way, forgot to mention. Infantry NCM is my chosen profession.
Please let me know what you think, any advice/tips would be great.