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Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverhorse86
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Kratos said:
So, Jebus, if my pecs are tight after benching, I shouldn't stretch them so, after a couple weeks, I can walk around with hunched shoulders? That's really goof for your shoulders...

Also, if my hamstrings are really tight and causing my too lose lower back tightness when squatting, I shouldn't stretch them to fix the problem?

Sense. You make none.

lol If you read my first post, "The only reason to stretch is if your muscle are TIGHT and you cant operate with a full range of motion. Everyone should do warm up sets, I do an empty bar x 5, 90x5, 135x5 then my work sets..."
The original post was very informative but I was curious about dairy. I've read many articles on nutrition concerning lactose intolerance and allergies related to dairy and how it negatively effects people more than most realize. I was just wondering if you all consider this to be accurate or just PETA propaganda (lol) or general misinformation.  I've never formally been diagnosed with any dairy allergies /lactose intolerance but I'm pretty sure its the culprit for bloating, gas and the diarrhea's. 
Mattvdh said:
The original post was very informative but I was curious about dairy. I've read many articles on nutrition concerning lactose intolerance and allergies related to dairy and how it negatively effects people more than most realize. I was just wondering if you all consider this to be accurate or just PETA propaganda (lol) or general misinformation.  I've never formally been diagnosed with any dairy allergies /lactose intolerance but I'm pretty sure its the culprit for bloating, gas and the diarrhea's. 

If you can drink it without any problems, drink it. If it messes you up, then you should probably reconsider.

I drink ~1-2 L of homogenized milk per day with no issues.

Kratos said:
If you can drink it without any problems, drink it. If it messes you up, then you should probably reconsider.

I drink ~1-2 L of homogenized milk per day with no issues.
Is that whole milk your talking about? (;

I drink a gallon of whole milk a day, with minor problems. Also there really isnt any good subsitute for Real milk, everything else is quite high in sugar.
Jebus said:
Is that whole milk your talking about? (;

I drink a gallon of whole milk a day, with minor problems. Also there really isnt any good subsitute for Real milk, everything else is quite high in sugar.

Specific types of "soy" drink are just as good. And if you are younger and can take in higher amounts of sugar, chocolate soy taste really good. But other types of soy have less sugars.

Jebus said:
Is that whole milk your talking about? (;

I drink a gallon of whole milk a day, with minor problems. Also there really isnt any good subsitute for Real milk, everything else is quite high in sugar.

Yes, whole = homogenized.
canada94 said:
Specific types of "soy" drink are just as good. And if you are younger and can take in higher amounts of sugar, chocolate soy taste really good. But other types of soy have less sugars.


I believe soy has been linked to raising estrogen levels and decreasing testosterone levels in men, as it contains phytoestrogen.

I would avoid soy like the plague, or at least consuming it on a regular basis. I try to go with the first one.
Kratos said:
I believe soy has been linked to raising estrogen levels and decreasing testosterone levels in men, as it contains phytoestrogen.

I would avoid soy like the plague, or at least consuming it on a regular basis. I try to go with the first one.

It it decreases semen level by 0.007% if thats what you mean. But sure, I love it.


Also just to add, Phytoestrogen is not  human Steriod like estrogen itself.. but BINDS to the same cells Estrogen would, so basically it does the opposite of what you where implying. As well it is proven to prevent prostate cancer and heart disease.

Just my  :2c:
canada94 said:
It it decreases semen level by 0.007% if thats what you mean. But sure, I love it.


Also just to add, Phytoestrogen is not  human Steriod like estrogen itself.. but BINDS to the same cells Estrogen would, so basically it does the opposite of what you where implying. As well it is proven to prevent prostate cancer and heart disease.

Just my  :2c:

The research is out there if you choose to look for it, but I know I won't be eating it.
Kratos said:
The research is out there if you choose to look for it, but I know I won't be eating it.

And you don't have to, just drink milk! I can't stand white milk so I either drink soy, or chocolate milk. And same to you, the information i gave you is out there "if you choose to look for it".

Don't give one side of a story, and not expect to hear the other,

Soy is garbage. Those studies promoting them by the way, are funded by similar corporations that make them.
Jebus said:
Soy is garbage. Those studies promoting them by the way, are funded by similar corporations that make them.

I'm willing to bet that applies with all products ;)

It is up to the individual to research both camps and decide for him/herself. On that note no one in the last few posts has posted links to any definitive research.
Task said:
I'm willing to bet that applies with all products ;)

It is up to the individual to research both camps and decide for him/herself. On that note no one in the last few posts has posted links to any definitive research.

I did some searching on PubMed and other research databases, but like you said, everyone can do that for themselves.

I did find lots of stuff, but I'm not going to copy and paste everything I find, because there is probably equal material out there refuting it.

Debates like this are just a never ending cycle.
Kratos said:
Debates like this are just a never ending cycle.

I agree, very circular. I did read your links on SMR however. I had not heard of it until you posted it. I have a roller now and have tried it a couple times. I am still undecided, mostly because I don't like pain, but I will give it some more time and more dedication in the following weeks.

Task said:
I agree, very circular. I did read your links on SMR however. I had not heard of it until you posted it. I have a roller now and have tried it a couple times. I am still undecided, mostly because I don't like pain, but I will give it some more time and more dedication in the following weeks.

The pain is from the knots lol. I just went through it with my legs recently. I hadn't squatted for a while and slacked on rolling/stretching my legs. I started squatting again a couple weeks ago and started the rolling/stretching again and I could barely roll my IT band and quads. Rolling over the knots was honestly excruciating.

Once you work the knots out, though, it feels much better. Starting off, it's probably going to hurt, but if you're finding it that painful, trying playing around with the amount of pressure you're applying. Start light and work your way up.

It's a very, very useful tool.

Jebus said:
Soy is garbage. Those studies promoting them by the way, are funded by similar corporations that make them.

Good to know, I'm glad I'm surrounded by genius's.
My information; http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/730691 study shows assistance from Soy after reemission of breast cancer
study by the Canadian Medical Association (definitely funded by "soy good"), NOT.

http://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer/About-the-Prostate/Prevention.aspx ; Talks of soy and its deterrence of prostate cancer.

Then again a genius as your self knows the real truth.


Like I said, with debates such as these, there is ample information to be found supporting and disproving both sides.

That being said, just because something is beneficial in one area or for one purpose does not mean it is beneficial or can't detrimental in another.
Kratos said:

Like I said, with debates such as these, there is ample information to be found supporting and disproving both sides.

That being said, just because something is beneficial in one area or for one purpose does not mean it is beneficial or can't detrimental in another.

Very very true, the belief that these studies are funded by soy companies has to be a complete joke. Just as meat is essential and important to our health it can be just as bad for us, so that is true.

canada94 said:
Good to know, I'm glad I'm surrounded by genius's.
Then again a genius as your self knows the real truth.


You're probably walking a fine line here between being sarcastic and just flat out making personal attacks. There's a way you can point out someone is wrong without being a sarcastic #@$@$ about it.