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Ph.D infantry soldiers

camochick said:
Wow, I guess the fighting women are just dumb then eh!!  ::)

Nope.... unless you have some info you want to share :)

Any guy will tell you to never get in the way af an angry woman
camochick said:
Wow, I guess the fighting women are just dumb then eh!!  ::)

Sweden has a battalion of transvestites. So, when a politician addresses the military he talks about "our men, women and men dressed as women in uniform"...let's try and keep the political correctness to a minimum, shall we...PC sucks anyways
Not everyone wants to be CDS, and for whatever reason decides to channel their energy intellectual and other, into aspects of life outside the military. Maybe once upon a time in a place far far away, our soldiers were much less educated than officers in general. Those days are long gone. Having a degree does not automatically elevate someone to
leader status. I worked for/with  some highly intelligent degree possessing dorks who could not find their way out of a men's room, and  also some highly intelligent and competent officers(and soldiers) who never set foot in a university. I do know from personal experience that supervisors without degrees are sometimes highly insecure with subordinates (or potential suordinates) who do, hence I have two resumes, both essentially the same, one of which states I simply served in the military as a supply specialist and graduated from high school Gr 12 ON (which I did-I call this the dumbed down version)) and another that tells the whole story, BA(Commerce) RMC the whole smeel.
One of my best friends who recently retired from the reg force as a Vandoo WO is one of the most all round smart people I ever met. Yes he does not have a degree and I do, but I consider him my equal on some points, and superior to me on most others. 
"Seriously though, I think it's a good thing that NCMs have degrees. They can understand the complexity of the mission better..."

- The mission should not be complex at all - it should be simple.  The situation can be complex, but the mission should not be.

- "Clarify and Maintain the Aim."

lahskule said:
does anyone know one? my recruiter used this example to convince me that ncm was a perfectly acceptable choice for me.

Ph.D = Piled Higher and Deeper.

One thing that you have to remember about higher education is not to eat your own BS and take yourself TOO seriously. I have a degree and a diploma and one thing I always remind myself is that while you must respect the accreditation of higher learning, it's not something that should define a person, his/her qualifications, or suitability for employment. Our actions (and reactions) to life should be what defines us, and how we turn that knowledge into something real that can be defined.

Even if you do come in as an NCM, not all trades are open to officers...however you can always remuster (component transfer) voluntarily later if you find NCM and or your particular trade/moc just doesn't hold your interest. With a degree and/or diploma you have options more attractive compared to those that don't.

So decide what is the most interesting to you now, that you feel would give you the most job satisfaction because that's the key: being and staying happy while you serve our country.

TCBF said:
"Seriously though, I think it's a good thing that NCMs have degrees. They can understand the complexity of the mission better..."

- The mission should not be complex at all - it should be simple.  The situation can be complex, but the mission should not be.

- "Clarify and Maintain the Aim."

Bah, you know what I meant. :P Obviously the mission should be simple (close with and destroy the enemy?) but you know at least as well as I do that the situation is never simple.
Frederik G said:
I think it's a good thing that NCMs have degrees. They can understand the complexity of the mission better

...especially if we're going to have a government (governing, opposition, and unelected Senators) that apparently does not understand the mission upon which they have sent our troops  >:(
Having a degree does NOT make you smart or imply that you are smart.

It simply means you have jumped through enough hoops successfully
as required and (hopefully) learned something in your field.

I have met troops without degrees who would make excellent officers and
met officers with degrees who wouldn't even be a good private.

Myself for instance... I do NOT have a degree/BA.  I do have a Masters. (long story)

But this does not mean I'm any better at leading troops because of a piece of paper.
Incidentally it was my time in rank and my leadership courses at Petawawa which taught
me more about leadership and knowledge.

Books smarts are nice but if you cannot apply it to real life, it's useless.
I'd take a mediocre person who can apply what he knows well over a smart
person who can't apply his knowledge/education.

TCBF said:
"Seriously though, I think it's a good thing that NCMs have degrees. They can understand the complexity of the mission better..."
- The mission should not be complex at all - it should be simple.  The situation can be complex, but the mission should not be.
- "Clarify and Maintain the Aim."

some people will tell ya that Officers will make simple things complicated and
NCOs will force reality checks and cut to the chase - make things so simple - even a junior subbie will understand.

camochick said:
Wow, I guess the fighting women are just dumb then eh!!  ::)

My apologies, I was speaking to the majority, as there is one female infantry soldier in either india or hotel company of 2rcr, being deployed.

Excuse my extreme ignorance.
Mack674 said:
My apologies, I was speaking to the majority, as there is one female infantry soldier in either india or hotel company of 2rcr, being deployed.

Excuse my extreme ignorance.
don't worry about it. MOST of us knew what you meant, and political correctness is total bullshit.
Centurian1985 said:
Youve got to be kidding - I need to hear more about the circumstances.

Now, if you WANT to be a private infantryman, despite being better educated than 99% of the people around you, thats fine and good luck to you. 

But if you've got the education why arent you applying for an officer position? I mean, you dont just have some soft degree, its a PhD! 

Jumping back in pages later...

First off, anyone whose read some of my posts when I first joined knows that I am the LAST person to think that people with higher education automatically have intelligence or common sense.  I have met, worked with, worked for, or had work for me, too many BSc/BA/MD/MA/PhD etc who were missing either or both of these qualities.  

What I meant was: it sounded like he was being told to settle for NCM when he is capable of going for a higher position.  If he wants to go NCM instead beacuse thats what he wants, thats up to him.  As a matter of fact, when i joined I was offered a choice of NCM or officer back in the 1980's and I took the NCM route, so theres no way I can say he's making a mistake by doing the same thing.  
Centurian1985 said:
What I meant was: it sounded like he was being told to settle for NCM 
BWAAAAhahahahahaha! You're not doing any better! I can just see WOs across the country getting a full head of steam up now! ;D

I think youre right...it just gets worse...I think i'll just shut up on this one cause the hole just keeps getting deeper!    :o
"Bah, you know what I meant.  Obviously the mission should be simple (close with and destroy the enemy?) but you know at least as well as I do that the situation is never simple"

- But, I don't need to understand the situation, do I?  Only the Mission, Intent, and COA.  If I understand the situation TOO well, I may reach conclusions that differ from the ones held by the people who gave me the mission, right?

- As it is, we have far too many people in the CF who can give you the square root of a jar of pickles, but who have no idea how to open it.


Centurian1985 said:
I think youre right...it just gets worse...I think i'll just shut up on this one cause the hole just keeps getting deeper!     :o

Talk to your Pl WO, he'll tell you all about it and how to react to it.............
TCBF said:
As it is, we have far too many people in the CF who can give you the square root of a jar of pickles, but who have no idea how to open it.

...Oh great, I'm gonna have to deal with people who know the square root of a jar of pickles, when I get out of this crazy place?
"...Oh great, I'm gonna have to deal with people who know the square root of a jar of pickles, when I get out of this crazy place?"

- Yah, but that's OK, they self-identify: They are the ones at the Mess Hall who can't open the jar...

Centurian1985 said:

I think youre right...it just gets worse...I think i'll just shut up on this one cause the hole just keeps getting deeper!     :o

Well then dig up stupid! :D :D