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Pet Peeves

ChopperHead said:
- People who drive expensive cars (BMW,Lexus etc) and think that they own the road and everyone should just make room for them.

- People who cut off or dont give enough room to truckers

- seeing a 300lb woman drinking a diet coke.

- People who feel the need to qoute every heath study ever done when they see a smoker.

- suburbun white kids who live in $ 200 000 + houses and think they have it tough and are gangstas.

- Small import cars with huge wings on the back and a big mufler from canadian tire that sounds like a big vacumme cleaner.

- People who put stickers off performance parts supliers on their cars but dont actually have any of their parts on their car.

- people who go to starbucks

and I got alot more. but i'll stop for now lol

I'd have to say Chopperhead has my pet peeves down pat!

* I really hate the import cars with the crappy tire modifications though, no matter how hard they try, it won't and doesn't sound like a real muscle-car, just sounds like some poor excuse for a go-cart. Pathetic....

* That and when I'm in a buffet restaurant and there is a fat person stealing all the crab legs... And I mean all of them... The whole tray which would normally serve like 30 people, and then complaining to the cooks that there isn't enough... Yeah...

*** --->People who ask stupid questions about the army, examples: "Do you get PAID to do that???", "We HAVE an army???", "Are they going to send you to Iraq!?!?!", "When are you going to Iraq!"... "OHMIGOD your in the army? Your going to DIE in Iraq!!!!"... Nuff said....

* People who ask stupid questions about Canada or make stupid comments like: "Do you live in an ingloo?", "Have you seen any polar bears or penguins?", "How cold is it in the summer there?"... Etc...

* Oh yeah, annoying, ignorant Americans, the one's that like to harass and insult you for being Canadian. Makes me REALLY want to knock them out...

Civilians who, upon hearing that you are (or were) in the military ask;

"you must know my sisters husbands brothers son...........He was in the military I think went overseas or out west or something"  (then they give you his name)....." his name is Dave,..... do you know him?"

Or words to that effect (it is especially touching when they try to narrow things down for you " I think he worked with radios and drove a truck"
I really hate the import cars with the crappy tire modifications though, no matter how hard they try, it won't and doesn't sound like a real muscle-car, just sounds like some poor excuse for a go-cart. Pathetic....

Heh, you guys don't want to go there. Some of us own crappy little modified imports that corner at over a g and a half and run 11s. :D


Pet Peeves:

1) People who pass on the right. Bonus points for simultaneous yapping on the cellphone.

2) An American dollar that has been steadily dropping and taking my take-home pay along with it

3) The general lack of integrity, loyalty, honour, and discipline civvie-side

4) Automotive dinosaurs who think that racing technology peaked in 1970 with the Holley 4150 double-pumper carb :D

RecceDG said:
1) People who pass on the right. Bonus points for simultaneous yapping on the cellphone.

We wouldn't pass on the right if you got the hell over.  ;D

Speaking of funny names:  Bob Loblaw...now, that's hilarious.

Speaking of Lanes....how about people who speak outside of their Lanes?  Not as bad as Posers, but still enough to pee you off.
1: WalMart - I have no issue with the chain, its politics or anything that you usually hear complaints about, I just hate going there - guess I am not so good in crowds of rude people.

2: Posers

3: People who post out of their arcs

4: People who drive in the passing lane for 25389 km (Alberta drivers, I am looking at YOU)

5: Driving in Montreal

6: Tourists
Freshly impregnated teanage girls who call the CFRS Cornwallis Duty NCO wanting to talk to the recruit who seeded her:

" Hi, I'm like, looking for, like, this guy I met ,like, last month? And he said he was joining the Army?
And going to Cornwallis? And, like, I really miss him? And, like, could you hurry up and put him on the phone?  Becuase I'm at this guys house party in Vancouver? And, like, if he finds out I'm phoning Nova Scotia he will freak? And like, the guy's name is Mike somebody and he joined the Army? And, like, what do you mean it's 3 a.m. in Nova Scotia? Are, like, you guys in a different time zone than BC?"

MCpl (TCBF) then layed the phone down - but did not hang up - and lay back down in the Duty Office bed, and went back to sleep...

Unknown C/S,
That is so true. It happens to me all the time. I should have write it down but never thought about it.  ;D

that's hilarious! you just made my day hehehehe
My hugest pet peeve ever...people who show up late with coffee!!!!!! I practically have strokes watching these idiots show up, disrupting class and slurping coffee...It also drives me crazy when it takes people 20min to say something when 2 words would have covered it nicely.
Ok, here are a couple of my own:

1) People who bring their cell phone with them to PT (and I don't mean the ones who have a duty phone, the ones who call three or 4 people while doing their workout in the weight room or have 3 or 4 people call them) Kinda distracting.

2) Supply techs/civvy sup techs who think the material that they are looking after is their own personal stuff and no one can have it.
( I am a Sup Tech too,aware of entitlement ,bla bla bla, so just bear with me, here). I have news for you, it is not YOURS, it belongs to the Crown. I don't know where they get that attitude from, because that is not taught to you at CFSAL. No wonder we get a bad name.

3) People who are speeding on Hwy 2, are speeding/eating/talking on the cellphone/changing a cd all at the same time,not paying attention to the task at hand, which is driving.

4) IRPP. Especially the ones who are more interested in saving money by screwing you around than in helping ensure you have a smooth and  minimally stressful move.

I have more but have to go back to work.....Toodles!

It also drives me crazy when it takes people 20min to say something when 2 words would have covered it nicely.

Oh man that is my biggest pet peeve. Every time someone does that in class I feel like walking up to them punching them in the ear and saying "If you would shut the hell up and get to the point then maybe we could, I don't know, GO HOME SOMETIME."

Wait I got more:

- people who sit right next to me on the bus when there is clearly 47 other seats free.
- people who stand and block the aisle on the bus refusing to move causing 32 people to cram into the front of the bus while the back remains completely void of people.
- people who talk to dogs like they are babies.
- people who talk to babies like they are babies.
- people who make ignorant remarks when they see me in uniform.
- professors who cancel class without telling us.
- soldiers who don't polish their boots.
- officers/RSM's who talk for ever about crap I don't need to know while I am trying to work.
- people who open the door of the pod and leave it open and then tell me I should have the heat on because it is cold in there.
- people who cut in line.
- people who don't give up their seat on the bus for the elderly.
- people who block the skytrain door so their slow ass friend can get on.
- drivers who don't stop at cross walks.
- skytrain cops who hassle me every damn time because they are to stupid to know that college students can travel across three zones on a one zone pass.
- people who call the cops every time I go shoot my air rifle with my little brother.
- people who park their cars in front of my house and then yell at me when they get towed.
- people with no sense of humor.
- people with a sense of humor that don't know when to be serious.
- people who don't know when to stop.

I'll stop now.
medicineman said:
That is annoying - seen it drag units down.

1.  People that chew gum in uniform.
2.  People who don`t understand that there isn`t a magic pill for every ill and that tincture of time heals most things.
3.  People that chew gum in uniform.

I think I`ll stop before the safety catch gets to "A".


Ah yes, I know you have first hand information, mine is second hand knowledge.
RecceDG said:
Heh, you guys don't want to go there. Some of us own crappy little modified imports that corner at over a g and a half and run 11s. :D


Pet Peeves:

1) People who pass on the right. Bonus points for simultaneous yapping on the cellphone.

2) An American dollar that has been steadily dropping and taking my take-home pay along with it

3) The general lack of integrity, loyalty, honour, and discipline civvie-side

4) Automotive dinosaurs who think that racing technology peaked in 1970 with the Holley 4150 double-pumper carb :D


id put 426 Hemi cuda up against a Honda civic anyday. Hell Id put just about any 60's, 70's muscle up agaisnt those anyday. but the 426 is probably the pinacle.

either way at least with a Cuda, Duster, Charger etc you can do it in style and hairstanding rumble, the Pea shooter civics on the other hand make people cringe everytime they go by cause they have to cover their ears from the horrible noise and plus eveyone has one not that everyone has one that is actually fast and can actually perfom but everyone who slaps a spoiler on the back of a Civic thinks they do, you can tell by the Holly Carbs and Edelbrock stickers they got on it lol.
2023 - I heard this morning.  It was really weird when I read that, because it was almost like you were reading my mind.

Unknown C/S - OK, I'll add MID's to the list.  For those that missed it, an "MID"is a "uffin In Distress"  The chit they get (or at least should get) is an "RTM" -"Return To Mommy".

Now that you've got me going again,I can't stand drivers that are too old to drive and refuse to realize that there are MINIMUM speeds one must attain on a public highway;

5.  Stupid people in general.

6.  People that get mad when every drug in the world isn't covered by the CF Drug plan (the only one in the world that covers OTC's).

7.  People that chew gum in uniform (if we were meant to go around looking like cows, we'd be called Homo Bovinus not Sapien).


-skinny people who stand next to people bigger than they are and talk about how they are fat.

-people who drive an automatic vehicle with 2 feet

-people who block my driveway

-Condescending people and back stabbers
The painfully left wing attitude of the university campus.
"so, like, are you like, in the army or something?" or "could you like, shoot that guy for me?" (at recruiting events that one is particularly common)
near constant cell phone usage
Emo kids...I don't know why, the whole " I'm sad no one gets me, i like wearing my little sisters makeup and jeans" just irritates me.
the troops that always look like 10lbs of manure in a 5lb sack
MSN shorthand or internetese

plus dozens of others already said.
The biggest pet peeve I have is (and I'm sure 100% of those who use computers agree):

My computer crashing when I'm doing something important (project for school, 18-hour Flight Simulator flight across the Pacific, chatting with friends on MSN and listening to music, etc.) It ticks me off especially when I fall asleep, I have my Flight Sim running, and I hear this loud buzzing. Three seconds later, my computer went 'bye-bye' on me, and I nearly went psycho.

Another thing that ticks me off are High School 'relationships'. These rarely last more than 2-3 weeks, and it ticks me off when a girl comes online, crying, because 'my boyfriend broke up with me for some stupid blonde (expletive removed in fear of Moderators).' God, that gets annoying.

Just my $.02

Now I gotta get back to my flying (virtual, of course).

#1 (with a bullet) - People who are too lazy to walk a few meters, and park in the handicapped spot(s), while in uniform, and worse yet, in DND vehicle. Any permutation of the above make me want to vomit with rage.

2. People who mispronounce simple words like "across" as "acrost".

3. People who have to drop into a thread to pronounce that (pick any of these): it's boring, stupid, "we've already talked about this before".....

4. As it is topical, PER season. When will the madness end?!?!?!

5. 500 man hrs of staff-work on a 3 line memo.

6. People who can't be bothered to read and/or abide by the indoor track running ettiquette: the inside track is for those that are running fast, and the outside lane is for walking (and not 3 or 4 abreast).

7. People who feel that they have to push the boundaries of dress regulations (piercings, sideburns, hair colour, hair length, hairstyle) and justify it because "Hey, it's what's fashionable nowadays!"

I'll have more later, but I'm all wound up now......
