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Pet Peeves


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Lets here from everyone about Pet Peeves.

1. Pop being a beverage choice in Mess Halls;
2. Treadmill Timewasters;
3. Infantry being my secondary role yet never recieving any individual trg but expected to learn collectively within our own corps;
4. Training failures who think the Army owes them something;
5. Lesbians in the Military who think it is okay to hug and kiss in public during Military Functions; and
6. Offr's hanging out with NCO's and NCM's, NCO's hanging out with NCM's, Offr's dating Privates.

I have about 5000 more but I don't feel like listing. I am sure that people will list some ones that I agree with also.

6. Offr's hanging out with NCO's and NCM's, NCO's hanging out with NCM's, Offr's dating Privates.

I don't see any problem with that as long as they don't work in the same units. But again its also depends where you work or which base/Wing or trade you are in.
Some of my buddies are Offr's and I'm a privat.

TB said:
6. Offr's hanging out with NCO's and NCM's, NCO's hanging out with NCM's, Offr's dating Privates.

I don't see any problem with that as long as they don't work in the same units. But again its also depends where you work or which base/Wing or trade you are in.
Some of my buddies are Offr's and I'm a privat.

Ah hah, so your part of the problem!!! LOL Just kidding........good to see your view point, you have no Pet Peeves though?
my favorite of all time was when i worked in the mess in borden we'd have people complain and go stright to the IC of the shift because there wasnt any cake left....
That was quick!
Yes I do actually. Even if I'm airforce...
1- Wedge doesn't look good with the CADPAT
2- Tim horton's drive-thru is for quick and fast services....not for a full meal including a bunch of different orders.
I do have more but will let you know later on.  ;D
1. Berets formed so that they drop down and cover the ear

2. Bloused cbt pants around the ankle

3. the little monkey hats at RMC

- People who drive slow in the fast lane, and vice-versa
- People who can't say my last name right after I've told them +3 times
- Hippies
- People who yap on their cellphones at the show, on the bus, etc
- Guys with shag cuts
- People who use WAY too much cologne, aftershave, perfume, etc
- Guys who dye their hair

Man, I never realized until now how bitter I am.  ;D
2023 said:
6. Offr's hanging out with NCO's and NCM's, NCO's hanging out with NCM's, Offr's dating Privates.

That is annoying - seen it drag units down.

1.  People that chew gum in uniform.
2.  People who don`t understand that there isn`t a magic pill for every ill and that tincture of time heals most things.
3.  People that chew gum in uniform.

I think I`ll stop before the safety catch gets to "A".

I agree with many of the above posts.  ;D  I'll add a couple of my own to the list.

- people who always find ways out of doing the hard jobs - be it chits that appear...or they just disappear.
- dress regs - they are there for a reason!  'nuff said on that one

I have more....but dinner is almost ready.  ;D
  good god....tell me you're kidding 2023...pop is a beverage of choice??  Better not be like that in the Navy ;)
Would it be possible to add "muffins in distress" to your list? You know the ones.........they sit in line at the MIR (sick parade) with that "I'm going to die where's my mummy face"  :crybaby: due to the fact they have a cold. Sorry but I figured that might fit your list rather than start its own
-Not being able to wear the fleece as outer wear in garrison. Come on, it's got epaulets! You can wear them on op and ex!
I brought this up with the Army CWO last year and was told (very diplomatically) to cram it with walnuts. Oh well, I tried.
My fault.  I had just told the Army CWO that my pajamas had epaulets.  Good luck with the walnuts.

I had just told the Army CWO that my pajamas had epaulets.
Wow, those are hardcore pajamas. It probably didn't help that I'm technically CFMG and was just horning in on random Army MCpl Pro D day Q&A session. :P
- People who drive expensive cars (BMW,Lexus etc) and think that they own the road and everyone should just make room for them.

- People who cut off or dont give enough room to truckers

- seeing a 300lb woman drinking a diet coke.

- People who feel the need to qoute every heath study ever done when they see a smoker.

- suburbun white kids who live in $ 200 000 + houses and think they have it tough and are gangstas.

- Small import cars with huge wings on the back and a big mufler from canadian tire that sounds like a big vacumme cleaner.

- People who put stickers off performance parts supliers on their cars but dont actually have any of their parts on their car.

- people who go to starbucks

and I got alot more. but i'll stop for now lol

Unknown C/S said:
Would it be possible to add "muffins in distress" to your list? You know the ones.........they sit in line at the MIR (sick parade) with that "I'm going to die where's my mummy face"  :crybaby: due to the fact they have a cold. Sorry but I figured that might fit your list rather than start its own

you mean "muffins" in general right ;)  ;D

- People who complain how hard done by they are.

- People who don't bother reading the whole thread, before asking a question that was answered before, sometimes in the post just before theirs.

-People who ask the same question over and over, hoping that somehow the answer will change if they ask it long enough.
  I have alot, but here are my biggest ones--

--- waiting in line at the 1-8 items checkout at the grocery store and they have the slowest, most imcompetent person working the cash.

--- waiting in line in general.

---when at a crosswalk, everyone is stopped and the light if flashing, and someone always drives right through and almost kills the crosser.

--- bad customer service

--- close talkers

--- just because guys are drinking, they feel the need to Pi$$ all over the bathroom stalls in bars or clubs. Heaven forbid anyone might need to have a sit-down! lol
