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Pet Peeve. No respect for national anthems.

X Royal

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I'm I the only one who is disgusted with the lack of respect shown for the playing of national anthems in particular during pro sports events.
Although I find some spectators bad enough, to see pro hockey players bouncing around like a bunch of bobble-heads even worse.

Pro Patria: Rick
X Royal said:
I'm I the only one who is disgusted with the lack of respect shown for the playing of national anthems in particular during pro sports events.
Although I find some spectators bad enough, to see pro hockey players bouncing around like a bunch of bobble-heads even worse.

Pro Patria: Rick

Spectators talking and not taking off their hat irritates me, but for the athletes that's a common ritual to help focus. The anthem itself pumps them up and zones them, so I'm not sure you should take that as disrespect because it's really the opposite. Now if you see them not remove their helmet or turn back on to the flag, then you might have something.

Not everybody is required or can be expected to stand at attention while a national anthem plays.
You think this is bad? At the high school I attended, people would text during the anthem and ceremonies on Remembrance Day.  >:(
HavokFour said:
You think this is bad? At the high school I attended, people would text during the anthem and ceremonies on Remembrance Day.  >:(
Wouldn't have happened at my high school, at least anywhere close to me.
But then again texting was even thought of back then.
X Royal said:
Wouldn't have happened at my high school, at least anywhere close to me.
But then again texting was even thought of back then.

Lemme tell you, it took every ounce of will-power I possessed to keep me from charging around the gym on a cell phone destroying rampage.
Over the Christmas Holidays, I went to a movie with my wife out at Bayers Lake (in Halifax). The usual Recruiting vid came on and about 2 seats up, a young fellow stood up at attention. Though not the National anthem, I, and shortly after, my wife, joined him. The 3 of us waited for the National Anthem to no avail. We nodded to one another, sat down and enjoyed the movie.
Are you here?
My pet peeve, aside from those who don't respect our own National anthem, are the people who don't respect the anthem of other countries.

I was at a medals ceremony at the Olympics last year and several people did not stand for the National anthem of countries other than Canada, unless they were from those countries.  Thankfully even more people did stand and many of those made sure the people sitting knew how rude their actions were.
Was at a hockey game in uniform awhile back and had to remind others there in uniform that they were in fact supposed to salute the US national anthem as well as our own...amazed at how many people sleep through their saluting test in Basic these days.

This reminds me of a Pro Boxing Card I was at a few years ago in Vancouver.  I was there with my dad and prior to the main event the anthems were played.  There was a lot of goofs as usual at this type of event; drunk hooligans, HA, wanna-be biker guys, silicone etc.  Anyways during the Canadian anthem, there was a guy just in front of where I was sitting (fully patched HA) talking away with vulgarity with his hat on.  I definitely noticed him but ignored it.  A young drunk teenager a couple seats next to me didn't let it go.  He yelled at the guy to take his F'n hat off, dude said NO in no uncertain terms.  Teenager proceeds to tell the man that he's a Canadian combat veteran that just got back from Afghanistan.  Now they're about to fight during the anthem, much better than the original simple irritation right?  I manage to break it up even though I didn't want to.  As the fights (Boxing) and night went on, I talk with the young whippersnapper and his group of friends, they're a combination of reservists and PPCLI guys about to go over to Afghanistan for their tour.  All good dudes but maybe too Gung-ho/drunk to be out in public sporting some sweet high-and-tights and dog tags outside of their t-shirts.

The drunk 19 year-old let a simple irritation get the best of him.  He could of easily lost his tour that night or gotten a broken nose.

I agree it's irritating but you gotta take it in stride.  People who don't have respect for the anthem aren't worth the time/grief anyway. 

I'll alleviate the cries that all of our youth are off to Hell in a handbasket.  This past year at the Remembrance Day ceremony in Fredericton Junction, NB (held at the local K-8 school), not only did everyone stand for the national anthem, but during the moment of silence, it was just that: silent.  I swear, if someone had dropped a pin, you would have heard it.  I mean, not only were the locals silent, but all the kids were as well.  Not a single peep.  It was heart warming.  In fact, after the ceremony, I heard many of the soldiers commenting on how silent it was.
The one that gets me the most riled up is when Canadians actually boo the American national anthem at sporting (or other) events. These disgusting episodes seem to crop up from time to time.
Aren't we supposed to be famous for being the most -if not the only- polite people in the world ?
I remember a few years ago a playoff series between Mtl and Boston where Mtl was the higher seed (hey I said it was a long time ago...). The Mtl fans booed the American anthem, and when Mtl went to Boston to play, the Boston fans responded with loud cheering for the Canadian anthem. Very classy, I hope the Habs fans felt ridiculous.
Bass ackwards said:
The one that gets me the most riled up is when Canadians actually boo the American national anthem at sporting (or other) events. These disgusting episodes seem to crop up from time to time.
Aren't we supposed to be famous for being the most -if not the only- polite people in the world ?

We are... but remember thanks to certain nameless political parties its just so damn Chic to be Anti-American.....
I learnt the National Anthem ( oh Canada) in English and French.

My pet peeve is when I see parents walking through the school halls when the anthem is playing.

I remember detentions being handed out for not standing at attention.
Schools whether it be Elementary or High School are, in my opinion, the worst.

These days, at least in my generation (I am 16), I see people starting to sit down at least 10-30 seconds before the anthem actually ends and comes to a halt. In the end sometimes it is just myself, a couple of  class mates and the teacher still standing until the end.
High School WAS terrible when it came to our National Anthem. They basically told us that we could choose to stand and/or sing when it came on over the PA system in the morning, and only 3 of us did our of a class of 30.

Back in Elementary School they made DAMN sure you got off your butt and sang like a canary or you wouldn't get to go out for recess all day.
In Elementary - 9 We all stood for the Anthem, and if you were walking somewhere, you stopped.

My High School, 10-12, didn't play the Anthem except at special events.
I don't mind the players figeting as the National Anthem(s) approach their end. Having reffed for 20 years, even I did a bit of a foot shuffle near the end. But what gets me are the players, usually the goalies who start to skate around well before the last chords. Some OHL players need to  be tuned in by their management.