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PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

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This should be covered in your unit's annual PER instruction. I think I only did bullets the first year we went to 9 lines, but it's been cause and effect short sentences since.
PuckChaser said:
This should be covered in your unit's annual PER instruction. I think I only did bullets the first year we went to 9 lines, but it's been cause and effect short sentences since.

I did include it my instructions at the annual PER meeting/presentation... except certain people weren't there and they are now questioning my decisions...
Lumber said:
I did include it my instructions at the annual PER meeting/presentation... except certain people weren't there and they are now questioning my decisions...


The only clarifications I've seen have been CANFORGENs, each issued around Jan/Feb for the last 3 years making slight changes. I'm not at work or I'd be able to pull some up. I'm sure the one from last year or 2014 said point form was out, sentences were cause and effect without AF and PF identified.
PuckChaser said:

The only clarifications I've seen have been CANFORGENs, each issued around Jan/Feb for the last 3 years making slight changes. I'm not at work or I'd be able to pull some up. I'm sure the one from last year or 2014 said point form was out, sentences were cause and effect without AF and PF identified.

Yes, I've read them all. The confusions lies in the fact that the instructions always use the term "bulleted lists", but only half the written examples actually use "bullets" (dashes, really), and from what I've seen, most units aren't using bullets.
So were you responsible for drafting the Unit PER Instruction? Under whose signature did the instruction go out?  What did the CO say he/she wanted to see, re: CFPAS direction?  Who is telling you to do it differently?  ???

Something that applies in many, many, many cases in the CAF: "Sort out the C2 and the rest will follow..." :nod:

Sounds like that's what needs to happen.


And whether or not the points are bulleted has a huge impact at the boards so you better get it right.
Good2Golf said:
So were you responsible for drafting the Unit PER Instruction? Under whose signature did the instruction go out?  What did the CO say he/she wanted to see, re: CFPAS direction?  Who is telling you to do it differently?  ???

Something that applies in many, many, many cases in the CAF: "Sort out the C2 and the rest will follow..." :nod:

Sounds like that's what needs to happen.



Have you ever worked at a reserve unit? Because of the lack of availability of my CO, I (and the TrgO) make a lot of decisions on his behalf (and the XO's for that matter) in order to keep the unit running.
Lumber said:
Have you ever worked at a reserve unit? Because of the lack of availability of my CO, I (and the TrgO) make a lot of decisions on his behalf (and the XO's for that matter) in order to keep the unit running.

Hopefully, the CO (or XO) empowers you to act on his/her behalf when necessary.

Res units I know have a very close relationship between the Reg F officer and the CO, with regular emails & phone calls so they stay on the same wavelength.
dapaterson said:
Hopefully, the CO (or XO) empowers you to act on his/her behalf when necessary.

Res units I know have a very close relationship between the Reg F officer and the CO, with regular emails & phone calls so they stay on the same wavelength.

The CO and do, and we frequently talk via text or phone call (not always during working out...sigh...), but I guess I was just saying that he did not give me any specific direction wrt his expectations toward PERs, and that I was not surprised by it.
Lumber said:
Have you ever worked at a reserve unit? Because of the lack of availability of my CO, I (and the TrgO) make a lot of decisions on his behalf (and the XO's for that matter) in order to keep the unit running.

No, just commanded a RegF unit.  However, you have missed the point and taken things personally.

My point in asking you the questions I did was not as personal critique, but rather to note that the CO either needs to: a) explicitly give direction regarding how the unit will conduct itself for the 15/16 assessment period; or b) approve a recommendation that his/her senior staff propose and present for his/her approval. 

Personnel assessment, whether Regular or Reserve force (and I would add, annual PSPAs for DND civilian employees as applicable) is important enough an issue that the chain of command should be actively engaged.  If it isn't the case of a) above, then it has to be b).  "c)" - staff directing what should be a command policy, while worthy of an initiative dot on the PER, is not how things should be done.  Perhaps the CO said, "I don't give a crap, you write something up and send it out..."  That would be a crappy (and clearly unacceptable) attitude, but...a few of us here has probably seen similar, or even worse.  OTOH, perhaps the CO was task saturated and didn't appreciate that the annual unit direction hadn't gone out yet?  Yes, the CO should be tracking all that, but it is also up to staff officers to support their respective levels of command and provide solutions where appropriate, and that is where "b)" above would come into play. 

I guess I was just saying that he did not give me any specific direction wrt his expectations toward PERs, and that I was not surprised by it.

It sounds like perhaps the CO could be running a tighter ship, administratively, but are you saying that you didn't ask him about the PER unit direction and just wrote up a unit-level directive on your own, and now you're asking about how to clarify issues arising from not clarifying things with the CO in the first place?

I guess I would go back to the last line of my previous post, where I noted the value in sorting out the C2 (i.e. command-related) issues first.  Perhaps for next year's PER season, you might want to ask the CO if he has any overarching direction prior to your providing him with a draft that you will thereafter ask him to sign, for you to be able to administer and implement the direction.


Good2Golf said:
No, just commanded a RegF unit.  However, you have missed the point and taken things personally.

I appologize for my tone; I didn't take it personally.

I agree, I would have preferred much more direction. Now, having spent the last year trying to keep my head above water, I'll know what to look/ask for next year.

Good2Golf said:
No, just commanded a RegF unit.  However, you have missed the point and taken things personally.

My point in asking you the questions I did was not as personal critique, but rather to note that the CO either needs to: a) explicitly give direction regarding how the unit will conduct itself for the 15/16 assessment period; or b) approve a recommendation that his/her senior staff propose and present for his/her approval. 

Personnel assessment, whether Regular or Reserve force (and I would add, annual PSPAs for DND civilian employees as applicable) is important enough an issue that the chain of command should be actively engaged.  If it isn't the case of a) above, then it has to be b).  "c)" - staff directing what should be a command policy, while worthy of an initiative dot on the PER, is not how things should be done.  Perhaps the CO said, "I don't give a crap, you write something up and send it out..."  That would be a crappy (and clearly unacceptable) attitude, but...a few of us here has probably seen similar, or even worse.  OTOH, perhaps the CO was task saturated and didn't appreciate that the annual unit direction hadn't gone out yet?  Yes, the CO should be tracking all that, but it is also up to staff officers to support their respective levels of command and provide solutions where appropriate, and that is where "b)" above would come into play. 

It sounds like perhaps the CO could be running a tighter ship, administratively, but are you saying that you didn't ask him about the PER unit direction and just wrote up a unit-level directive on your own, and now you're asking about how to clarify issues arising from not clarifying things with the CO in the first place?

I guess I would go back to the last line of my previous post, where I noted the value in sorting out the C2 (i.e. command-related) issues first.  Perhaps for next year's PER season, you might want to ask the CO if he has any overarching direction prior to your providing him with a draft that you will thereafter ask him to sign, for you to be able to administer and implement the direction.



I certainly agree with the level of importance PERs have - but the lack of availability of a CO does have profound effects on how things typically run in a Reserve Unit.  What Lumber describes is not an unusual occurrence - While I doubt a CO would take the cavalier attitude of "Write it up and send it out, I don't care", he certainly has a limited window in which to handle all Unit business and/or provide direction to his staff.  His staff therefore, out of necessity, often have to fill in the blanks and obtain approval for a final product with minimal input.

Is it ideal? Absolutely not - but having talked to a number of my peers, it is common.

Sorting out C2 would entail having everyone available to "sort it out" - a luxury most Reserve Units do not have.
Lumber said:
I appologize for my tone; I didn't take it personally.

I agree, I would have preferred much more direction. Now, having spent the last year trying to keep my head above water, I'll know what to look/ask for next year.

And I genuinely wish you the best during your time at the unit, administrative frustrations aside!  :nod:

could someone send email me or pm me a password for the cfpas dl plz i forgot i dont have it already installed on this comp at home. 

Thanks in advance
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