RecceDG said:It's der killing joke.
Anybody know what happened to RSM Hughes? Quinn 'n' Murph? Matt Wright?
RSM Hughes left the Regiment on not good terms IIRC, and unfortunately lost one of his sons to a car accident in PEI a few years back (Not Sean, he is posted to Halifax though I have not seen him). Last I heard, he was still driving a jeep and living very close to LCol Hopping outside Kensignton. Him and his wife split, and I heard he still talks about "goin to the Middle East" again someday.
G.Q. is in Calgary, married (not sure about kids), and Murph is currently posted to the NCR as a MP (Military Police, not the other MP). Matt Wright is now an RCMP officer, and I think he is actually on here (search for "17th" and you will see his profile I think). Last I heard he was in Surrey BC or there abouts...